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sunnyday 03

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Posts posted by sunnyday 03

  1. i completely understand. my ex has made me so angry/upset at the same time i get frantic.. i dont know what to do, ive never resorted to hurting myself.. but breaking things lol i dont know how to deal with my pain emotionally, becuase i get sooo workd up and angry so i have to find some way to do it physically. it sucks.

  2. hahah thats always the magical question.. to text or not to text?! haha i can totally relate. i say you do it.. if he seems short with his replys or annoyed then stop.. but its not that big of a deal and you only live once. soo go for it

  3. so ive hit some rough points in life. which is really weird for me cuz im one of those happy go lucky ppl who has no enimies... but recently things have been horrible with my ex and according to him i have earned myself a reputation that i never wanted, or had. Wheather it is true or not, i really cant handle it anymore. Im a Junior in highschool in GA. (one of the hardest yhears school wise)... my grandparents live in AL. my parents have joked about letting me go live with them and go to school there.. but i never actually thought about it seriously until now. Ive put so much thought into it and i cant think of anything better than moving away for like 4 months with a fresh start and everything while things cool down at home....(i just want a way out.. and im not the suicidal type lol) the thing is my parents think im joking when i ask them about it. I would only go second semester and then come back home. The trip there is only about an hour n a half so its not like i would be moving half way accross the country or anything & i would come home to visit all the time... And the whole leaving my friends behind part is a no brainer. i only have 2 (close) friends. haha im not an outcast or anything like that... its just i only have 2 true friends and im fine with that. Someone pleaseeee give me any advice on how to make my parents take me seriously and let me do this. I have never moved in my entire life.. i think this would be a great experience... one like no other ive ever had. Someone please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. i was giving my guy head for the first time the other night and i coulnt make him cum.. he stopped me in the middle of it to masturbate trying to get it hard but it still didnt work... what did i do wrong

  5. question to eriko...


    you say your philosophy is if you cum she did it rihgt..


    well the other night i was giving my guy head and he never did.. i had a feeling i had no idea what i was doing...he stopped in the middle of it to masturbate i guess trying to help me help HIM lol i felt like an idiot.. after that i still couldnt get him to... what did i do wrong?

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