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Posts posted by dragonzeyez

  1. Can I relate. Being in love is the most amazing experience this world has to offer, and I miss it dearly myself too. But sometimes life isn't so kind, as we know.


    As everyone else said, your standards are hardly too high - I wouldn't date a smoker either - and you're entitled to go after the type of person who makes you happy. You owe it to yourself to do no less. That said, standing firm for what you want is sometimes a lonely path. But I know exactly where you're coming from. Trust me though, 2 months isn't so bad. I could do 2 months standing on my head!


    Yeah, it is the most amazing feeling. My x was my first love. She was not my first girlfriend, but she was my first love. Before her, being alone was easy for me because I had never felt love before. Now that I have experienced it, I can not stand to be without it. I do not miss her, but I miss love. I guess this feeling is probably gonna take a bit to get over.

  2. thnx for all the advice guys. it feels good just to be heard. i have lots of friends and other stuff i do in my life, but its still just so hard to ignore that empty void. you guys made me feel a lot better though, thnx.

  3. Yeah, Jessica (my x) was beautiful and intelligent (not very very smart, more like intelligent in a way that appealed to me). She is the only girl I have ever met that has attracted me with both these qualities. i am a very physically fit guy and want someone who cares about there own health, and smoking I just can't stand at all. But god waiting for someone who matches the qualities I want is tearing me up inside now. I am off every friday-sunday from work and I feel so lonely on these days that I just can't stand it.

  4. Hi. I have been single for 3 months now. For the first 2 months I was ok, but now I am feeling terribly lonely and depressed. I do not miss my x, I have been over her for the last 2 months, but I miss having someone, I miss being in love, and I miss being loved. I feel I need to meet someone to get out of this depression, and over the last month I have been dating a lot. But every girl I meet does not even come remotely close to meeting my standards. I do not have high standards, but it just seems noone ever meets them. I get the feeling that there simply is no girl out there that I will be both mentally and physically attracted to, I just can't help but feel this way. I would give anything to meet a girl that does not smoke and is in relatively decent health (meaning not too over weight, but not necessarily perfect). Tell me, are these standards too much? Am I too picky for wanting someone that does not smoke? God I am so lonely. I just need to be heard.

  5. This is kind of relating to miracle29's post. It seems that a lot of girls do not like having sex for long amounts of time. I know it is probably because it is painful, but are there any out there that enjoy the occasional hour or more of actual intercourse? I used to be a so called "miinute man" with my x, but I worked hard, practiced masturbation techniques to teach my wiener to last longer, and am now capable of going long amounts of time (not always, but usually), and my x absolutely loved it. I now find that just 20 minutes of actual intercourse simply does not satisfy me. So come on ladies, are there any of you that actually like an hour (on average) of intercourse? Oh, and please do not lecture me on how the intimate connection is more important, I agree it is, I still want my answer

  6. CarnelianButterfly, I gotta say, I find a lot of your logic to be flawed. You say that overdoing it at a gym is a waist of time because it does nothing for the greater good of the worl. By that same logic, would you say that spending 2 hours watching a movie is a waist of time? I mean, renting a movie and watching it in no way helps the economy around you, so do you not watch movies? Spending hours upon hours in a gym is not a waist of time if the person doing it enjoys it. I myself am 5"10, 190ibs, and I am looking to put on another 15ibs of muscle over the next year, that is my goal. I enjoy doing this, it gives me self confidence and makes me feel good, thereforeee it is not a waist of time. As for whether someone is attracted to my physique.. well, I do not work out to impress anyone, I do it because I enjoy it.

  7. Ok, this is turning out to be something that is really bothering me. When me and my gf (well, x gf now, but that is another story and is unrelated) have sex, everything building up to my first orgasm is amazing, I feel energized, I feel adrenaline, I feel like I have the stamina of 10 men plus 2. Me and my girlfriend (I am just gonna speak as if me and her are still together because it is easier to type out my question this way) both feel this. Both of our hearts are pounding hard, both of us are lusting and moaning for each other like wild animals. We usually keep this going for about 45 minutes until I have my first orgasm. Then it all just stops. I mean, I do keep my erection up with some concentration, but the aggressiveness I had just goes away, my heart just stops beating hard, and my wild animal lusting just.... stops. I mean, I keep going and make sure she gets off of course, I am not selfish, but I wanna be able to have my first orgasm, and still have that aggression in me. I find myself out of it, and tempted to roll over and go to sleep after getting off, I do not loose my erection, I just find myself not as sexually driven after it. I wanna change this, I wanna go for 2-3 hours and have a lot more then 1 orgasm. To this day I can sometimes make it an hour and a half, but I have never had more then one orgasm during sex. You can imagine, I need some advice here.

  8. wow, good responses. i feel my girl may be an oddity then cuz she likes my facial hair to be full and bushy, i mean the whole package, hairy neck, chin, no trimming at all. i have never met a girl that likes it like that. i shaved one time when we first started dating, she told me to NEVER shave it again lol. personally i do not like it, i just keep it for her. she says it gives me a macho kinda look that she likes. weird huh? as long as she likes it.

  9. Just looking for some opinions here. my ex gf hated any facial hair on me, it grossed her out. my current gf LOVES it, i mean she LOVES it a lot, i got the full deal, side burns, mushtasche, the whole nine yards and she loves it, just looking for opinions, what do you think of facial hair? turn off or turn on?

  10. ok, without reading all the responses, first, how many pictures of him have you seen? the thing about pictures is that they can be very misleading. i once met a girl online who i thought looked very pretty in her pictures and was not attracted to her at all in person. maybe the opposite will be true here, maybe in person you may be attracted to him, maybe those were just bad pictures? i really think you need to meet him, and SOON so that you know whether this will be an issue for you or not. and personally i do think physical attraction is very important in a relationship, just my opinion.

  11. This is kind of a funny post, but I am looking for stories similar to this one that are funny. OK, my gf will call me in the middle of the night a lot, we have a very close relationship so she can call me any time day or night. I would ask her why she calls and she would just say "no reason, just wanted to talk." and I am like yeah right Jessica, I know you better then that, lol. anyways, I love her to death so I do not care what time it is when she calls if she wants to talk. so this went on for like 2 months, until I finally dug it out of her. she came out and told me honostly why she calls me out of nowhere in the middle of the night, she says its because I sound sexy when I am tired, that my voice is long and deep like elvis when I am tired, and she thinks it sounds sexy as hell. naturally i start laughing and then i am like "dam you Jessica, you been making me loose sleep every night just for that!!" lol. Anyways, anyone else have some funny quirks or annoying things your bf or gf does? Please share them.

  12. i agree with what the above people said about snooping and sexual fantasies. but have you also considered that maybe she downloaded and watched those videos just because of there shock value? i have found things on the internet that i find to be completely disgusting, yet i ended up looking at it just because of the shock value of it.

  13. Ok, here is the deal. Me and my gf have been having sex on a more regular basis now. When we do it, it is great, but the problem is, I have not yet learned how to go for more then one round. I mean, after I have my first orgasm, that is it for me, show is over, "minime" is down for the count. So, I am looking for advice, how can I make it easier to be able to go for another round or 2? I have learned to make myself last a long time before getting off that first time (30-45minutes usually), and getting my gf off is not an issue, it is just that I want to be able to get it back up again and keep going, I want the penetration part of sex to go longer for us. We typically have sex once about every 2 weeks because of our schedule, and because she needs time to get used to us making love because she was a virgin before me and wants to take it slow. Anyways, any advice would help, thnx.

  14. Lucia, I am sorry if any of this sounds rude, I really do, but over the past months (maybe 4-5? not sure) I have seen you post about this guy more then a few times. Maybe consider seeing a relationship counselor would help? I am sorry, but from what I have read in the past and have read on this post, this guy does not seem like he is trying at all to take your needs or feelings into consideration. I mean, if I did not want to have sex with my gf I would atleast let her know the reason, and I would not make her feel like * * * * in the process, I hope you didn't take what I said as being rude, but you said in this post that you kept how you felt away from him because you knew it would make him upset, well maybe you NEED to make him upset, he sure seems to do it to you a lot. It sounds like you and him really need to talk more. Cheers, and if it makes you feel any better, you are a very attractive woman.

  15. Well heres the thing, i'm a virgin and i want to keep it that way to be honest i know i'm not ready for anything really sexual yet...


    Then do not have sex! Trust me, this is something you should wait until you are ready for.



    But at the same time i know that i don't have the courage to say no.


    Learn to say no! Or otherwise you will wake up the next morning feeling like a * * * * *, and trust me, as a guy, I can say that a lot of us actually LOVE when a girl says no because then we know our boundaries and that we have to respect her. My girlfriend one time before we had sex our first time, told me after a long makeout session that I could do whatever I want with her, I asked her if this is what she wanted, and she replied "no, but I know its what you want", and I got very mad at her for saying that, trust me, if he is a good guy he will love you for telling him you are not ready!


    I don't want to be seen as the girl who won't put out.




    I do really like him and i really would do anything but i'm just petrified of it all... I guess its more just venting but anyone with advice please help me!


    Exactly!! You LIKE him, not LOVE him and you are petrified, you really should wait until you feel ready and love him, that is my advice

  16. You're looking for a lube that will heighten her arousal...but you're not willing to go to a sex shop? (By sex shop I mean ones that sell toys, lube, etc, just to clarify...)


    I'm not sure what exactly you'd be looking for...


    lol, no, i said SHE is unwilling to go to one, im perfectly willing to.

  17. LOL I SHOULD ELABORATE A BIT MORE. WE ALREADY USE SOMETHING THAT WORKS WELL AT NOT DISSOLVING THE CONDOM, I AM WONDERING IF THERE IS SOMETHING OUT THERE THAT WORKS JUST AS WELL THAT WILL ALSO HEIGHTEN HER AROUSAL that you can recommend. and as far as a sex shop, she would never do anything like that. she was a virgin before she was with me, and she very much enjoys sex with me, infact now that we are actively having it, she often initiates it when she is in the mood, but she is still getting used to it and is too shy just yet for a sex shop. lol sorry for the caps just realized it was on.

  18. there you have it, that is my question. if you masturbate often (3-4 times a day) over a period of time, will it make getting an erection when you actually go to have sex more difficult. When i broke up with my last x 3 years ago, the sex life was great, and i had lots of sexual energy. but i am not into sex with random girls, i am a fall in love first and then have sex later type of guy, meaning having sex with just any random girl is just a turn off to me, so the entire time i was single i just masturbated. but now, the problem is that i have a girlfriend whom i love dearly, and our relationship has moved to the next step, and we have tried twice to have sex and both times i failed to achieve an erection, and i am thinking this may have something to do with it. if this is the case, how can i remedy this? i know this has something to do with strengthening some muscles down there, can anyone give me some advice?

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