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Posts posted by McSushi

  1. Is a 20 year old with a 30 year old pretty much okay in America?

    I was uncomfortable from the first line, sorry if that's rude, just asking...


    Yes. They are both adults. Once you hit 18 there's no rules as far as age-gap relationships go. What's the problem?


    Huntress, I understand your concern about the college education being important, but to echo what another poster wrote I think the most important thing is that a man has the means to provide for his mate and possible future family (roof over your head, food on the table, clothes, etc.) not necessarily the education (I have a BA degree so I am not anti-education in case anyone was wondering). Although it is important to have goals, college is not for everyone. I happen to know some people with degrees that work at Blockbuster video and grocery stores. Nothing wrong with that, but my point is that if he has a good stable job, is a hard worker, and is financially stable and able etc. those are the things that I would really focus on. My father was a great provider with no college education as well as my mother. They raised 3 girls and put us all through college, people do it all the time! Your man makes 6 figures! Consider yourself lucky...just my opinion. The 10 year age difference also kinda caught my eye, my boyfriend is 10 years younger than me as well.


    Anyways... colleges will always be around. I had 70 year olds in some of my classes so it's never too late to go to school.

  2. Thanks guys! Really appreciate the speedy responses.


    what does your gut instinct tell you? do you feel cared about? do you feel like he is making excuses or is he genuniely busy? however, even people that are geniunely busy will find time to spend with you.



    Well, like I mentioned before from what he tells me, he is really busy with school and work, but wants to make time for everything that he considers important in his life. He mentions all the time that he hates school, even though he's good at it so I guess he is adjusting to the "change" (end of summer, fun stuff, etc.) He called me yesterday and made plans for a date this Wed... and he just wrote me a text message right now. Soooo I think my gut is telling me that I'm being paranoid and that he is just adjusting to all the responsibilities in his life right now. I'll just give him his space, focus my free time on things that I enjoy doing so I won't obsess over the rlp. I just don't want to do anything to sabotage the rlp...he's a good catch, probably the best that I have dated in a LONG time, so I definitely don't want to see this one "get away", lol.

  3. Do you feel like he is trying to make you a higher priority or do you feel like he is hiding behind school as an excuse not to spend time/talk to you? That is the key feeling I think and one you have to trust your instinct and judgment on...


    Based on what he has told me he did mention that I am way up there on his top priorities as far as what's important in his life. Not trying to defend him, so I hope I am not coming accross that way because that is not my intent. I appreciate and am open to all different kinds of opinions to my OP. He said right before his first week of classes started that he would be so busy with work and school that we would probably have to cut our dates a little short (we use to hang out until the wee hours in the morning). I know he has classes on Tues. from 10am - 9:45PM so that's a long day for him. He has a lot of homework, hard classes this semester so maybe that could be it? He does see me more than his own friends, which use to be the other way around when we first started dating. He did say that he doesn't want anyone to feel left out so he tries to make room for spending time w/his family, friends, and girlfriend, and time to do homework etc.


    I don't know, I hope he's not using school as an excuse...I'd be a little upset if he was bored of the rlp already only after 3 months especially since he's told me that he wants to be with me for a long time.

  4. Hello, I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend (10 year age-gap, he's younger, I'm older) for almost 3 months now. In the beginning of the relationship we were text messaging each other like crazy, and he was calling me and always wanting to spend time with me. We both work together and attend the same church so we would always see each other regardless of whether a date was scheduled for that week or not. I have noticed that things seemed to slow down a bit since school just started for him. By "slowing down" I mean, not texting me as much or being as up to spending a lot of time together on dates. I'm wondering or hoping that maybe it's because he's just busy with school and work and not that he's getting tired of me already. Regardless I know the worst thing for me to do is to pursue him even more and demand why things seemed to have slowed down or why he doesn't seem as excited to do spontaneous dates like we used too. We do see each other about 3 or 4 times a week, twice at church, 1 at work, and sometimes a regular date. I guess I'm just a little paranoid and assuming the worst due to previous bad relationships. Is this normal in a relationship? In the beginning phase, your constantly spending a lot of time together, talking, etc. then things slow down a bit? I forgot..it's been about 5 years since I've been in a long-term rlp.

  5. Theres a lot to be said on this subject, your body language could be "unwelcoming" or you could be intimidatingly beautiful........


    I would also suggest that most people don't base whom they date on body alone. Sounds like you are healthy and fit, and I would say that maybe there is something else that is holding you back from seeming "open to being approached".


    I agree with these two posts. A large part of a person's "attraction" has a lot to do with their personality and body language than their physical appearance (believe it or not). Maybe your sending off a wrong signal without realizing it? Are you shy and quiet? Sometimes I tend to be quiet and people misread this as me being in a bad mood which is not the case at all. Try making more eye contact with people and smile more often (this has helped me I noticed).

    Also, if your good-looking and KNOW IT, this can be sending off a wrong signal to people too. They might misjudge you as being conceited and unfriendly (not saying that you are, I'm sure your a nice gal).

    Try these techniques, smiling, being more approachable, etc. and let us know if you notice a difference with these guys.

  6. I was jus wondering about this as i surfed the net, because today in age in the media, music videos, movies it seems girls are more into darker guys.. i also speak from the world around me, im a light skinned hispanic male and my other peers are darker then i am and it seems the other latinas and white girls or jus any girl goes for the darker guy. Like i would be standing beside a darker friend and if a girl walks by, right away she notices him before me... not that im ugly jus wana know do u girls prefer darker men or lighter ???



    Hmm...this is interesting. I actually dated a light-skinned puerto rican guy in which his preference was brown skinned or darker skinned women. Then again I dated a light skinned cuban guy that preferred light-skinned women.

    And I dated a few guys that were either my shade or darker that preferred light-skinned women.


    All I can say is just go for the one's that are attracted to YOU. Why would you want a girl that would prefer someone else of a different shade knowing full dang well that you can't change your skin tone? That's why I just stopped going for the one's that didn't really want me and went for the one's that were truly attracted and interested in me.


    Since I prefer light-skinned guys you'd probably be on my list! jk

  7. I used to prefer darker skin (brown, light brown, olive, tan) of certain races: black, latino, asian, etc. But I noticed or should I say realized that I was usually not their preference (always caught them looking at blond chics, lol). Hey, to each his/her own. They can have them for all I care, if that is their type.


    BUT NOW, I like white boys! They are more attracted and interested in me anyways. Something that I have been blind to for all these years because I was looking at guys that were my "type". I'm a brown-skinned biracial female with exotic looks, so maybe it's that whole opposites attract thing that I got going for me, who knows! \\

  8. Hello

    There's a guy in my church that has shown interest in me and I am a little bit interested in him as well. We have been talking for about 2 weeks, and often-times he comes by my work area (we work together too) to visit me and chat.

    Anyways, since it's so early and we are not dating yet, I want to show him that I'm interested in him as well without being too "obvious" and coming accross as desperate. In past relationships I have been accused twice as being too much of a taker and not doing much when it comes to those "little things" that couples do for each other that are special. Sooo, to kill this bad habit, I want to start off on the right foot.


    First question...what can a woman do in the beginning stages of attraction and flirting as far as giving or doing nice things without going overboard?

    He came by twice to visit me by my work area...would it be okay for me to visit him by his work area or would he (as a male) read this as desperate or me chasing him? (I'm from the school that men should be the pursuers and

    chasers in the beginning of a relationship).


    My second questions is..He did mention that he likes the beach and I said that I do as well. He said that he would give me a call and let me know the next time they (him and his friend) go and asked me if my number was in the church directory. I didn't say anything (why, don't ask, I guess it caught me off guard)..so my question is how should I nonchalantly give him my number the next time I see him without coming accross as too eager? What should I say? HELP


    I can't believe I'm 29 and still asking questions I should already have the answers too.

  9. Thanks guys!

    A lot of excellent points were made but these are the one's that stood out to me.


    It has everything to do with compatibility. Some things cannot be healed by time - a lack of overall compatibility is one of those. You could be dating for 10 years and still not be compatible enough to be married.


    Just my opinion but I think at least a year or even two would be a good amount of time. People need time to learn about each other and be sure they want the same things out of life. Take time to learn about each others lives as they were growing up. Find out about their moral values and be sure you are on the " same page" so to speak on thoughts and ideas.


    For me, it is important that I am compatible with my partner on all levels - emotionally, mentally, physically, in terms of lifestyle, goals, values, support.



    I agree wholeheartedly with the compatibility being a huge factor. You have to be on the same page when it comes to goals in the relationship, morals and values, religious beliefs (if that's important to you), whether or not the couple agrees on if they want children or not, if they are ready for a relationship, emotionally mature etc....and also observe their character and see if this is a type of person you can see yourself being with for the rest of your life and what your willing to tolerate.

    Although I'm in a new relationship, I observed before we even started dating if he seemed like someone that could possibly be a type of person that I look for in a boyfriend. And so far so good, we are both looking for a long-term relationship w/the possibility of marriage, we attend the same church, we're both involved in the music ministry there, we have the same political views, we have chemistry, and he's a gentleman, and he's the type of guy that I would be proud to introduce to my parents ... so I'll keep my fingers crossed, he's a great guy for me! I'm very happy!! I'm just taking it slow, one day at a time, and enjoying where we are at in the relationship.


    I would definitely wait until the "honeymoon" phase is over and until both partners get to know each other more


    Yeah, I heard that the infatuation phase or honeymoon phase is usually about 6 - 9 months, then after that you really start to see the person for who they really are instead of being blinded by all the mushy emotional feelings that you have for each other.

    So I personally made a decision for myself that I would date someone for at least a year before we decided to get engaged...2 years at the most. That's just my preference though, because I feel that after 2 years of investing my time, energy, money, and emotions into somebody for more than 2 years and they still did not pop the question, I'd have to cut the relationship off. I'm sure others may not agree with this, or they may, but that is just a decision that I made for myself and I'm sticking to it.

  10. As a general rule, how long do you think a couple should know each other prior to getting engaged? I know, I know, it varies from person to person, but I'm interested in getting your opinions and imput on this question? I'm especially interested in married couples opinion on this question.


    I personally know couples that got married in 5 months and in my opinion, that is not enough time to really get to know each other (just MY opinion )

    I've read articles from "experts" that say you should know the person you are dating for at least 9 months to a year before you decide to get engaged to them...what do you guys think? My boyfriend was actually asking my opinion on how long do I think we should wait before getting engaged and I was speechless, I've never been asked this question before so I have no idea, lol.




  11. Thanks guys! Well, I talked to a girlfriend of mine and she said that maybe it's me. He did try to kiss me on the lips on one date and I pulled away and said that I wanted to wait on that. Maybe I'm unptight, lol, but that is how I honestly felt at that time. I like to establish a good friendship when I'm dating someone in the early stages FIRST before I feel that I can trust them enough for that friendship to evolve into a romantic rlp.


    They say that good relationships are built on a solid friendship..

  12. Well, I'm glad to see that I'm not alone. I'm starting to be more comfortable with this May/December rlp. I'm just wondering how many months does it take for the two involved in an age-gap rlp to be completely comfortable with each other and the age difference is no longer an issue? I still feel that he is uncomfortable at times to hold my hand in public (and I'll admit I am the same way too ), but I'm thinking or hoping maybe it's because I have not kissed him yet? Maybe if/when that happens we'll be more comfortable with each other as a true couple?


    We've been dating for over a month now and I have not kissed him yet (yes I'm a prude, lol).


    Please feel free to share any experiences in your beginning stages of your May/December rlp.

  13. That's great advice RayKay. I do realize having your own business can be tough because you have to wear many different hats and it can be very stressful when your doing it all by yourself pretty much. I am understanding to that..just wanted to hear other people's input on this. I myself work full-time, sometimes overtime, and I have my singing engagements so at times I can be pretty busy myself. Well, I see him twice a week anyways, because we attend the same church, lol.

    Yeah, 2 dates canceling/rescheduling is not too bad. I guess I am paranoid because my ex used to cancel, flake, show up late, stand me up ALL THE TIME and I tolerated it for 5 months (my fault I know). So I want to be wise about things early on in a relationship to prevent repeating this same mistake.


    I think I just won't be as readily available if he cancels/reschedules next time, it will have to be to my convenience.

  14. I'm in a new relationship, and I want to start things off on a good note. I have been dating this guy for a little over a month and so far things are going great. He has his own business and works a lot so sometimes he complains about being tired, etc. He has cancelled and rescheduled about 2 dates so far due to him being tired from working a lot. Should I make a big deal about this little habit, should I say something? I'm just wondering if maybe I'm being too passive by being okay with him rescheduling dates or if I'm not being understanding to his "workoholism"? I know that when he does ask me out on a date I'm always up for it...maybe I'm coming accross as too available?


    Any advice?


  15. 1) NEVER call him, constantly letting him pursue

    2) Dont accept a weekend date after a Wednesday (umm.. hello?)

    3) Never cook for him until after 3 months,therwise you appear like a "mum"


    I only do #3 from what you posted above.


    4) When he asks you out, put him off politely until the next week

    there are more, but I cant remember them now - not sure I want to !!!

    Opinions apreciated!


    Ahh, the Rules. lol. I used to have this book, and used it as a dating bible about 2 years ago. What I liked about this book is the basic common sense rules on allowing a man to pursue, and I believe he should in the beginning stages, don't chase after a man because it makes you appear needy (honestly who wants someone chasing after them, it gets annoying), and having a life of your own (a man wants a woman that can stand on her own two feet). But the little things that I don't follow or really care for are the one's on not accepting a date after Wed., don't return calls, and don't see him more than once a week during the first month ( I have no choice, we attend the same church and bible studies so we have to see each other, lol). I believe this book is a good "guide" as far as dating do's and don'ts go for women, but you don't neccessarily have to follow it word for word. Sometimes you have to play it by ear, everything is a case by case basis, and YES people are different and react differently. This book if followed to the "T" only truly works if you are dealing with what the author's call the Alpha male (Leader, outgoing, dominant etc.). But seriously, all guys are different and have many different personalities. I asked a male friend of mine if he were to call a girl and she didn't return his phone calls, what would he do? He said, he'd stop calling her. lol


    So much for rules. Also the author's are both divorced (one got divorced after writing this book too!) hmmmm....

  16. Firstly, the one thing I have noticed (and this is not to offend ANYONE who posts here) is that, generally speaking, the men I have dated either close to my age up to 8 years older than me have been emotionally immature commitment phobic


    I can relate to this. And although everyone is different and I too don't like to make generalizations but I have also had this same problem with men around my age group and even up to 8 years older that don't want to settle down in life and have a long-term relationship and possibly marriage. I live in an area which encourages the bachelor lifestyle well up until mid 40's to even 50's! Which is fine for them to make that choice to be a bachelor, what I don't respect is when they pretend that they want a long-term rlp with someone and all they really want is sex. At least be honest upfront and let that person know you only do casual dating, nothing serious. I can't stand time-wasters.

  17. Thanks guys! I will take this advice. Not to highlight differences or make it an issue. Just act naturally, and enjoy getting to know each other. I did mention to him that maybe he felt akward about it because I look way younger than my actual age (I could pass for 17, 18 easy) and he looks his age 41. I told him not to focus on the physical and what other people might say or react. Character and personality is way more important.

  18. Hi, I was wondering if anyone else was in a similar type of relationship as myself? I'm a single, 28 yr. old female, I live alone, have my BA, working professional, never married/no children and the man that I am dating is 41, never been married, no children, owns his own home and business. We both share the same religion, attend the same church, have similar morals and values, political views, and have similar family upbringing.


    I really don't see our age gap of 13 years as a big issue. I've always preferred to date older men so this is not new for me. However, for HIM it is a new experience since he has told me that he has never dated a woman as young as I am. He treats me really good, and tells me that he is glad to have me in his life and that I make him happy.

    My question is, how can I reasure him that the 13 year age difference is no big thing b/w two grown adults? I noticed that when I don't bring it up, or when I don't encourage the discussion when he starts talking about it, he doesn't seem to really care about the age gap (maybe I should keep doing this?)

    Any thoughts?


    -McSushi! (no I am not a troll..just found this board today and I'm loving it!)

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