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Posts posted by RufusDawes

  1. Being nice is not the answer. In this type of situation you need to be cruel to be kind, properly make her dislike you. Tell her exactly why it is you are not attracted to her, even if you need to be rude it will be better for whoever it is in the long run. They will be angry at you, find reason to possibly hate you, kill whatever feelings have been built up and be able to move on.


    It must really suck for both parties that said feelings developed in a work place. I'd hate to have a geniune unavoidable heart clunching crush on a co-worker.

  2. Not quite, but we're smarter than you.


    The number one thing that will keep you friendzoned is the girl just not being into you. It's a killer.


    After that - taking too long to make a move and letting her think you're not interested and being overly subtle so that she thinks you're not interested. Speaking too much about other girls, having girlfriends or just being a good girlfriend to her.


    All of these sins have led me to friendzone men I was initially interested in, only to find out later that they were interested in me.


    SEXIST REMARKS !!!!!!!!

  3. Hello friends,


    Is anyone a geologist here ? or does anyone know one, or know of a good place to get information. I'd like to become a professional geologist but I don't really know much about the industry, or how hard it is to get into. I realise its a long shot asking, but what the hell, figuring I'll do a Bachelor of science with a geoscience/geophysics major.


    Thanks in advance

  4. It is a sad fact that attractive people will often feign interest in a person they know is attracted to them. It helps them network, who knows, keeping this person around and on side might be of benefit someday. Also I guess some people just like the attention.

  5. It is definently still true. Most girls I know expect men to make the first move, they expect men to call, and to pay for everything. One girl told me I should get a nice car, because it lets me play the dominant male.

  6. if a girl asks you to do something

    say do i get a kiss




    after you've done it say

    wheres my kiss




    smile and say it like ur joking but also be suggestive


    i did it once


    and the girl just paused uncomfortably as if to say - lol @ your face me no like u


    so i know then nice and easy she no like me



    I fixed this girls internet once

    and said


    wheres my kiss ?

    she laughed and said maybe latter if ur good

    but it never happened

    she lied

    women are liars


    i don't know just tossing some ideas up there

  7. a woman once told me she wants a man who will dominate and control her.

    then she told me i'm a typical greek - doesn't see a woman as anything its all about guys. She then said she'd never had a greek boy treat her bad.


    This woman was more sane than any I have ever met. She said some crazzzzyy stuff but atleast she told me what she wanted rather than leaving me to guess. This use of logic apparently forgotten by all other women in the world leads me to believe that in all probability what she said about attraction might have a tonne of merit.

  8. Just wondering If anyone else has had or is having the same feeling. It seems like everything moves so slowly, as if I am in exactly the same position I was in five years ago. Trying to get myself going into a decent/real job, I know you're supposed to respect all labor but I feel like I am still doing the type of job you should be doing when you're 19 years old. Theres nothing really wrong with that but it feels like such a shame to have put in so much effort to university only to find the course you did is fairly useless, and doesn't lead to anything I want to pursue.


    I started a science/teaching course straight out of highschool, dropped out after first year, worked for a year then started and finished an economics degree. Now, a year after graduating I find myself enrolling in the same course I started 5 years ago. I'm going to end up spending 7 years at university in total, three more to go. I'll be 25 turning 26 when I finish.


    I'm scrounging for hours at my current job and applying for the same type of, lets face it - crappy jobs I've done for the last 5 years.


    It doesn't make me unhappy, I don't mind the work at all. Money is not a huge issue I make enough to get by and thats enough for me at the moment.


    But I am starting to feel a bit ashamed that I've gotten nowhere with my time. I don't meant to, or want to complain about it but I would like to know if anyone else has been through something similar or had the same type of thoughts.

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