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  1. Hi, my problem is very simple. I have no friends. My entire life I have had friends, I've don't make friends easily or have super close friends, but I have always had a large group to hang out with at lunch hours, or have over, or go to a movie with. However, after high school started at the beginning of grade 9, they all vanished. I kinda outgrew my old friends because some went into drugs, and many went to the chess club, which I had no interest in whatsoever. I kinda didn't share their interests. I dont really fit in with them, and don't want to hang out with them, but I cant meld into a particular clique. I can't hang with the cool kids cause I am a very straight arrow, not drinking or anything like that, but wear their kind of clothes, but can't be rude to teachers, or obnoxious to others. None of the other groups really fit me, because I feel now that I hvae kind of been in the background all this time, and now why all of the sudden would I pop up and be their close friend. I have slowly been sliping in comments to my parents about switching schools, but they don't really no that I don't have any good friends to chill with. They kind of heckle me about watching tv and being on msn on weekends instead of out with friends, and I feel bad, and want to be out with friends, I just simply don't have any. I am a very shy person at first, but open up dramtically, and am one of the most outgoing people ever, ONLY AFTER I KNOW AND TRUST SOMEONE ENOUGH TO SAY ANYTHING AROUND THEM. I have moved about every 3 yeras of my life, all accross Canada, so have had to make new friends alot, and did have some since the move here for about 2 years, but for the last 2 years, I have not had any friends. The one person I know can call a friend, which is a girl, thinks that I really like her(shes one of those preppy, hot girls because I asked her out twice on msn so shes reluctant cause she thinks i will turn it into a date, but in class and at school, she and me have a great time laughing and we click, but other than that, I am now friendless) If you need more information, please ask, but what shold I do. -Very lonely person but not depressed thankfully
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