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always waiting

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Posts posted by always waiting

  1. Can a parent ever really trust anyone with their child?


    I have been in a relationship that start off as an online friendship and has grown after meeting in preson to a very loving and happy relationship. We are talking about getting married and him possibly adopting my daughter, her father isnt in her life and hasnt ever really been.

    When we even talk about it now it sounds like a everything is fine and good. She loves him and he loves her.I have never seen anything that would cause me to think anything bad about him. And its not just him. I have a hard time trusting men around my duaghter, any men.. my father her uncles anyone. I work with victims of abuse and i myself was sexualy abused by a stepbrother for most of my early childhood,he is no longer alive. I know that victims are more likely to get into relationships that put there child at a greater danger then women who have not been victims.

    I so love this person, and again he has never done or said or given me any reason to feel this way, but Im so scared of putting my daughter in danger. I feel like i can not keep my heart closed off to ppl for the rest of my life but I could never forgive myself if anything ever happened. Im worried that my fear and misstrust of ppl will start to hurt relationships with the men in my life, and could keep a positive male from being part of her life because im too scared to trust.


    Can you ever really trust anyone with your child?

  2. Romantic Vibes for sure, but also very much close friend vibe too..so the romantic vibe didnt seem strange at all..like we are old friends falling in love or somthign...its corny and hard to explain... but we are both agree we are not going to jump into anything, so we are taking it really slow and going to see how it gos. He is coming back next month if all gos well and then ill go to see him and meet his friends and family and stuff some time this fall. We are taking it very slow.

  3. Well after waiting for almost 7 years we met face to face! It was so great to finally meet him! He flew to see me about 2 weeks ago, after about 5 minutes of being totally nervouse it was just awsome! It was just as if we hung out everyday. After 7 years i finally got to see his smile in person! Just awsome! We hung out all week and he even meet my daughter and went we to a baseball game with one of my sisters! All went really well, and he is planning nother trip here in Aug and maybe again in Sept.. if that gos well i will be going to see him in October. We are taking this slow, friends first and all that other later after we have time to really get to know each other, we are after all over 1000 miles apart.

    But Everything went really well.. and things are moving forward!

  4. yes 7 years is a long time. When we first started talking it was just off and on. We have both dated people from time to time, thats one reason its been so long. timing always has sucked for us. But for the last 9 months we have talked daily and have gotten to be even closer and we have stuck to our guns and said its do or die, we are meeting. We have been though so much, supporting each other as much as we could over the last 7 years im just excited that i will finally be able to meet my friend. I dont think we have any expectations as far as things go besides i expect us to both show up at the airport lol. if something happens with us thats rad.. if not we are close friends and thats just as rad. Im just really excited that after all this time i get to sit and talk to him.

    im fully aware of what expectations and do and im keeping an open mind about everything as is he, we are just happy that after all this time we get to see each other.

    thanks for all the comments..

  5. Well like I said we have been talking for a long time as friends and have recently become very close and have feelings for each other,I know if it doesn't work out between us we will remain close friends.

  6. I was just wondering if y'all had any thoughts on how long is too long between talking to someone line and meeting.

    I have been talking to a wonder man on and off for the last 6 almost 7 years and we are planning on meeting in July. We have been friends and have grown very close. We have been Off and On because of the distance, I dont think either of us at frist thought it would have lasted this long or would have started to become something we would really ever talk about meeting. Over the last 6 years we have gone through supported each other through family deaths, college, break ups and the birth of my daughter. Well for the last 9 months we have gotten even closer, talking on the phone every night and off and on sometimes durning the day. Both of our families are supportive of us meeting finally and we have set a date.


    In the back of my mind i still wonder if we have waited to long.. if now it will be weird.. or if for what ever reason it doesnt go well ill loss a good friend. I really dont think that i would loss him as a friend. but still i worry.

  7. I'm near the Texas cost and he is near the S.C. cost We are going to meet In Aug. If not before that, if I can swing getting the time off work before Aug. If not then then for sure in Aug.

    I'm not saying that If he doesn't send me those things he doesn't love me. I was just saying it would be nice.

  8. Hello! I read this board all the time but its my first post here.Im kinda shy and Im use to just kinda dealing with stuff on my own. Some intro on me...Im 30 years old and I live in Texas. I'm a single mom to a wonderful baby girl. I work full time, and Im in a ldr with a wonderful guy that I have been talking to for almost 7 years. The first time we talked,online it was instant friends, We had gotten very close for the first 4 years and we had talked about meeting and there is diffenetly an atraction and after going through so much together, the death of family members and new girlfriend or boyfriends It seemed like the time to do it, but $$$ was not willing to let us. We both understood the time wasn't right, that we weren't waiting for each other and what ever life brought us was ment to happen. WELL.. Then I met and started dating a guy and then became pregnant with my daughter,Her father and I had broken up when i found out I was pregnant, I went through the entire pregnancy alone. even though I was alone I pushed this wonder person away! I didn't call him, and when i was online i rarely talked to him. He never gave up, he would Message me or email me offten even if I didn't reply. After I had my daughter I was very busy with school working full time and trying to deal with no sleep and learning to do it alone. I did talk to him now and then online when I saw him on and i had the time, He was always so understanding and always listened to me and my crybabiness, about how hard and stressed I was. Just before my daughters birthday we started talking again. We talked on the phone for the first time in almost 1.5 years and it was like no time had pasted. We still remembed all the old private jokes and the warmth of his voice was like a hug from an old friend. Since we have talked everyday. We are once again closer then ever and talking about meeting, and our future together. I feel so stupid still for pushing him away when he was trying so much to be supportive. We both work full time and what really sucks is we work totally different hours. I work from 9am-6pm and he works from 7pm-3am. So much of our talking is depriving one of us of sleep. Im trying really hard to not be a wuss about things but it gets so hard to want him to be here and to have him be so far from us. I dont daught the way i feel for him. I know i have to have faith that its going to work out, but sometimes I get so down about the distance I cant see past it. I do small things for him like sending snail mail, cards and pictures of me and the baby, but he doesnt do that kinda thing in retrun. I know different ppl show love in different ways, and just because he doesnt do those things that i would do doesnt mean he doesnt love me.. but i think thats things are inportant. And id like him to at least try.. but i dont think i should suggest them because that kinda takes the fun out of it..but how else would he know its inportant to me?

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