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Posts posted by jowelle

  1. Ya know, your relationship sounds like my own relationship with my then best friend, now turned boyfriend (and still best friend). We had known each other for years, had crushes on and off, went out with others, but we did end up together as of two years ago. Your story sounds so much like my own...that I HAD to write. Ok. Now I will try to help answer your question. The thing that I would tell you to do is just be a friend. Be there for her when she needs someone to talk to, lean on, or whatever. Listen, love. It's ok. Be supportive of her relationship--as it seems you have been--I know that it is probly kinda tough to see her with this guy when you have fallen for her, but you are sophmores, and you never can tell what will happen later! (My boyfriend told me that my sophmore year is the year he really realized he liked me--and wanted to go out with me. At the time, I was in a relationship that I was very happy in, but he was just always there to listen and talk and just be a friend. After the relationship ended, he was still there...still wanted to be more than just friends, and I came to my senses and realized---the one was right here all along!) I can't say what exactly will happen with you and Katie, but above all, being there, being a friend is the best thing you can do. You never can tell what will happen in the future...

  2. I like it...maybe change the "Girl I love you" part to "Babe I love you" just because it gives it some variation. Also,, unless this is to music, change the "We'd neva" part to "We would never" because I'm not sure I myself like the effect of "We'd neva", but that's just a personal thing anyways. Is this written by you? It's really sweet. I would feel sooo lucky to have a guy write poems/lyrics/whatever this is like that for me. Very sweet.

  3. I think he might be cheating on you too...and I know that hurts. I've been there. I realize that you still love him...I still loved my "cheater" too, but trying to keep with him can hurt more than letting him go. Unrequited love is painful. I'm sure that he knows you love him, but maybe you should find someone who is deserving of the love that you lavish on him...he isn't worth it....especially with that phone thing. Ok? Best of luck! Oh...and it probably wouldn't hurt to approach him about the cheating thing, if you get the chance to talk with him. Ok?

  4. Dear enchanter,

    I have been tanning in a tanning salon for about 2 years now, but not regularly because I tan TOO easily. I have heard that some people with very light skin and of certain descent cannot tan at all. If you have red hair, your skin also tends to be quite tan resistant and also if you only burn and NEVER tan aftera burn, you should not spend ANY time in a tanning bed. You can try a tanning bed. I know that it is not good for your skin...I have been told that many, many times, however, in my quest for a tan tummy, I've done it on and off. Anyways...the only way to tell if you are truly wasting your time is to try it...although I am sure that I will receive much criticism for telling you to try it if you want to. I would suggest just trying about 5 minutes to begin with. Otherwise you will burn, especially with light, light skin. You could tan once a week for a while and use "tan-too" (a sort of sticker that comes in many shapes and designs--when you tan it leaves a design where you stuck it because it blocks the rays) to see if you have made any progress. After you've gone for a couple weeks at 5 minutes, you could move to 10 minutes, but if after the couple of weeks at 5 you notice that all you do is burn and then stay pale, you might want to just quit so as not to burn anymore than you have...if you are burning from the tanning. I have a good friend who is very light skinned and it is really attractive. I realize that you don't like it, but it could prove to be an asset someday...I know it might sound dumb, but if nothing else works and you don't want to use a lotion, it is ok to be pale. Pale can be very beautiful...it really can. Anyways...write me sometime and tell me how it goes!


  5. Hi...I just recently found out that my bf is looking at porn stuff on his computer...something I found out totally by accident...anyways...I don't know how to tell him that I found out...I just know that I feel really hurt and I'm not sure what to do. I love him just as much and everything...I just want to know WHY? I'm confused...help! Thank you!

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