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Posts posted by miserableme

  1. You know what? I could try and say what I've said over and over again and none of you people would try and see it from my perspective. Because of that I'm taking my business elsewhere and I have no desire to be a part of the ENA community any longer.

  2. Yes, maybe unnatural was the wrong term to use. What is natural these days anyway? Typing this on a computer certainly is not. Oral sex is not painful or uncomfortable for most people. I have no problem with that.


    I did say clearly that my opinion of gays has no bearing on what I consider natural. I think if you are gay and that makes you happy, that's wonderful.


    Some women do enjoy anal sex and although I don't share that view, they can do whatever they want.


    I just want to mention that there has been an enormous increase in young women visiting doctors because of anal fissures since anal sex became relatively popular a few years ago. I've never had one myself but I hear they are quite painful. I personally believe that there is something wrong with this, not to mention the heightened chance of contracting an STD.


    Tiredman- I realise that we have very differing opinions on this matter and I'm not trying to cause a fight with you. I would be happy just to leave it at that.

  3. I didn't mean to say it was *just* an american thing, even though that's what I said. I meant that where I'm from that's not a big deal to most people.


    I figure, if someone is going to have that double standard then I don't want to be with them anyway.

  4. You are saying that anal sex is not natural. Well, there is no other way for 2 men to have sex so if you are saying it's not natural, then you are saying being gay is not natural either.


    did you try what I suggested yet?

  5. If that were true, then are you saying two men being together is unnatural then?


    I have no problem with gay men, first of all. That is their business, not mine. Again, if it works for them, that's great. But I do wholeheartedly believe that the act of anal sex is unnatural.


    I don't think you can make judgement on this unless you have tried it yourself. Go an get a cucumber/dildo and try putting it up there (lube free) and tell me how natural it feels.

  6. If I was gay, then yes I would. I am just talking about natural acts if I am not gay.


    If it were natural, then the anus would lubricate naturally. It does not. But, I guess if it works for you and you have a willing partner, then good for you.


    One other thing, I've heard if you do anal too much, you lose control of your bowel movements.


    Has this happened to anyone here?

  7. I think you guys didn't read what I wrote properly. I said I DIDN'T have sex with him on the first date. Where I'm from this is generally fine and most of my friends have had great relationships come out of it, as have I. I was always under the impression that if someone likes your personality and you are attracted to them, then why should they think any less of you? Who cares if I've done it before? It doesn't mean I like them any less, and same for him. I have never felt used prior to moving here. I have never felt badly about a man who has slept with me before either.


    What I was getting at was, I tried something different. It's clear that Americans have an issue with sex on the first date. Ofcourse I wanted to do it, and so did he, but because of all this no sex on the first date talk, I decided to wait and see what happens. This is very much out of character for me.


    What my real question was, do you think what I actually did with him was bad (no sex remember)? I don't feel it was, but I was hoping to get another opinion.


    By the way, I was 100% sure that I was not going to be sexually assaulted. I knew what I was doing.

  8. In the past, I have always been a sex-on-the-first-date kind of girl. This is fairly common where I'm from. Apparently it's not the best way to get guys to respect you in America. Every time I've done that here, it's ended as f-buddies.


    Now, I just started dating this guy (first date last night). I went to his house and he cooked me dinner, we talked for hours about everything and then eventually came the kiss. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't have sex with him last night. I didn't, but we did end up doing some pretty heavy making out and grinding. He reassured me that he does really like me and still wants to see me again (this weekend, in fact). I know that if I had allowed sex to happen, it would have, BUT he made me feel really comfortable with not doing it.


    Does anyone think I went too far for a first date? We connected so well and there were no awkward moments. He made all the first moves after making sure I was comfortable with it. I am very attracted to him and I want things to work out. The next time I see him won't be at his house, so we definitely won't be getting up no good.


    Any tips/advice? Am I doing the right thing here? I don't want him to use like all the other guys I've been with.

  9. Yeah, that sounds like classic insulin resistance. If you keep your blood sugar under control, this should rectify itself (in combination with exercise). Restricting your food intake is not a good idea because your body needs the nutrition.


    damn it! I wish I didn't have to worry about this stuff until I'm an old lady. It's so unfair. I guess it could be worse...

  10. I do have some issues with my weight. I come from an overweight family and I don't want to end up like that. At the moment, I'm 5'5 and 120 lbs with 27% body fat. This is quite high for my height/weight proportions. I've managed to lose 5 lbs in the last couple of months, through restricting my food intake and exercising (walking) moderately a couple of times a week. I need to increase my exercise, but it's the lack of energy that gets me.


    quietgrl- I'm a vegan, so fatty protein is out for me already I eat lots of fruit, vegetables and whole grains. My doctor has advised me to eat more plant protein such as nuts, legumes and soy. It's hard because I don't really like those foods! I guess health is more important than taste buds. Unfortunately, I like to drink alcohol but I'm told that has to stop, especially if I'm on diabetes medication. I guess it's got something to do with the kidneys.

  11. I had one of these today. My doctor ordered it because she thinks I may have diabetes. Or at least insulin resistance. I have a few questions about this test that I can't seem to find anywhere else online. If anyone has had one or knows anything about it, please help out.


    1. Why didn't anyone warn me that the glucose drink was going to taste that repulsive. I was all excited about it, then after my first sip, I turned green.


    2. How many calories do you think are in that bottle of drink? I tend to avoid sugar because I don't want to gain any weight. I'm guessing it's 2 or 3 days worth of calories for me.


    3. Suppose I did have diabetes, how bad do you think that drink is for me? Isn't it bad to consume that much sugar at once?


    4. If I have diabetes, what does that mean for me? My dad was diagnosed (type 2) with it when he was about 40. He is 52 now and he's in pretty bad shape. I don't want to die at 35.


    5. Will diabetes medication such as Metformin help me to lose weight, even if I'm of a healthy weight (BMI of 20)?


    6. Any positive stories that can help ease my nerves/frustration?



    For background information: I've been diagnosed with PCOS and I'm currently taking birth control pills. I have a VERY hard time keeping my weight down where it is and I want to lose another 10 lbs.

  12. I just found out that the guy I lost my virginity to is now a moderately famous athlete! He was incredibly good looking and had a body to kill for. I lost contact with him a few months after the sexual encounter but I still thought about him often. Yesterday I googled him and that's what I found.


    Not that any of you care but I just thought I'd share. I'm not naming names though, so don't ask!

  13. Thanks so much for the advice scout! It's true about the stigma attached to vegan diets. I have been known to tell people I'm lactose intollerant in order to avoid dairy. If someone has has patience and understanding, then I'll explain my real reasons but I have found most people don't.


    I'm with you 100% on why animal products are bad for us. Unfortunately, I'm limited even further on what I can eat because of taste issues. I'm extremely picky anyway. I admit that my case must have been hard for her to tackle because most of her patients are either anorexic or obese. I'm neither. I just want to eat right for my condition, my taste preferences and my environmental conscience.


    In my opinion, she put way too much emphasis on protein. I was very uncomfortable with this & there is no way I'd be able to get the amount she wanted without eating 3000 calories a day (I don't want to gain weight).


    Part of my rant was based on the fact that yesterday I went ahead and ate some cheese. I didn't want it, I didn't like it but I did it because she made me feel like I had to. I've been having diarrhea all day and I'm assuming this is because my body isn't used to it. I am most definitely going to cancel my follow-up appointment with her.


    I think I might check out the book you suggested & Dr. Greger's site. Once again, I appreciate your advice!

  14. I'm a vegan with PCOS and I went to see a dietitian the other day. This is because I'm a vegan with PCOS and my doctor recommended I go see her. Anyway, when I got there she proceeded to tell me that I HAVE to include fish and cottage cheese in my diet. This really pissed me off because there is no way in the world I'm going to eat those things.


    What annoyed me even more was that I went to her because she appeared to be one of the best educated and most experienced dietitians in my area. She seemed even less knowledgeable than I am about food.


    The obvious solution is to go around and find one I like but it's the money thing that's an issue. I have insurance but with a $15 co-pay each time, this becomes a bit much for me.


    Oh well, I gave it a shot.

  15. I gained weight steadily for the three years I was on birth control (Yasmin). The thing I noticed more, was that it was soooo hard to lose weight. It would take weeks of not eating and exercising to lose 5 lbs. Now that I'm off it, I lost 10 lbs just by eating a tiny bit less. I'm still trying to lose another 10 or so but I've hit that plateau now.


    The other thing was that most of the weight I gained went straight to my boobs. I was pushing a 34G when I stopped taking them. Now I'm a respectable 32DD.


    If you're in a relationship, or you have a lot of sex then being on the pill is essential. Besides, imagine how much weight you'd gain if you got pregnant. Until technology comes up with a better way of preventing pregancy, then this is all we've got.

  16. First of all...weed will not kill your appetite. Have you ever heard of "the munchies"?


    Unfortunately, this kind of thing happens alot and as a friend there is nothing you can do other than be there for her. She needs to see a professional, but the tough thing is actually getting her there & getting her to admit she has a problem. Meanwhile, she could get very sick. This is just the way it is.

  17. Oh yeah, I wanted to mention to you...you can have a girl friend or your mom to be with you if you like. Maybe that will make you more comfortable?


    You always have the option of having a third-party during the exams.


    I usually just chat while it is being done. Keeps your mind occupied.


    I honestly couldn't think of anything worse than having someone there with me.


    I always hear people say it's not a big deal but even reading about it makes my skin crawl. I'm such a baby.

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