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Everything posted by Kamden

  1. I forgot to answer your questions, I don't feel threatened by him, and when he questions me, he is nice, but I do feel he is controlling.
  2. Thanks for replying. I have had many of the same ideas. I guess it is good he only wants to be friends, for my sake.
  3. I have had a male friend for the past 6 months who calls me a couple of times a day. We have been out to dinner a few times but have not been intimate. My divorce was final 3 months ago which explains the phone calls but not much time together. He told me he didn't know if he wanted to be in a relationship, yet keeps daily track of my whereabouts and everything going on in my life. He gets upset every time I mention moving to another state to look for work, questions everything I do if I go anywhere etc. In the meantime, he himself has been divorced a year and he let me know " He would never allow himself to get hurt like that again. " I am confused about his behavior. He claims not to want a relationship " right now " yet acts like he is putting me on hold and doesn't want me going anywhere. We spend very little time together, tons of phone calls though. He only lives 45 miles away. He acts like he is afraid of being around me in person, and when I told him I wanted more, he said I can't give you that right now. Any ideas?
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