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Posts posted by brownie

  1. Hello

    thank you all so much for your help and understanding, im happy to know that im not alone on this one.

    I have called the doctor today but he couldnt get me in.. so I will try tomorrow again!

    the more I read about drepression the more it makes sense for me, for I was really depressed for the first 4 months of my pregnancy that were so so hard... I do need help.

    It could also be anenimia I have lost insane ammounts of weight since the birth of lucas about 4olbs not all the baby weight but alot for 3 weeks.

    I also have a laction consultant coming to my house on friday and maybe she can help me with my breast feeding problems.

    I feel better today that I had some healthy foods.


    thank you so much, i will definally keep you all posted

    and I promise if I get upset and frustated I will walk away

  2. hello this is so hard for me to put into words, my baby was born 3 weeks ago, and i still feel like i cant bond with him, I love him with all my heart, but I dont feel that incredible love everyone keeps talking about...I asked my mother why I felt this way and she just said I must be a bad mother and that something is defenally wrong with me.

    I feel left out, the problem is that I dont know from what, I have lost my appetite I usually eat ones a day and I know that is not good, its put a strain in my milk production but yet i cant make my self eat.

    what is wrong with me? why do I feel this way? has anyone else experice this?

  3. THank you! all!! the inducion was weird... i was ok then all of the sudden the contractions were so intense I thouht(tmi) i was going to poop a watermelon! lol

    but it went fine a little scary but so so so worth it! he is such a funny baby I love him

    thank you all you guys are so wonderful...

    im still trying to figure out how to post pics....


  4. Hello Everyone! I hope the weekend went well for all of you.

    I was induced and was in lavor for labor for 22 hrs! but it went all well

    Lucas Alexander is here!

    he was 8lbs and 19.5 inch!

    thank you all so much for the support!

  5. hello, try eating hot soup then going to work out, it will help you sweat bad stuff out.

    lots of vitimins and fresh fruit, also if you start feeling sicky you can make a orange tea.... water, orage juice and honney.

    strep is really contagious your roomie needs to see a doc. there are ALOT of free clinincs everywhere. advice her that she is not only hurting her self but those that she will come and has in contact with.

    Good luck

  6. The very worst part is the last minute, but just think about what comes after that minute... you get to look into the eyes of your beautiful baby boy. You get to hold him, warm and slippery, still holding the heat of your body. You are the only world that he knows, you voice the only ones that his ears recognizes, and your smell his best comfort. ..


    Thank you all so much, I feel enlighten and much happyer now, I have been wating for 9 months to see Lucas( btw the name of baby ) and I just cant wait to hold him!


    the name we have picked out is lucas no middle name yet we wanted to wait till he was born to pick that one out.


    on my birth plan I wrote that I would like to hold him asap and to breatfeed as soon as I could. so exiting!!


    I will definally keep you all posted and seriously thank you so much, this is the hardest thing i have ever done and im glad that you guys are so nice and sincere. God bless you all

  7. im sorry to hear that it sounds very stressing but dont let it get to you its no good for the baby


    Ultrasounds are usually done 20 to 23 weeks, they usually need a tech to be there with the doctor.. definally call the insurance company and be firm with them and find a good doctor, do you know anyone that has had a baby recently that could give you the name of a good OBGYN?


    As for the prenatal vitamins ask the new doc when you get them to write you up for the genetic.


    good luck! and be happy

  8. Hello everyone, I hope you all had a nice weekend

    well I just wanted to upday you all, sadly after all my trying im still going to be induced sunday...

    but all the sex and food was worth it, atleast I have a big smile and a full tummy! lol.

    so now that this is the route things are going go, how bad is it to be induced and do you have any advice for me im terrefied!

    thanks all

  9. Im sorry to hear that your hurt so bad, I havent gone throught that my self but I can only imange how you feel.


    there are many places where you can go get help, depeding on what state you live there are state agencys and religious clinics that have both couselors and phychologist on hand. Its very normal whats happening to you, but the good thing is that there is help out there light at the end of this dark tunnel.


    please dont feel like you would burnden anyone with your feelings, sometimes all we need is someone to hug us and tell us is ok. this forum is full of caring people that truly care and listen.


    I hope you feel better and look into getting some counselor help.


    ** Hugs**

  10. hello,

    my husband has a problem like yours he is 6"2 and weights only 138 pounds.. so he went to the doctor and they told him he is missing enzymes that break down fat and crabs thereforeeee he was not able to gain weight.

    there are other factors out there like anemia, diabetes or tyriod problems so step one is to go to the doctor.

    keep eating healthy lots of high calorie veggies, fruits and meats!

    but keep us inform!

  11. Hello in response to your weight question, you should not lift anything over 20 to 25 punds over your head, do sit up on a weight machine...


    I had the same problem before I got preggy, I bought over 25 pregnancy tests( i should have invested in the stock market)


    here is a website that is very helpful


    link removed


    Good luck and keep us posted!

  12. Hello Rodeo-rider is right It has alot to do with what you put in yor body! water is a must.

    I got rid of must of my scars with Avon's Anew clinical 2step facial peel, I also use proactive and its worked great not only on my face but eveywhere where I used to break out, I havent had a pimple for over 6 months now.. use a homemade facial mask ones a week here is what I make.

    1/2 cup of brow sugar

    4 tablespoons of oats

    3 tablespoon of honey

    1 teaspoon of lime juice

    mix it all together put it on for about 5 min then take a shower, it makes your skin feel clean and less oily.

  13. "buring wax" OUCH!!

    I have tryed cold wax that heats up with your body temperature its not too bad, however some parts are hard to see for your self, so if you dont want anyone else down there... I would wax all visible areas then shave the ones you cant see with the venus razor, I put on baby powder when im done with shaving so no oil can get traped under my skin and give me bumps.


    Good luck!

  14. thank you, his name is Mr. mouse, I went down to visit my mother(in the country) and some guy said he had a kitty running around and was going to kill him!! i felt so sad that I spend the next days tracking him, until I got him! so I took him home and made him my baby!

  15. hello, I must agree, someone who is 23 years old is probably interested just in sex, he knows he is going to get it... sadly he had to come up with an excuse to get away because he lacks the pants to tell you the truth and to make things worse he tryes to make you feel bad by telling you that "your are not the prettyest" what a jerk!

    trust me a guy your age or sightly older will be alot more compatible

    good luck and dont let this guy hurt your feelings!

  16. You sound like you are going to be great!

    dont worry delivery does sound... interesting! but WE CAN DO IT!!

    keep us posted and get some pics of the little one when he joins you here in this world!

    good luck

  17. Hello everyone

    Thank you so much for the suggestions, today I tyed the spicy meatballs, some sex and walking.. so far not even a camp! lol

    but I tomorrow the menu looks interesting... some fry chicken, some packing of my old clothes and sex.. well see!

    ill keep you all posted!

    thanks so much for the help

  18. Hello everyone

    Thank you so much for the suggestions, today I tyed the spicy meatballs, some sex and walking.. so far not even a camp! lol

    but I tomorrow the menu looks interesting... some fry chicken, some packing of my old clothes and sex.. well see!

    ill keep you all posted!

    thanks so much for the help

  19. We've been... "trying".. for a couple of years, by trying I mean not using birth control....

    Any suggestions, I'm not interested in fertility drugs .... or anything like that...

    I appreciate any suggestions


    Hello, my husband and I had to try for a long time and very hard to have a baby but there are a few things that help.

    1. dont stress over it, stress can mess up your ovulating cycle

    2. keeping a good track of the days you ovulate is good

    3. I started taking vitamins and eating food with more folic acid

    4. have lots of love making


    If all fails go to your doctor he can recomend you things that can work, I have also heard that accupunture is effective for some people.



  20. LOL, he does seem to like it in there! it must be warm!

    I am going to try the walking and the sex... I am just so scared of the whole "idea" of inducion!

    thank you all for the help!

    hmmm I love sparagus! yummy! well atleast I have an excuse to hit all the mexican and Italian restauratns.

    My doc just thinks inducion is better im not getting any ideas from him

  21. Hello how is everyone doing today?

    well I am at 41.3 weeks into this pregnancy and I cant wait to see my baby! how ever I am past term and my doc wants to induce it, but I really dont want to have "water broken" or have pitocin, my mother had such a horrible experience with this.

    what is save to do at home that might get labor started? i have tryed spicy foods and pinnaple but not luck

    thanks for the help

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