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Posts posted by Desperatelover76

  1. you ran out, the worst thing you could do is run out. She might think your some kind of freak or pranking her with a fake number or something. You shoulda walked out mate, that wouldda got a call back (probly its like a 25% chance if you gave her your name), i'm like you (got no guts) so thats why i only have relationships that last about a week or so but i've been eyeing a girl for a while now (4 years) and i'm hopeing that'll go good so my advice for you RELAX if she said yes she likes you if she says no theres plenty more fish in the sea

  2. Ok i haven't done what mike said but she has broken up with her BF, i'm giving her some time 2 think about her feelings for me cause she said she has some but she doesn't know what they are, am i doing the right thing cause i've loved her since i was in year 5 or 6 and i'm in year 9 now and i've never actually had a GF for longer than 2 months cause usually get bored of taking them out and stuff but i know this time its different and if i do go out with her i will never get bored of her


    So basically i just want 2 know if its the right thing 2 give her space and stuff cause i have never felt like this towards a girl before

  3. ok guys i'm a bit confused, my ex GF has got a boyfriend but keeps asking my stuff about our future like if we'll ever go out and stuff and she openly admits that she loves flirting with me. I'm confused cause she has said that she just wants 2 be friends but the way she acts around me and what she says 2 me tells me that she wants 2 be more, what sould i do

  4. Hey guys


    Theres a chick named Ashlea that i'm really into and we have sparks but i have been rejected before and i'm kopping with the loss of another relationship that brokedown but i no i like her cause even bofore this relationship i had feelings for her but now since i'm outta a relationship she seems more interested and now is asking questions like if we're ever gonna be together and i want to be with her now but it may be my imagination that shes dropping these hints. What should i do

  5. Also, I hate it when I'm advised to "move on" because I think it's the weakest thing alive. Oh, well, that didn't work, let's drop it; or, oh well, I'm not seeing results, maybe I'll find some elsewhere. Rubbish. I'm sorry but I'm not "looking" for a relationship, I found myself liking him because of who he is and the fact that we get along so well. And as I said this is the second time this year, in freaking six months or so, where I have had to "get past" someone I liked, I'm annoyed at having to feel "rejected" yet again simply because I always pick such nice, friendly, charming, adorable, guys who have absolutely no interest in me except as a friend!!! WHY!!!!


    Just go for it, ask him and see what happens at least you'll know if you have 2 move on or not

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