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Everything posted by beachguy

  1. I've been hanging out with a girl that i work with pretty closely for several months (i already know the work thing is a strike). We always show up everywhere together, usually going out drinking, and one of us will drive. She had got out of a 2 year relationship in january that had just fizzled out with a guy, they realized they weren't compatible. It was a mutual thing, it wasn't fun but it wasn't very nasty or anything like that. We go out to dinner probably 2 or 3 times a week often times with work people, we talk on the phone usually once a day taking turns calling. There is always lots of eye contact and smiling when we see each other in the office. Whenever we go out to eat she usually taps her feet lightly against my leg, to the point where it has to be intentional. Several weeks ago she went on a job interview out of state, was telling me her family didn't want her to drive 8 or 9 hours by herself and i agreed that it probably wasn't the safest idea. I woke up that day and really could use a couple days off work, so before she left i called and asked if she would like the company. Said it would be great etc... So we went made the hike, stopped to eat with her sister and b/f along the way. Made it to the city, i asked her if she wanted me to sleep on the couch in the hotel room and she said no way sleep in the bed. Nothing at all happened. On the way home she had said the person who interviewed her was asking who i was and if i was her b/f. I probably screwed up by just smiling and then just asking more about the job. I was nervous if i said too much that it would be a long awkward drive back. So cliffs notes are. I spend a ton of time with this girl, she knows i like her. Calls everyday etc... We work together which is a complication and there is a chance she is moving. Does it sound like she is interested in all or have i been "friendzoned"?
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