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Posts posted by computer_tec09

  1. I have been dating this divorced woman 10 years older than me since the beginning of November after a terrible break-up. From the start I did made a clear I wanted nothing serious, just a casual relationship since I'm still recovering from the break-up and haven't yet got over my ex. Though I might commit sometime, depending how well it goes.


    However I do fancy her very much and she's way more mature than my ex was. Overall everything been fine and I have been honest except this one lie about intimacy (you know sex). I made up the whole intimacy part (truth is at first I refrained from it out of religion but later on I got bored with that and I was about to lost it to my ex, but unfortunately things didn't went well and just when I was about to dump her I get dumped, so I never had a chance ).


    I wonder if later on, I get to commit with her will she by any chance find out that truth (which will probably be total turn-off and I'll be dropped so easily). Or should I just keep with that lie so as to not make me feel like a loser for not ever getting laid.

  2. Uh so much for preparing to get dressed up today and actually meeting her, I just got an im from her on messenger an hour ago saying it was over, that she couldn't stand my abuse anymore. So much for wanting to be the dumper, instead I'm the dumpee.

    Sparkle yes making out only involves kissing (mostly french kissing) and hugging, includes giving hickies. You know what I mean, nothing sexual.

  3. You're right I try everything and there's no way I can get pass that act. What I did wasn't that serious like what she did, I only made out with 5 gals, it never went anything further than that as I'm still virgin. I can't stand that image of my gal performing sexual acts. This is the way we guys are, we get freak over the sex part, this is our nature. While you girls can overpass this, we can't.

    I try to forgive her as you stated. At first I have been bottling up my anger was being more affactionated at first until I couldn't hold it no more and started calling her the "b" and "s" words overly too much.


    Nevermind I go straight towards my orginal plan. Only I'm not gonna do it the coward's way of just writting or calling, 'm going through the whole thing of dressing up and meeting her while still remaining in complosure and explain to her in the calmest way that I tried and it didn't work.

  4. And no it is NOT the worst thing a girl can do to a guy.


    Not the worst thing, so giving heads drunkenly to a randowm guy she doesn't know is nothing to complain about. Her sucking another dude's sperm?? Ewwww, any guy would have broken up over that long time away, I was nice, in fact too nice for still being with her.


    I also started getting mad over some people comparing making-out with 5 people to actually giving heads. Those are two different levels, thought both of them are cheating, the first one is forgivable while the other is degrating.


    I'm considering giving it until Dec. and by then if still nothing works then I'm dumping her for sure. I'll try being sweet again as the way I was the first two months.

  5. Then why are you with her? To torture her and make her suffer for her past mistake? That seems childish and cruel.


    Unfortunately I'm still in love with her. I thought about letting her go but for some reason, I won't. I must admit I have made my own mistake, only it wasn't that serious as the one she did, it did not involve anything sexual.


    I guess we guys tend to focus on pride and our ego and when it's shatter, we turn back into little boys. I must also admit I do feel bad afterwards but then it goes away and it's like I'm back on it.


    If there's any way I can get past this, I'll make it work. Wish there was a way I can overcome that horrible image.


    Another reason I guess I'm still with her is because she herself told me about the inicidence, if not then it would have been over long ago.

  6. You are being abusive, are you cool with that????


    I don't know. In a way she deserves for giving heads to a random dude, this is the worst act a gal can do to a guy. Her actually going down and performing it on him.

    I must admit the first two months after the incidence I have been sweet to her, even more than before and then it start kicking in me and that was about it, I exploded it, blew up and say all the words I wanted to tell her.

  7. No I have never hit a gal in my life itsallgrand and never will. The reason I have started being like and saying all those nasty words since late Sep. is because of her drunkenly giving heads to a loser way back in June. In my opinion this is the worst act a gal can ever do to a guy and esp. to one that's still a virgin. Ask any guy and I bet all guys would break up if their gal perform any sexual acts. This is how we are in general, we don't stand that part, oral is the worst of worst, it's degrading.

  8. Then again it's not easy, I'm still in love (how unfortunate). No nevermind I won't, I'll still give it some more time. As I'm aware for the last two months after the incident I'm hurting her verbally and emotionally, yet in a way feel like she kinda deserves, in a way it's like my own revenge. Words are just words it's not like when you strike out at someone.

  9. Right on. My message will probably start something like this: "As you have already know, nothing is working and you have hurt me a whole deal by that single action of yours, you just did what would hurt a guy the most, the one thing any guy would have broken up with you a long time ago, thus I'm now breaking up with you (IT'S OVER).

  10. It's already been 4 months later now and nothing's working. I imagine kissing a monster when I'm kissing/making out with her and I have become much of a jealous freak who would be capable of getting in a fight with any guy hitting on my g/f, plus recently I now have started calling her names as well and giving her the cold shoulder at times. As for now I'm going single for a long while.

    Can I just dump her by e-mailing her instead of actually watsing my time getting dressed up and meeting her in person?

  11. Yea you're right about that Scotcha, it won't help at all. Then again, I'm sure no guy would forgive that, geez I must be nice and madly in love. So ok, I'll give it like half a year and if I still can touch her sober then I'll break up. Yes I did lie to the lie detector. Told her my minor cheating, was mad I lie on the device, but somewhat more calmer than me.


    I'm sure she would have been feelingt he same if I were to cheat the way she did. But it's worst when a girl does it, most guys would have already left her for that act, I didn't.

  12. Now I'm not a naturally emotional person but when she told me that day, I was crying like a baby that I had to leave for a while, then when I was wirting in here, I broke down again for a while. Yes justwonderingkid I told her already how I'm gross out, yet I forgive her, that I will work it out, thought her image is shattered to pieces. I guess I'm just so upset right now yet trying to be nice to her and not call her names, she's my first g/f.

  13. Also, getting a girl drunk to sleep with her is a form of rape. How old is your gf. That could get you in a lot of trouble.


    Ultimately, your gf is responsible for her own actions, as are you.


    I'm 19 and she's 24, it's been 3 years since we meet, I was a high school sophomore back then. I'm not gonna force her to get drunk, not that, but if she wants to then ok. Yesterday we both drank, it was her choice to drink just as it was mine and made out.


    Then again yea, I gotta find some way to try getting over it. Other than alcohol what would be another way??

  14. Ok dude. Your g/f gave ANOTHER dude a blowjob and you wanna beat HIS face in?? Why?? SHE gave him head. DUHHHHHHHH


    Yes like I stated I wish I was going to her country and beat him up enough to leave in the hospital. Yes I admit I did also cheat by french kissing/making out with 5 girls many times while she was away, but that's minor in comparing to what she did. If it had only been that I would have gotten over. That day she called me and say she really had bad news to tell me, her voice on the phone was trembling like almost ready to cry.


    Then when I got to her house, that's when she cry out and start telling me she got very drunk that day and end up giving him a blow job. But no one knows that dude, not even her. She say there was no one I would ever find out but still says she woudl rather tell than live with a secret. I seriously wish she would have never told me about.

  15. As an update it's been almost a week since g/f told me about drunkenly giving heads to another dude. I wish I was going to her country to find out who the dude was and beat the living heck out of him that his face would be disfigure. Yesterday somewhere in the evening me and her got drunk and kinda wasted, that was the only way I was able to make out with her. Then when I got sober again I wanted to vomit. I must say I'm also guilty for making out with 5 girls on several occasions as well, but what she did totally gross me, I feel like calling her a .


    So this is my plan, I dunno if this is the way to get over what she did. Sometime next week, I wanna tell my older brother to buy the strongest drink, yea he knows about it. Me and her gonna get very wasted and I'm gonna finally screw her (thus losing my virginity).


    if this doesn't work, dunno what else will!!!!!!!!!!!1

  16. The fact that she had sex with someone else bothers you.


    Yes, nothing worst than blowing another dude. For some reason oral is a lot worst than penetration,the fact it was done delibarate in her free will, very degrating way. I'm still dusgusted by her, I dunno if I can ever kiss her.

    Anyways as for the update, we spoke once again yesterday very late at night. She start off saying that there was no way I would have ever found out given that I dunno the other dude nor does she, no one knows him and that it just happen that day (one day before she came), goes on saying she could not keep the secret anymore. Right when she proceed on saying how she completely lost control with the alcohol and that I was gonna break up for sure, and she didn't mean to,that's when I couldn't keep it anymore I told her my story as well. So now she knows all of it from me as I know from her. To my surprise says she forgives me right after I say the same thing, only I'm having more hard time with it than she is.


    Then again, I can imagine if I would have been there on her country and catch her in the act when she's giving him a blow job, I would beat up the other dude. And well it would have been over for sure. Or if I had heard it elsewhere, I think I would have end it right away as well. I guess the only reason why I still wanna stay with her, she told me yesterday in tears, did seem regretful, but I can't picture myself kissing her now nor making out with her, yet I still love her.


    She seems to get over mine cheatings quicker than me, I can't.

  17. I dunno what now, I think it would have been better if she had not told me about it, but she had it, I dunno why finacee told me. Now I dunno what to think of her anymore, yet I can't seem to dump her. I always told myself if a girl ever cheated, it was over for sure, but now I dunno. Just today, 3 hours ago she told me that one day before she came on May 31, she gave heads to other dude while drunk. But she say was totally drunk that day, that it was only oral when she went down on him but no undressings. And now come to think of all the kisses we have, only to know she had suck another dude's sperm, oh man, I dunno what now.


    Ok, so I'm quilty of the same thing, did french kiss and make out with 5 different girls on several occasions, but that's nothing compare to what she did. I told her I dunno if I can stay, I couldn't hold it anymore, i broke down like a baby, told her I would think and left, still crying. I about to tell her my story as well. Oh , I'm about to break down again, ok wut now, I'ms till in love and my first relation by the way.

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