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Everything posted by yay2008

  1. thanks good charlotte, but about 3 months ago i DID tell the councelar about her being depressed, and cutting, they told her mom and refferd her to a therapist, her parents refuse to do anything about it and only took her to like 3 appointments (not even to the one they reffered) then i told the counsular about her abbusive bf and that she was suicidal and she and her parents got really pissed at me! so now she's added drugs to it and im at a loss. and iv tried to talk to her about it adn she just gets really pissed and says she hates reality and getting high is the only way to fix being a screw up. and i just talked to her and now she says that she NEEDs cut in order to live. but yet stopping cutting is higher on her list of stopping than drugs. plus she dosnt really listen when i tell her that i'm worried and asking her to please stop and save her future. i still dont know wat to do
  2. im not really sure how to help my friend, she keeps saying that she wants to stop cutting, but yet at the same time, she keeps spiraling out of control with drugs and alcohol, and only in high school. plus she's pretty much failing school, which is somthing that she never would have done. iv tried to explain that shes hurting herself and everyone that cares about her with her behavor, but she just says "oh well, if they have a prblm with it, then its their loss." and then other times shes all positive, and believes that she can straighten up. so idk anymore. but the drugs are what have me worried, i mean prbly 8 out of the last 10 times iv talked to her, shes been high. i dont want to loose my friend, but its killing me to watch her do this to herself. im not sure if this was the correct place for this, but i need advice.
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