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Posts posted by BlueFlowerOnMyDesk

  1. ...Okay, I started dating a guy about 5 months ago, we've had our beautiful times and our not so lovely moments. But latley I just dont know what to do about this relationship, I love him to absolute death but sometimes i feel like i fall in love with guys only to secretly sooth my need to counsel and comfort someone. Like, Im a very stable and spiritual person so naturally I want to offer all that I can to those in need, somehow these people always end up to be the guys Im dating.

    I love this guy so much and Ive always been there when hes needed me, Ive helped him through rough times and prayed for him continously. But what about when Im feeling a little down? I told him just tonight that I wasnt in a very happy mood and he just said "Oh". If he would have told me the same thing I would have dropped everything and sat with him, rubbed his back, offered words of comfort or whatever, whatever cheers him up! Im started to feel like a circus poodle really.

    Also, I have stong family ties and even though my fam can be a bit annoying at times theres still wonderfully kind people, hes always trying to get me to "rebel" or "tell them to stick it" when really, I dont want that at all! I love my family way too much and he dosent understand because he never had a very good family life.


    You probabaly wondering why Im going out with him, alot of people do ask me this. But when we're alone hes very sweet and gentle, he loves me incredibly much and writes me heartfelt letters. Hes funny and we have a lot of laughs, we teach eachother alot.

    He makes it sooo hard to stay sometimes but even harder to go! Im just torn, I need some good solid advice since everyone else around me is giving advice like "dump his ***" or "Well, yove made it through 5mos.." so yeah, lol, im pretty desperate.


    Thank You Incredibly Much

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