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Everything posted by PrincessNiki

  1. Hmmm... well to start off. Hi. I'm very new to eNotAlone, this is my first post. I'm in a serious relationship with a east indian guy and he's great. I really have deep feelings for him. The only thing is, we have a lot of things that we have different views on and it's a bit much. The main one is his feelings on me going out with my girlfriends. I'm not allowed to go to clubs, and am only allowed at one bar (he says he knows it safe for me there). At first I had no problem with this but now since my friends spend every weekend there, I'm a little left out. I don't have much friends so these ones who are going to the clubs/bars are the only chance i get to go out without him. By the way, he can go wherever he wants. Please dont reply bashing on him because he really isnt a bad person. He says that I'm not allowed to these places because he's protecting me, and I believe it. And none of his friends (east indian ones) let their girlfriends do the things im restricted from either. But I'm a young woman and I'd really like to expirience the things my friends do. I'm not saying this because i want to be like everyone else. If anyone could help me out with this I'd be very grateful. Thank you
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