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a bit clueless

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Posts posted by a bit clueless

  1. ya so im 14...and i have this job for the summer...wat do u think about it..i say its a bit rough but the pay is good i guess...5 an hour..but no taxes taken out and i get lunch and drinks free...i get a ride to and from work...but i work mad hours..today i did 8 in the morning to 8 at night..and i usually work from 9 to 5...and at the end of the week i usually end up with 220...is that good?..oh and its rough work..i do deliveries with berages and all that

  2. nah i liek her..alott...but a part of me says she wont wanna do it..and part of me says to do it....im just waiting for a good time to know wat i should do or not

  3. well she only calls another person..which is her bestfriend...hes my bestfriend to...and they would never liek each other so thats fine..but no she oesnt try to touch other people

  4. The girl ive been talking about..why does she always call me lately...and when i leave she yells out like i love you...and she likes to flirt with me and stuff...and she always finds away to get her hands on me..wether pulling me back from walking or i had something on me shirt...so i just wanna no..

  5. idk heres my idea...im not a jerk but....sounds childish but could work..


    1. instant message the ex with a pretend girl sn...and ask if he likes the girl u like


    2. if he doesnt..tell him to stop flirting with her becasue u want him


    3. if he does like her...hmm idk make that part up urself lol

  6. The girl i like..shes bestfriends with my bestfriend. im rly good friends with the girl to..ive posted a couple other threads talking about this girl how she might like me and watnot...but if i did get with her...its just so awkard because of this relationship between the three of us..because i went out with this girl once before..but it was awkard because my bestfriend was also her bestfriend and its just weird...wat do i do

  7. ok well lately i think the girl ive been talking about before is starting to flirt with me more. i did say she might have liked her ex again but now i dont rly think she does...casue she hasnt talked about him in a while...so anyways i just wanted to know wat u think these signs would mean..if she liked me


    just last night..we were talking on aim..and she wanted me to stay on becasue she was lonely..so i said ok....i was originally going to bed at 1130...but i stayed up til 330 for her... the more tired i got..the more romantic? the things i said were getting...because i got "awww *my name*" or "aww ur so cute" or " ur adorable"..she kept saying how i lvoe her like...your doing this becasue u love me right..and i was like suree...around liek 1 in the morning i was like lets play a game...i was like just guess the missing letter in the sentence... "i need to go catch some _____" and z was the answer..but she wasa like no how about u play my game..how about u take off all ur clothes and run to me...lol so thats that..she aloso told me "ii got a secret for u...ur bangingg hot"..and so finally when she agreed for a time she would get off... she was like ok but tomorrow u have to give me a hug..but i want u to run to me" and im like why ur the evil one whos making me stay up for u u should hug me..and she jokes aropund and was like ill give u a high 5....so ya i just wanted to know wat u guys think

  8. she might be..but i wouldnt rly think so cause she flirts with me alot and she always finds a way to touch me..like either hitting me in a play way or bumping into me...she said she was over him..but she still wants to talk to him and stuff

  9. In my other post I was telling you about what she does to see if she lieks me...I guess she does but I'm still not sure becuase shes always happy when her ex talks to her..cause i wouldnt wanan go out with a girl who still wants to go out with her ex again...so idk wat to do

  10. i would go for a kiss..i want to ya no.. i thought the best time would be at night when we're hanging out and like every1 leaves except me and her u no...and she probably wouldnt mind it cause she tells me how ppl smack her butt and she likes it..(shes not a *** tho dont worry lol) but i just wonder how shed take it

  11. and i would ask her out..i already went out with her..just that..i dont want to ask her out and her be like umm no..u no wat i mean i dont want to feel stupid..and im not the kind of guy who would say something like "how do u feel about me" or anything like that i dont do that..is there another way i can tell if she does like me

  12. oh but i forgot to add....she had this bf..and shes still not over him....well she told me that shes done with him..because she doesnt talk to him...so i was gonna yell at him for hitting her..but she told me that i shouldnt do it just in case if the kid ever wanted to talk to her again..yelling at him would make it worse

  13. ok well theres this girl that i like..and im not sure if she likes me but it kinda seems like she flirts with me alot...but here is why i think this:


    -when we play this game like me and my friends..and when shes playing she lieks to get me mad cause they call suck rules on me and when i do she laughs a flirts with me there if u kinda no wat i mean


    - she was holding my phone one day and put *my name* loves *her name* for the greeting and for her number she put b*her name* sexy


    -she tells me that im hot and sexy alot lolol


    -she calls me alot to know where i am and when im gonna hang out


    - she likes my body (6 pack and )


    - she brushes up against me alot when shes walking..and she doesnt do it to any1 else..and for some reason sometimes when she bumbps into me..it always seems to be her boobs


    so i guess if u can tell me wat u think if she likes more or not..or she wants to be like friends with benefits thanks

  14. Ok, well last night, my girlfriend and I were like all over each other, kissing and hugging and all. And it was a cold night so I was holding her like for so long and whatnot, but you think it would have been alright if I put my hand on her butt. Just wondering cause I'd like to; just not sure if she would like it or not. So, I'm just asking if it would probably have been good if I did place my hands on her butt. =)

  15. Hey I just had a question for some people. I guess this sounds a little stupid, but I love talking to my g/f about like kissing, making out, cuddling, etc. I'm extremely comfortable with it. It's just that when I want to bring it up, I tend to be a little shy, and don't ask about it or say anything about it.


    Sometimes I feel like she doesn't want to talk about it, but I'm sure she does. So, I guess my question is...when is a good time to bring it up? I also feel like I might be annoying her if I brought it up too much...

  16. Hey i'm 15. Ive been going out with this girl for at least a month. And I just wanted to know if there was a signal to see that she wants to make out. Ive asked her about it and she said make out with me. But i dont know when the time is right, or when she wants to do it.


    Is there like a signal I should be able to see?

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