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Posts posted by Jylaine

  1. Thanks raykay and paisley thoes were awesome responses to my question...I do not at this point think I am pregnant just curious. My fiance and I would love to get pregnant right away and be parents but we do realise it is going to take some time which is fine because the whole trying thing is a lot of fun...hahaha I am going to start keeping a closer eye on my body and cycles and ovulation..I checked out link removed that's a pretty awesome site so we'll see how it goes.

  2. Not trying to police what people are saying just trying to get questions answered....I apologize....this post is about cramping not about what should be said and what shouldnt be said...

    I would also tell you that you should check out some websites for some of your questions...the pregnancy websites are wonderful just google it.

  3. hahaha okay I was only posting my opinion about the information I was reading I was by no means trying to say that it does not matter who you are on the inside because I am not a moron and do realize that it is far more important to be beautiful on the inside than on the outside i just think it is iggnorant to say that it doesn't matter at all what you look like on the outside....I mean you could be very overweight and still be gorgeous by dressing for your body type keeping yourself clean yadda yadda yadda....

  4. haha yeah I really should have them in bulk never thought of it like that....lol yeah I will wait for a while to take the test it just seems like such a long wait....darn

  5. I'm sorry shes2smart I just don't agree I mean yes she really should go get it checked out but she didn't ask if she should go get it checked out and I'm sure that she will when it comes down to it. She asked about cramping lets start answering the questions that are asked before telling her to go do something....

  6. I have pro-active and use it twice a day, I do not think it is the miracle acne treatment that they advertised it to be. It works as well as any over the conter face wash. I still have acne but continue to use the expensive proactive. It did dry my face out when I first started using it but I never experienced the redness you have. If I were you I would either stop using it or go and see my doctor.


    I am curious however as to why people have such a hard time responding to the question. I mean people write replys but say things like how you look doesn't make up who you are and stuff like that...really people looks help make you feel better when you look good you feel good. Im sorry if people dont agree but that is the way I see it and as far as I am concerned that is how it is. Blondy never said that her looks made up who she is so why say something like that really?

  7. It seems to me that when people ask a direct question nobody gives the response to the question but instead they give there opinions of the topic, which I suppose is okay but it gets frustrating when you've asked a specific question....

    Yes you can have very light cramping and it is normal but any severe cramping is not normal if you are pregnant...

  8. This would bother me aswell...and if you told him that his speaking with her is upsetting you then he should cut her off it's not like they are close net friends who have known eachother for a long period of time. He needs to understand where you are coming from but if he doesn't he needs to respect your feelings.

    Get ridda this chick you don't need some internet girly gettin friendly with your man even if his intentions are pure her's may not be....help him understand by speaking to him calmly about your feelings. Good luck sweetheart.

  9. The only thing about it is that I am unsure if what I am feeling is just my mind playing mean tricks on me or if they are actual signs. I mean it has only been 15 days since the last day of my period so I think I may be jumping the gun...don't want to get my hopes up.

  10. But if I was to do a test now I believe it would be too soon as I just finished my last cycle so it wouldn't give me accurate results. I am just wondering how soon the other signs begin. I am saying I believe I am pregnant right now...well I could be but I am curious for when i do get pregnant how soon will I be able to tell

  11. We have unprotected sex all the time taking no precautions. Like I said before I have 50days between my cycles which makes it very difficult to figuare out the proper time. My last cylce began on March 23rd and ended on March 27th.

    I must say my fiance and I are not "risking" getting pregnant before our wedding, we wish too. We want to start a family right away and are very excited to be parents.

  12. Well we arent trying but we arent preventing it. We would like to get pregnant just before our wedding so that I can fit into my dress hahaha but we don't want to put to much stress on the issue and just let it happen when it is suppose to.

  13. How soon after conception do you notice any of the signs such as frequent urination, and sore breasts? I know most people just say wait till you miss your period but in my case I only have a cycle every 50 days so do I have to wait the 50 days to see if I am pregnant?

  14. Well I believe I just had a good conversation with my fiance whom I posted about a few days ago regarding the lack of affection. I spoke to him about how I part of me was feeling empty. I let him know just how serious this situation was and he understood completely, he then asked me what he could do to show me ways that he cares about me. I told him a few things but I felt I was put on the spot and couldn't really come up with a whole lot.


    I am really hoping that he remembers this convo. and begins to treat me how I wish to be treated. He has a lot on the go and leads a busy lifestyle which is okay but he has to remember that I am here too and a major part of his life. wish me luck!!

  15. These are awesome suggestions I am lovin it...way less stressed out to read these ideas it's getting me pumped up for the big day...only 78days away now wow thats coming fast.

    Skippy hey if you are around Alberta please do come to the wedding its going to be a pretty big wedding so lots of fun!!!

  16. Im not trying to be too picky...I am asking for advice because music is an important part of my life. Yes did you look at some of the suggestions in my last post??? They were hilarious and I did a lot of laughing while i listened to some of the songs...Trust me i have searched the net through and through...I am sure I will find something, but i dont much appriciate being told Im too picky about something that is important to me.

  17. Okay getting married in 79 days and still haven't got all my wedding music....i know i made this post a little while ago but i didnt find anything yet...please help anyone....any romantic music, upbeat music, anything....

  18. Okay what is with all this snooping and invading eachothers privacy? I do not get why people are in relationships when they don't trust. I have been reading all these posts about going through bf's emails and I think it is complete BS.

    As I said in a different post regarding the whole email accout thing, my fiance went into my email account and i was furious, i couldn't even look at him I was so mad, not because I had anything to hide but because I felt that I had nothing of my own. Privacy is still very important when you are in a committed relationship I don't understand why you would want to invade someone elses space.

    Your boyfriend should be pissed at you just as I was at my fiance it took me three days to talk to him again. If you are lacking that much trust that you need to go into his emails I am sorry to say you are heading down a rough road. You need to confront this trust issue and get things sorted out!!! Give your guy the space he needs to get over what you did.

  19. i am sorry but lovely you have no right to go into your bf emails whether you trust him or not...that is not what it is about. My bf went into my email account and I lost it not because i had anything to hid but i felt it was a complete invasion of my privacy.

    If you want to see in your bf email account ask him! You shouldn't have to investigate your bf that shows a lack of trust and why would you want to be in a relationship if you don't trust 100%??? I don't understand what is wrong with people these days. I appologize if i seem rude that is not my intention i just don't understand why people waste their time with someone they do not trust.

    You and your bf need to work out these kinks in your relationship so you have more trust and don't feel the need to go into eachothers private things.

  20. Maybe the smartest choice to make right now would be to pick neither of them and just be on your own. It isn't fair for the boys at all. If you have to think about which one you like more and ask yourself and us who you should pick you really don't like either of them that much because if you did the answere would be easy for you. Being on your own when you are young is a great thing. Having time to grow into yourself. If you feel you really must pick between these two boys then just go with your gut but my advice....chill out and hang out with some girlfriends.

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