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Posts posted by KandiBabe

  1. Dude all the advice here is pro, ask her somethign about your surroundings, then get to know her a bit with random questions, then when your about to leave if you feel you connected ask if you can see her again, otherwise say see you later and leave... altough if you don't like the idea of asking to see her again you could ask where she works in the middle of a convo and casually go to there like a week later, just don't go fully stalker style aye.

  2. Thank for your advice guys. And don't worry, I figured out I didn't love him, I was just so shocked he did it I went all weird and sorta "omg he did that so i must love him cuz im upset" but i don't love him so im fine now.

  3. Thanx for your advice but just because im only 14 doesnt mean im too young. Your acting like im a 3 year old. I do have relationships and I will for ages. My first serious boyfriend was when I was grade 6.

  4. Heyz guyz,


    Well my boyfriend (now ex) cheated on me. For the first few weeks I was furious!!! But then I thought about it and well I still really really like him. I sort of don't want to forgive him and stay mad at him but I can't help the way I feel. I might actually.... love him. Its kinda hard for me to say that because I never thought I would feel this way while I was still so young.. I'm only 14!!! But yeah anyways, I'm not sure what to do... forgive him and just forget it ever happened or just ignore him.... please help.

  5. If he is so happy how hard could it possibly be to take a photo of them together and send it?.. Also If he was completely happy with his fiancee then he wouldn't have any issues with it in the first place and seeing as you guys still communicate you shouldn't even have to ask to see a photo. I couldn't be 100% sure though



    Took the words outta my mouth!!!


    Luv Ya All



  6. i have told him i wanted to talk to him, he just makes a bunch of excuses...jeeez....oh well, im not gunna let this bug me, im going to a party tonight, so maybe that will cheer me up


    That's the way to go girl. Just go and have fun. You may have to confront him but don't let this get you down!!!


    Luv Ya All



  7. I sort of have the same problem. My boyfriends mum doesn't like me because she thinks im too sexual because before i was going out with my boy he was sitting on the couch at my youth group and he had a pillow in his lap and i was so tired so i lay on it, not thinking of it in a sus way.


    Sort of amusing though because my boyfriend is soooooooo sexual it's not funny (though i tell him if he's doing anything i don't approve of {hand in wrong place ect}) and she thinks im a total bad girl even though im churchy youth groupy. She's never given me a chance and well yeah. But unlike your girlfriend my boyfriend doesn't care what his mum thinks.


    But I can see your girlfriends veiw too. I am really close to my mum and if she didn't approve of someone I would be very rocky and probly break too. Though before I dump him I would talk to my mother about it and try and convince her he's not such a bad guy. Maybe you should have a talk to your girl and ask her to try and sort it out with her mother. Maybe you could even try and talk to her mother ?(though try and keep that as a last resort).


    Luv Ya All



  8. you are just 14. he is being mean to you. don't blame yourself for all of this. if he is expecting something from you he can ask. sure, there are probably some lessons you can learn here about another persons feelings but it doesn't sound like he is taking your feelings into consideration either. you are both young, he is being a jerk to you. i'd say dump him or take some time off to do your own thing. tell him what you saw and how you are feeling and that you have to take care of yourself. you aren't there to just take care of him!!



    I second this!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Well Sean sounds like he's either losing interest, insterested in someone else, or just moody. If you told him about the other guy he'd probly get crabby and stuff but it depends who was at the party. Wil anyone who was there tell Sean??? If theres no way Sean will find out don't tell him but think about your feelings. If you don't like him enough to put up with him and you want to se other people dump him. Just don't lead him on because if you lead him on and he finds out it could crush him.


    Luv Ya All



  10. awww that sounds cute but the alcohol bit is a touch confusing. It may have just been the alcohol doing it or it may be that he really does like you but you are 'off limits' and the alcohol just brought it out of him!!! If I was in the situation I would confront him and if he can truly say he doesn't like you that way then try and forget about him and just have fun.


    Luv Ya All



  11. Thanx!!! You post means alot to me, it's really helpful!!!!!


    And to the other peoples I didn't mean I acrually use them, I do care about there feelings, I try to do it in the nicest way, one of my exes got really upset nd I was bawling for ages so I do care about what they feel and I do try and give them a good reason, what I meant was I just go through a lot of them and get bored easily.


    Luv Ya All



  12. Man I have given this advice so many times, if you don't like it, don't let him do it!!! My best friend, when her boyfriend tried to pash her in front of our footy team, coaches and teachers, and she didn't want to so she put her head into his shoulder (they were laying on the grass) but them he stil tried to force her so she bit his tongue... funny and effective!!!!

  13. The fight between us has now made me fight with my other friends! Plus ive come between my bestfriend and my ex! i ruin everything



    Heyz Babe,


    OK I'm the best friend you are talking about and let me tell you now that your so not the reason I hated him, I mean you know what he said, I otld you and that was so not your fault in any shape or form, and you know if I want to hate him I will and it is never ever your fault, if it was I'd tell you!!! And you better stop having suicidal thoughts, you know how much I'll growl at you for that, If you leave me all alone in this world with Liza and Zayden I'll so hate you forever (lolz jokes I love you Liza)!!!!


    Luv Ya 4Eva



  14. AWWWW Babe!!!! I understand fully because I'm in that story a couple of times and I know how you felt... Now as you of course know I'm no good with sweet and nice comments so I'll look something up on Google to make you feel better...


    Love is strong yet delicate.

    It can be broken.

    To truly love is to understand this.

    To be in love is to respect this.


    - Stephen Packer -


    There you go my baby, hope it makes you feel better!!!!


    Luv Ya Babe



  15. if thats about who i think its about then ohhhh i will kill him. ne ways its really good get them published


    I second this babe!!!!!


    Luv Ya 4Eva



  16. I'm just curious what you guys think about this.


    I am quite... unique in the "love" department. I tend to see guyz as more toys then actually like them. I don't like sweet guys I find that really boring. Most guyz know me more as a "sex toy" even though I'm a virgin. I don't really care because well just because of the way I've been brought up (lolz my cousin). I pretty much go out with guyz then get bored of them and dump them. I don't know why I get bored I think it's because I just like variety. I tried staying single and was quite happy single until my friends got me with this guy I like but I wasn't quite ready to lose my singel-ness and now it feels sorta like I've lost my freedom. I still like the guy but well yeah. Also I tend to get things from guys then get rid of them. My ex gave me a present (it was goregous) but then I dumped him 5 days later but that was because I was bored and well yeah. What do you guys recon about all this, this is my first thread by the way so I hope I did ok lolz.


    Luv Ya All



  17. Heyz Babe,


    This is my first post on this website so I thought I'd post on my besties one. Aww you and Pumpkin..... wasn't that a cute relationship..... he he he we've got pictures of you two kissing lolz ... anywho I'm going to look around!!!


    Cya Babe Luv Ya Lotz!!!



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