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Posts posted by RufusDawes

  1. You need to approach girls and do it in a reckless manner. Don't worry about success fail as many times as you can in a short space of time and just keep trying to fail until you've failed so much that you reach your failure limit. Then success has to come as there is nothing left to do. You hit the nail right on the top of its apparatus when you said that you don't know any of them. Which is great because that way when you screw up it won't matter because its only a random stranger who thinks you're a jerk.


    So my only advice to you is not to go out and give it a try but to go out and fail - which you will do.

  2. Correct me if I am wrong but I think a hook up kind of guy as you put it is a man who is interested in having a short term affair with a woman. Now, maybe I have not indulged far enough into the realm of complete insanity, but - isn't calling this type of behavior selfish a selfish claim in itself?


    This - what the man wants: short term sex


    This - what the woman wants (god himself doesn't know): ??


    The way I see it is that you can't dismiss a man or a woman for not wanting a long term relationship. Just wanting to have a little bit of fun with a member of the opposite sex is nothing to be ashamed of it is completely normal.


    Supposing two people get together at a point in time enjoying each others company. That's right - enjoying each others company at that point in time two people are happy enjoying each other. I'm guessing from a woman's perspective (guessing because I am not a woman) that you wouldn't "hook up" with a guy unless you liked him. You spent sometime with him, you liked him, and he didn't want to go further.


    Surely that is a prerogative of anyone that they may choose the extent to which they wish to continue a relationship. I think this is a choice we're all able to make and do so often - for example after the first date a woman decides not to go on a second.

    I think you sound generally concerned and in answer to your question, guys hook up because it is fun. If they do they're not evil nor do they bleed acid. It is a natural thing which women also will do. I once knew a girl who slept with a co – worker (barman) on a night out, thought the whole thing was a joke didn't take it very serious thereafter. The poor guy actually wanted more with her, but - he got over it.


    As for not being able to meet a decent man at a bar, well some of us are not blessed with such an extensive social network that we can meet a compatible woman just by existing. We have to go searching for her. If that chase leads us to a "sleazy bar" – well then so be it. Often men go out with pure intentions to meet a woman – to do what she wants, hoping she wants to have a relationship. Often they're rejected on the premise that they're obviously just looking for a quick hook up.


    I really don't think it is fair to judge someone for wanting something a little different from you. You've just got to do what is best for you which more often than not is what YOU WANT to do. If you like the guy, and you want go out with him – go out with him.

  3. Men like sex. If a woman is confident and comfortable with her sexuality then yes this is very attractive.


    A "promisuous" girl might simply enjoy the company of men, which is good, men also enjoy the company of women.


    I don't think the term "slutty" is a fair assertion, I think it is wrong to call a girl a * * * *. If she wants to have sex with a man at a particular point, then it is her chosing and her right. There should not be any shame attached to chosing your partners. You enjoy the right to chose, not just to chose who with, but also how many.


    She is probably relaxed around men, is approachable, approaches men in her own turn and doesn't take the whole thing to seriously. That is, she knows she wants to be with men - so she does it. I'd have thought it is fairly obvious that if you make yourself available, so to speak, then of course you'll attract some attention.


    I'm not sure if what you were getting at is if men chose less conservative women to be their girlfriends or not. But, I don't think that what you described comes into it at all (unless she is anti social). There are a great many more charecteristics that we will look at before deciding that shes " keeper "


    What those charecteristics are - thats the million dollar question

  4. They used to call me the missing link. Between ape and man, that is. Guys always laugh at it but every girl i have ever been with has seemed to love my bulk. Its not fat its just bone and muscle.


    But... a lot of women tended to look at me like I just fell out of a tree. In all probability thats likely what they thought happened.


    In my experience I'd say it depends on the woman.. but i think its more what you say and how your face looks when you say it. I reckon they go on a 50/50 rating system, half physical and half person. But that physical component is a major hurdle.. fail that and no amount of person. is going to help you.

  5. Why does the man being wealthy and ambitious have anything to do with anything ? Shouldn't you just be concerned about attracting men who you have a good connection with and are decent people.


    At least I thought thats how people go about things. Perhaps I am wrng but a buttn n my keybard just stpped wrking, can yu guess what it is ??



    Originally Posted by Question Mark

    I wasn't referrring to a wife or serious girlfriend when I said I went for looks, I was referring to hookups, flings, one-night stands, and the like. I'm too young to be considering getting married at this moment.








    ALSO, another thing is... to be honest I actually wrote the conclusion about what 'happened' when I was really upset about the date with the doctor & I said that nothing happened with the prof...because of his elitism, etc. That wasn't true. He didn't reply at first, but we ended up going out Thursday night of this week after chatting on the phone and he fell hard for me. I am not really physically attracted to him though, so I don't think it will work... we're going on a 2nd date tomorrow though because I find him relatively interesting, but I expect I'll sorta... tell him I see him more as a friend.


    O MAN I FIXED MY KEYBOARD... omg, sorta... tell him I see him more as a friend.

  6. Hello again.

    I'd like a few questions probably they are best answered by a female.


    I don't know how many of you are qualified to answer this one but here it is anyway:


    I know women who go out of there way to make friends with men, I have heard two of them say proudly " most of my friends are guys, they're better friends than girls". I did make friends with both of these girls, at the time i met them they had boyfriends so I didn't mind.


    My question is - why do girls do this ? More to the point why does a very attractive single girl seek friendship with single men ! Only to become offended when one of them will make an advance. I'd hate to seem Jaded here but that might be simply what I am. I cannot for the life of me understand why on earth a single women would see that constant familiarity with a single male would not be the basis for attraction. I cannot understand why they think that the arrangment is a viable friendship. It doesn't make any sense. How they believe that they will be "just friends" and that is all that the young men should aspire to.


    This is becoming a serious issue. It is hard not to be rude and keep someone at a distance. I know that there is no way in hell I am going to stand around single while a gorgeous single girl hops around my flat ! Its impossible to refuse what I can only call advances - albeit advances not leading to where i want to go without being outright rude. Which I do not want to be.


    My second question is: supposing I want to approach a girl. At what point do you draw the line between - I'm chatting up this girl, talking to her so I can ask her out and - what women will term using a friendship, being a sleaze to get more out of her in what some call a sneaky way (I don't agree with this, I think friendship is solid grounds for a relationship; mars vs venus ?).


    My Third Question, (and I thank you if you are still reading) when and how is it acceptable to ask a girl out ? If I don't want to first pick her up at a pub, how can I honestly go about things ?


    Finally, how important is money / professional career to women in terms of being attracted to a man when he is in his early - mid 20's.


    I realise that there is no definitive measure for any of these points, that all people are differet. No guide or single piece of information can tell you how to do well with women. Especially as it cannot know your personal situation.

    I thank you in advance for any feedback you may offer.

  7. Don't worry about how god made you. You are what you are and nothing can change that. Whether or not you are pretty well some of us are and some of us aren't. But please, please exercise and be healthy.


    It is the most blatant truth that neither men nor women are, in general, attracted to an unhealthy person. No one is saying being larger than other women is un attractive or un healthy.


    However, there is nothing more un attractive than someone who does not to take care of themself.


    Of course your personality and other factors besides looks come into consideration but i consider that health is definently a requisite for attraction.

  8. to be brutally honest its just tough chuckles. Girls do this type of thngs to guys all the time. The man probably sees that just because he has a girlfriend is no reason not to be friendly with other females.. the fact a person might be taken is not a justification for rudeness. Chatting to someone doesn't mean you like them, however, what people fail to see is that often it is the best indication. So you had a crack... and it didn't work out. Forget him and move on be friends only if you don't EVER want to anything more than.

  9. I'm 22 years old, I've been working in at a petrol station and retail hardware since i was 14. I've spent 4 years at uni, started of a science major and then changed to an economics major. I don't know how the american education system works but for me to have done that i virtually had to waste one year under the australian system. My life story aside... I feel extremely guilty spending four years at uni and achieving very very little. Working 20-30 hours a week tops. The guilt is killing me. Where I am asking for a general perspective is to follow. What i learned in my economics major.. is that I hate economics. It doesn't interest me at all, not in the slightest. I was considering finishing the science degree that I started majoring in geology and evironmental science. It would take only 1.5 more years. I am perfectly happy working the jobs I am in. I love the exposure to customers and the people I am working with. When i tell people that I wouldn't mind doing this as a career, try and work my way up. They look down on me. When they ask me what I am going to try and do with my degree and I tell them I may return to studying,(my marks are good) they look at me like I am an idiot.


    The question I have for you complete strangers is, should I bite the bullet and try to build a career in the world of commerce. Or do I still have room for other aspirations.

  10. Ring him and say, hi, its " insert girly name here" ... what you been upto ... nice nice good. Then tell him you've got nothing to do tonight.. and you're wondering what you're going to do. Then he'll probably say.. how about that beer. Thats what i'd say. I'm a man. Men say those kind of things.

  11. You should mess around with her as much as is humanly possible. That is all omg this is an awesome story. Please go for it - as much as is IN humanly possible. Just do it !


    But - be responsible for your actions. If you cannot do the time don't do the crime. Heh her hubbies prolly into you too. Little bit o meat on the sandwhich never hurt anyone either. If you're into that kind of thing.

  12. Who cares if she is taken.. mate. Make your move, do what you will. Cop the consequence latter. This is your life. You only live once. If you really have feelings for this girl that you would want to come between an established relationship, then screw him. Do what you need to do, all is fair, in love and war. I say all this with full expectations that you are willing to accept the consequences of your actions whatever they may be. I'm not going to discuss the broader concept of morality but you simply need to decide what is more important to you, is she really worth it. Was she worth it ? - worth dieing for.

  13. When people are nice to me I am nice to them back. I have tried to make a habbit of treating people exactly how they treat me it is part of the morals I was raised to believe in. When you tell me that I must ignore a woman and not be nice to her as I would like to be to any person who was first nice to me, you an in effect asking me to trick women into liking me by being something I am not. Not being nice, showing masculinity, withholding attention thus making the woman more eger, sounds particularily nice in theory. How exactly does one act masculine, surely this is something that comes with the genes. All men are masculine as all women are feminine its part of our biology. Of course, the opposites to attract - if you want the negative terminal (female) you've got to be the positive (male). Elementary, I never have sucked up to women,far from it, I also never suck up to men. But the point i'm trying to make is that if someone asks me a favour I am most likely going to do it, if someone is nice to me I am most likely going to be nice back. If this repulses a woman - I'm completely boned. My coment on respect, no, If this is what female attraction for a male involves I do not have respect for it. As it would appear many women do not respect the strong physical pull I feel towards a female.


    Thank you for you input, as what I have gathered from this forum is that I might not be particularily manly, thereforeeee not particularly attractive. Thats just the way it goes. Some of us are and some of us aren't. However, what I am not going to do is change the way I want to act thats just the way I roll.


    I reckon alcohol gives you confidence, thereforeeee more attractive. Also women can't see you as well.

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