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  1. Okay, this is going to be weird, in part because I'm pretty inexperienced when it comes to being social (only 18) and in part because I'm really shy. Through my GF I've met a chick who, yeah, I sorta like, but mainly I just see a person I want to get to know better and call a friend. We rarely meet even though we go to the same high school, and if I don't do anything within the next 5 months, I'm screwed forever as I'll never see the chick again... I don't want this chick to replace my GF, or cheat on my GF, or anything like that since the chick and my GF are friends and I'm loyal to my GF, I just want to start a friendship with this chick as I think she's cool and pretty nice. I had a chance to talk to her today, but I'm far too shy and socialy inept, and also afraid of being to abrubt and making her think I'm hiting on her, PLEASE give me some help!
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