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Posts posted by a__manda1212

  1. Just curious, if one of those store bought tests says that you can use as soon as 1 week after your missed period does that mean their kind of useless if I think I might be pregnant but its not time for my period yet?


    I'm getting very sick lately in the morning and i'm usually such a good morning person and my breast are verrrry sensitive to the touch. We were drinking that night and didn't use a condom and I had just finished my period so I hadn't been on my pill for a week. If I got pregnant it would have been about two weeks ago. is that too early to start showing signs anyways?

  2. I shave mine completely when i know that me and my boyfriend are going to have a late night. i have to wait a few days between shaving though or i get really bad issues down there.


    my boyfriend is verrrrry italian and with that comes a lot of hair. he loves oral sex and knows that i hate pulling hair out of my mouth, but he also hates the feel of shaving everything off down there so he just uses scissors to trim it shorter so i don't even have to deal with it.

  3. I've known this amazing guy for about a year now. Our best friends were dating eachother. After the 4 of us hanging out a few times my friend told me that the guy was very interested in me. I was with someone at the time so nothing was made of it, but we still remained aquantinces and we always got along great. The day he found out I was single again he asked me to hang out and things just took off from there. We were together for a while, but nothing official. We've had our "title" for about a month now and I'm seeing really bad trust issues in him. He'll wrestle my phone out of my hands and go through my calls and my text messages and if he sees one from a guy he'll ask me if he can say something to him. When I get upset about it he plays it off as a joke and will stop for a few days, but it always picks back up. I can sort of understand where this behavior comes from because he had been cheated on several times by a girl he dated for 3 years and I, myself have a history of cheating.


    A few days I began getting rude messages from his ex girlfriend (the one who cheated on him who now, currently has a serious boyfriend) and one of her friends who tell me that I'm too young and immature for him and that if his ex wanted to she could have him back in a second. He tells me that its not true and not to worry and that he loves me, but refuses to stick up for me at all to the ex.


    Should I be worried about his trust issues? Or his ex girlfriend?

  4. I've tried exactly what you're thinking about doing and it was a huge mistake for me. Even though the sex was casual it still brought up a lot of emotions..Like I didn't have enough already. If you think you can do it without stirring up lots of unwanted feelings than have fun

  5. I've been dating this guy for a few months now and we recently started to do more than kissing. I know he wants head and is just too polite to ask, but I'm nervous because he isn't circumcised. Can someone give me tips? Do I do the same thing as I do with guys who are?


    Thanks so much.

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