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  1. Thank you sooo much everyone. i'll go to the chemist as soon as i get some money and see what i can find. Thanks again i've got high hopes here! the best of everything xoxox p.s sorry about the use of 'net-chat' i guess im just used to msn lol x
  2. ok here goes; basically i used to harm for like 3 or 4 years n i spoke 2 people n got it all sorted n that n like lately im sorta jus like, realli annoyed at myself. like all the scars i have - my arms are totally covered up to my shoulders n my legs are scarred too. there are a few on my stomach n hands as well. anway m jus wunderin how to deal with these, like willl i accept them and how? can i cover them up? will they fade? does anyone know anything i can do cuz they're realli getting me down n ive bin ok for a while n dnt wana go back. they ddnt bother me so much until recently wen i had my prom - i had so much fun but felt very akward when my english teacher (one of those teahcers u can get along with) asked me about the scars on my arm whilst i was eating. i was very self concsious and blamed it on my years of clumsiness. i think he bort it. its now the summer and i shuldnt hav 2 still wear jumpers! i dnt no wat to do n its gettin to the point where im thinkin - "ive gotta hide anyway - at least harming gave me sumthin" i dnt wana do it but its becoming tempting... can anyone help plz? i realli dnt no wot to do - im using bottles of concealer but....its jus not enough. write me back xoxox
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