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The door mat

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Posts posted by The door mat

  1. The saying is true that beauty is on the inside. Once you find the right person then they will love you for who you are not what you look like and that is the beauty of love, but you also have to be happy with yourself and if you not then do something about it.. So you say you dont like youf face b/c you have pimples. Have you tried to go to the DR. and get something for it. Or that pro active stuff my friend uses and it really worked for her. You prb. make your self feel worse then you really are. Pick your head up! who cares what others think as long as you are a good person then thats all that matters. Another thing you are only 17 this is your prime time to have pimples dont be surprised if it just start clearing up on it own....

  2. He has changed a lot since we have been together. I get so digusted sometimes with the ways that he has changed like he is just trying to impress people now and hes not being himself. I wonder sometimes if im still in love with him or if im in love with what we once had. I can take the way that he treats me now. he treats me like im a one night stand and I was with him for 5 years and engaged. I thought that he would have a little bit more respect for me then he has been having. I wish things could go back to the way that they used to be. I try to be friends but then it leads into other things. I want to have the upper hand i want to stand strong and when he calls not pick up the phone or if i do and he invites me over i want to go over watch a movie and leave not spend the night. I want him to relize what he gave up!

  3. When him and i broke up we said that we have been through way too much together and had been a huge part eachothers lifes to not be friends. I want to be friends with him and talk sometimes buti dont want him to think that everytime we talk that we are going to sleep together. I want to do NC for a while just to let him know that he did not get the best of me but how long do i do NC before i can talk to him and let him know that i still want to be friends.

  4. So my Ex called me Sat. morning and i did good again I didnt pick up the phone and i didnt call him back so it was about 3 weeks of NC. well later that night I went out to the bar with some friends I was having a good time and then the Ex showed. he came up to me and said hey you cant come over and say hi, I have been trying to call you, you cant call anyone back. So i just looked at him and said well I tried to call you a few times but you seem to be to cool to call anyone anymore and im not going to chase you. So anyway as the night went on he hung around more and more. i usually dont go out to much and to my supprise i drank a lot so my ex told me that he would drive me home b/c there was no way I should be driving and i agreed, but we went to his house instead of me going home. Things happen when you have been drinking and im not going to blam it on that but yes we did have sex. The next morning he was acting like himself again..a jerk. he acted like he got what he wanted and there was no reason for me to touch him. So we got up and he drove me so i could get my car but when i leand over to give him a kiss goodbye he moved so i would kiss his cheek and he gave me a hug..I was so mad that he had to make me feel like some cheep date that he does not even know. we just spent the night together and he could not even kiss me. So now im upset b/c i broke the NC rule and i gave in again... why do i keep doing this.

  5. I live in a neighborhood that we are all very close, we all live close we all do everything together and we all concider one another to be family, But about a month ago one of our family had passed away due to drinking way too much and also having drugs in his system. It was and still is very hard for all of us. I am taking this really hard b/c out of everyone I was closer to him then i am to all the others. I try to go see his mom as often as i can just to see how she is doing and if she needs anything, I try to be the " Rock" of the group but sometimes its hard and i feel like i cant break down to anyone. I also have a nother problem that i dont knpw what to do about. There has alway been a problem with the boys in the group having a drinking problem and in the lst year there has also been a drug problem. I thought by everyone seeing that what my friend had died from would make them stop everything or at least cut down, But it has made them worse.. I have tried to do things like dump all the drinks down the sink, Im so afraid of losing someone else if they dont wise up.

  6. Im sorry about what is going on with you but i would also like you to know that you are not alone on this one. I also have a ex that i was best friends with for 7-8 years and we were together for 5 years and he does all the same to me and he was not into the drinking and flirting but now is. My advice to you is to try to sit away from he in that class or se if that class is available at a different time of different day so you wont have to be in the same class with her. If you give her the small talk and be nice then they know that they have the advantage and they keep realing you right back in. I think the reason for her going out and drinking and flirting is a phase that they go through she was wuth you when she was really young and now wants to see what single life is like but i would not get too worried about it. It gets old after a while( my ex did the same thing) But my mistake is i kept going back to my ex and it only kmade things harder so please stick to your guns... pay no attention to her ..thats what shes looking for from you.she wants you to be her bait so do yourself a cut the string.....

  7. So I am now on day 11 NC with my ex But he did try to call me on Sunday at 3:30 in the morning!!! I was so mad I have not talked to him in a while and he calls at 3:30am I know what kind of phone call that was ....a the bar closed and i have been drinking and I have no one to go home with me.... So to my supprise i did good i never answered the phone and i didnt call him back later. He never called back again so it only made me relize even more that he was trying to call me for a "booty call" But where was the new girl that he was seeing???? I guess it cant be too serious if hes still calling me at night.. I still dont get where he thinks that he can just stop calling and seeing me out of no where for almost 2 weeks now and then just call me out of the blue at 3:30 in the morning.. I have been wanting to call him though i miss him alot and i am feeling so lonley. now with V-Day coming it makes me feel even more down..

  8. So let me catch you up.. I was with my ex for 5 years engaged to be married and all. we broke up a year ago tomarrow. Me and him started i guess you could say "seeing" each other again about a 2 months ago. everything was going great. Until he just recently got a new job and it was better paying so he decided to go out and get a new BMW and he thought he was the "man" now for having on as soon as he got it he came over and showed me the new car and then 2 days later he met this girl. I guess he is now seeing her b/c he has not called me since he got the new car or met this girl. Its been 5 days that i have not talked to him. Well about a half hour ago he called me out of the blue and asked for a friend of mine's (male) phone number,and that was it then he was like ok ill talk to you later bye... What the hell was that.. I dont get it we have been sleeping together for now 2 months and he gets a new car and a new girl and i mean nothing again.... I can take his games anymore . he has hurt me one too many times. why does he think he can keep doing this to me. what am i doing wrong that he just does not want to work things out? how do i get over this feeling that he gives me that im alway depressed and i feel like there is no reason for me to go on?

  9. So today is day 6 of NC and its killing me, But im not going to lie i did try to call him 2 days ago and he never picked up and he didnt call me back but i have told myself that i am not allowed to call him anymore.. I dont understand this guy we once were so in love and for him to treat me with this much lack of respect. I just cant believe it. I feel like im stuck in a rut here i fell like i'll never get over him and move on. I feel like ill always hold on to the hope of us getting back together and being happy again. Why does he keep coming back to me if he does not want to be with me.. we are like 3 months on 4 months off and so on and so on...this whole thing is breaking me. For some reason I can not get him out of my head. I wake up about 12 times a night b/c i had a dream about hi or i cant sleep b/c Im thinking about him and the fact that he is with another girl. When i hang out with my friends I find myself talking about him .... What do i do to get by this ??

  10. Hello,

    It is very normal to be scared. First he was scared and you saw him through it and showed him that this can be a positive thing and that the both of you can do this together. It is natural for a human to be scared about new things, but thats the amazing thing with this change you are going to be bringing a beautiful part of both of you into this world. I am a strong believer in that things happen for a reason. For whatever that reason may be you were ment to be pregnate. What you chose to do is your decision but to me you sound like a strong person I think you and him will get through this just fine, and as far as you still going to school I think that someone can do what they want to do as long as they put there mind to it. Yes having a baby will make it harder but in the long run its all worth it. This guy im glad that you said we both are putting in a 110%, what makes you think that when your going to school that he will not be there to help you.... Like i said this is something that is very important and you can never undo whatever you choose, But somewhere along the line this happened for a reason... Please dont forget the option for adoption..... I wish you well...

  11. hey my new friend....


    well i agree with andy stone. fallow your heart do what you think is right but please you know what im going through dont give in if you know nothing is going to come out of it. You have been such a great help to me I would not want you to write me back telling me all the things i tell you. Stay strong, Make him work for it. He knows he broke it off. So make sure that his intentions are good towards you. I know that this doesn not sound like much coming from someone who does the opposite but im only giving you the advice that you would give to me... you know what to do. Listen to you!!

  12. all of you have such great advice and i thank you for the replys. It help so much to have someone to talk to and have people care about what i said and give a reply back to me instead of just listing to what i have to say and then brush it off... I have just had a really hard time with me and him breaking up and then getting back together and then breaking up again me and him have been through a lot me was my first i was with him for 5 years best friends for 7 years we were engaged to be married i dont know how to take him out of my life me has been my whole life. I try to go on with out him but then something makes me think of him or i see him or he calls and then im back to square one. I am afraid to start amnother relationship because i dont want to go through this again with someone else and when i meet someone i find everything wrong with them that i can so i dont let myself get close...

  13. well some of you know me and for those of you who dont I was with my ex for 5 years we started seeing eachother again and he didnt want to make anything official .. typical guys who want his cake and side dish.. anyway we were doing pretty good up until a week ago he went out and got a brand new BMW now he thinks hes a chick magnet, well he stopped calling me and he usually calls me everyday. So i thought I would give him a call to se how he was well he never picked up the phone and never called me back so now its been a week that we have not talked and i know that a week is not a long time but for him it is. well i found out that hehis seeing this new girl. I just cant take his games anymore he waits until i can handel the fact that we are not together then he pulls me back in for a little while until he finds something and now Im back to the curb.. I am so in love with him so it hurts really bad and i get reall depressed. I dont know how to handel everything. what do i say or do when he calls. I want to remain friends but I dont want to keep being his toy. he has told his mom that i am the best relationship he has ever had and he will always love me. So sometimes he relizes but he still wants to see whats out there but also keep me close just in case. i cant be the just incase anymore I have spent WAY too much time being depressed over him. How do i get out of this depression? how do i make myself stronger towards him? Im stuck under a hard heavy rock i feel like i cant move and my life is going now where.. some one please yave so kind advice or cment for me.....

  14. Some of you have read my last story about me and my ex of 5 years. We just started " seeing each other " again whatever that means... I know he still loves me and enjoys being with me but I guess he does not want to be tied down right now. I dont know if hes seeing anyone else or not. But he cals me almost every day. I wont call him i wait for him to call me and ask me if I want to hang out, But i dont want him to think that everytime we hang out im going to go to his house and we are going to sleep together. I want to be available but not too avaliable. I want for us to do things together besides toing to his house but i dont know what to do with out making it sound like im trying to get him to do on a date and seem like we are back together. any ideas?? Also how should a girl go about being availabe to the one she loves but also make him relize thats shes not going to wait around for him forever. make him miss me a little.Please Help I need good advice......

  15. Hello all,

    I was with this guy for 5 years. we were engaged to be married and everything was great. We got together when he was 17 and i was 16. Well he broke up with me im going to say "to explore his options". We said that we would stay friends and i thought it was too hard for me to do that so i did the NC thing and it worked for a while but there would be those times that we saw eachother out and would say hello to be nice. Well Its been about a year now since we broke up and we just recently started talking alot more. I usually wait for him to call me so i dont look like the one that needs to talk to him, But I think he is just using me as his door mat... He calls me almost everyday, but when he asks me to hang out I think im just the last resort. I think he calls and trys to find people to hang out with and then when he has nothing to do then he calls me because he knows ill always be there. We have started sleeping together but I think he may be sleeping with someone else also. I dont know what to do because i love spending time with him and i take every chance i can get with him but i also dont want him to know that ill be there to jump when he says so. I would love for us to get back together, but i need to find a way to let him know that i am way more important then his flings hes having. I think that im not helping myself with this because hes got it all. Im there when he needs me and he still can lead the single life and do what he wants to do. What do i need to do to make him relize that he only wants to be with me and make things work?

    Please help!!


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