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Posts posted by soph4487

  1. Hiya,


    I just read your post and thought Im would reply as it sounds bit like me, sept the other way round.

    Me and my bf nick have been together for a year and a half, but last year he went to uni, we have already survived a year, but after a long summer together i dont want him to go back.

    I am the same, i trust him its just the missing him and not having him around.

    In your situation i would look at it this way, at least you had the year at uni with him, and at least his not millions of miles away, altho it might be every two weeks, whoch is what mine is, at least its something! I suggest goign out with mates, its worst for me cos i mainly see my friends on a weeknd, were as nick is with company al the time, u can keep yourself occupied and then look forward to seein him.

    Hope this helped, iv been worryin all day so thought i would wright. xx

  2. That is really tuff, thing is in past when iv broke up with people iv never really reminded great friends and I think if you enter a new relationship you shudnt really have the ties of an x. He isnt consdering your feelings keep textin and msning all the time really is he, and Im sure that if it was other way round he would want you doing the same. I dont think I personally would be comfy with my bf of a year now keep textin x of like 6 months! unless theres a reason for you, He is with you now and needs to let what they had go. Its a tuff thinf really as you obviosuly really like him, but you need to ask yourself is he worth it?

  3. i get ya! i got mad was ment to see my bf n he mucked up tikets n i cudnt but he never did it on purpose so say u no ur bit disspointed cos u wanted spend time with him but just make most what ya got else ya regret it when he goes home agen!

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