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Posts posted by loz2k29

  1. I know this has already been said but you really did put him in an impossible situation there. you should think about what answer you were expecting just before you asked him. i am a female but i feel so so sorry for guys sometimes, we put them through hell and ask questions and just expect them to know the right answer to it or the answer we want to hear.


    i am not saying he was right to say any of this at all but it is a horrible situation to put anyone in. he definitely wasnt right to use those words as his answer and no offence but he must be pretty stupid not to have realised that saying this would offend you greatly and he really should know by now having been out with other girls too that women dont really like what men have to say, they want to hear what they want men to say.....


    agh its confusing



    god i feel so sorry for my bf lol


    and all men come to think of it

  2. Well the title says it all really. i dont like giving my bf oral sex. i really want to do it and have done it before. i want to pleasure him because he really likes doing it to me. plus he basically asks for it in a round about way quite often when we're together. i do agree sometimes because i want to please him but i dont get very far at all.


    i think that it all stems from something that happened when we had only been doing anything sexual for a couple of months. i was giving him oral sex and he had never actually came in my mouth before, we usually stopped before he came if we had ever done it before. however he just did it, and i hadnt even realised what had happened to be honest. i was pretty annoyed because he knew i wasnt ready for it but he still did it and when i asked why he just said 'i dont know i just thought id let it go' or something like that. thereforeeee the thing that i dont like about giving oral sex now is that i dont know when or if it is going to happen. it sounds daft but its the anticipation that kills me. another thing is his seamen tastes and smells pretty funky sometimes. i also believe that i am very much a taker when it comes to sex, and quite a lazy lover but i dont want to be like that any more. i want to make my bf feel good because i do love him very much. if ever we do it now, he will put a condom on when he is nearly ready but he says that it is now as good as it is without.


    after that rant (sorry if it was a bit er 'descriptive' at some points) i just want to know if anyone has any advice to give me? how i could make it more enjoyable for us both and maybe something we could do to keep me interested (which is another problem of myn quite short attention span lol)


    please help! it does sometimes cause arguments and i feel so bad about it if he asks

  3. All I can say is if you are both enjoying it, it feels right and you are being safe (taking precautions etc.) then I think it is fine. It could only be seen as 'too fast' by other people but if you don't care what they think then carry on.


    Be safe though! Good luck

  4. Well, it is pretty complicated. Basically I had an on and off relationship with a guy for about 2 and half years. I cut off all contact with my ex for a couple of months after we broke up because It was hurting me too much to still see him. Anyway, I've got a new bf now and would really like to meet up with my ex, purely as a friend now. (although the way I used to feel about him It could stir up some feelings) I was just wondering whether I should tell my current bf.


    Ok I know I definitely should tell my bf about the meeting because no good could come of me not telling him because he could find out then we've got big problems. But how should I tell him? He doesn't know much about my relationship with my ex so I can't exactly spring it on him. He is the type of person however that might take this the completely wrong way and not like the idea at all. He is quite paranoid that I am going to find someone else better than him. Which I'm not, because he is amazing.


    Maybe I shouldn't meet my ex? I really want to though because he is a lovely guy and I still want to maintain contact with him.

  5. Well I posted a thread about this not long ago. I too had this problem and I know how frustrating it is! I think my problem was that I was quite stressed at the time and had a lot on my mind. I just wasn't in the right frame of mind. I really wanted to come and I was in the mood for sex but because I had underlying worries about other things I couldn't properly relax. Relaxing is the key I think. Another tip is (its a bit weird) have sex when you need a pee. This makes everything much more sensitive and this was the only time I came in a very long time when I needed the loo! Not very romantic I know but worked for me. I know how frustrating this problem is.


    Another thing is I think you could be focusing on it too much. If you are constantly wanting it to happen so much then it won't happen. I remember at one point I was saying over and over in my head 'please come please come please come' lol sad I know and needlessly to say I didn't come. remember you don't have to come every time you have sex, it can be really satisfying without having an orgasm. Just relax, try lots of foreplay to get you in the mood, lots of different positions and it should happen!


    Good luck

  6. I have been taking the pill for 3 months now so quite new to it. I have apologised to my bf now so every thing is ok with him. he does agree that i have become very moody lately too. I am definitely going to bring it up with the doctor next time i go if nothing else has changed. One question about the injection, do you have to have it in your bottom? I dont fancy getting my bottom out! however it would be much better than the pill because i find it hard to remember to take it.

  7. Hey I just wanted to know whether anyone else has experience this. I do sometimes suffer from mood swings normally but since I have started taking the pill it has become worse. Recently I have been getting angry extremely easily. Just tonight I had an argument with my boyfriend - a pretty big one - because he offered to pick me up instead of me getting the bus in the dark. I went completely mad and accused him of being overprotective etc. he still isnt talking to me now actually. So then I started crying for no reason at all really. I do that now sometimes if I get stressed out I will start crying too. Anyway I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this before whilst being on the pill? Is there anything I could do which might ease the mood swings? thank u


  8. ah ha. i have found the answer, should probably tell my boyfriend this. it is a condition called phimosis where the foreskin wont retract over the penis. apoligies for my stupid attempt at explaining, i must admit i dont know much about penis' as he is my first partner i dont really know what is supposed to happen with them it does say it can affect the sex for both male and female... maybe this is a problem?

  9. right after some research and looking on the internet at a website titled 'link removed' i understand. basically, my boyfriend is uncircumsized and the foreskin doesnt come over the head of his penis when he pulls it back. thereforeeee there is a little hole in his foreskin. dont know if anybody else undestands but im glad i do now... i wonder if this is a medical problem?

  10. yea my boyfriend is definitely into foreplay. he manages to make me you know... wet very easily, so my body is ready its just my mind that isnt and flatly refuses to relax. its as though i am constantly willing myself to come.

  11. well i have previously posted about the sex going a bit downhil recently and not having an orgasm for a long time now. i have whittled it down to him not lasting long enough when i am in the mood and all the rest of the time is because i am not in the mood as such. i think recently i have been feeling pressured to come from my boyfriend. it is really bothering him that he cant make me orgasm any more when i used to do it regularly. nearly every other conversation we have involves him going on about how sexually inadequate he is for me these days. i think this has really stressed me out a bit recently and i find myself saying over and over in my head (sometimes outloud which isnt great) please come please come please come lol. sad i know but i want it so much! i was there the other day but because i wanted it so much and i was concentrating on it so much i just couldnt. i think i just need to convince myself that you dont have sex primarily to have an orgasm. i also really really want to please my boyfriend and i am definitely not going to get into the habit of faking it. thats a very bad idea. recently i have been a bit stressed about work too but that should be sorted out soon.


    do you guys have any ideas on how i can take my mind off it? i just need to get myself in the mood really and get into the right frame of mind? i think i also need to tell my boyfriend to stop going on about it. it is actually starting to get me down a bit and the more i think about it the more i cant relax and just enjoy the sex. help! please

  12. he is 17 and sometimes he is a bit of an idiot lol. he is a bit.... whats the word... daft bless him. i still love him though. anyway yes he must have got it all wrong lol i understand it now. i know the foreskin is supposed to do that but my bf was under the impression that the hole which appears when u pull back the foreskin was supposed to pull back over the head of his penis.... now tell me he's not an idiot lol. and it is very weird u should mention that, i said to him last night, it looks a bit like the thing out of alien doesnt it? and he got a bit offended.....dont know why....

  13. well thank you for replying. i understand the thing about the foreskin being pulled back during sex but he was under the impression that this hole at the end of his penis should be bigger and that whatever is underneath should come out of the hole.... gawd why am i going out with this guy lol he certainly sounds like a bit of an idiot lol

  14. Hello. my boyfriend seems to be under the impression that he has a very small penis. he is my first partner so ive no idea what is big and what isnt. anyway (this bit is a bit crude sorry) there is a hole at the end of his penis (he isnt circumsized) and he said to me that that hole should be bigger than it is and that when we are having sex the end of his penis should come through this hole and be exposed. i have never heard of this before but maybe thats because i am a woman.... i dont know i am confused. could this be a medical problem that this hole isnt bigger? or has he just got it wrong?


    apoligies for this question its quite er... whats the word... graphic? i am just wondering this may be a contributing factor as to why he thinks his penis isnt very big?


    please tell me if this sort of subject isnt to be discussed on this part of the forum, or at all for that matter.

  15. You'll usually be able to tell through her breathing too. if it starts to get faster and she starts breathing very heavily thats a sure sign. even if she is a quiet one she will most likely have a change in breathing.... wow shes a lucky lady if she can do that lol

  16. I have been with my boyfriend for 5 months now. we have been having sex for about 2. at first the sex was pretty good, i would orgasm quite easily, even quicker than him. the only problem is recently it hasnt been that great. i do suffer from frequent mood changes for example sometimes i am so worked up the sex is amazing, i dont orgasm but its still great. however other times like recently i do feel like i am in the mood but nothing is happening. we usually do the same thing, him on top then maybe me on top for a while.


    i dont think i have had an orgasm for about 3 weeks now, maybe even 4, it starting to bother my boyfriend now too (ego thing as discussed on another thread) but it really doesnt bother me. i wouldnt mind another one though lol.


    anyway after all my rambling i was just wondering what is wrong? does anyone have any tips? sometimes when we have sex it just feels like his penis isnt even there. it cant be that he isnt big enough because we have had sex before where he has gone really deep into me and hes found a place that felt amazing. however even now if he does this it isnt there.


    i just dont know what it could be, maybe he isnt as hard as he's previously been? is it because i might not be in the same mood? it just feels like something inside me has changed recently or could it be him?


    please help if you can with tips or similar experiences?


    p.s. could it be that he is my first sexual partner and the sex was good at first but now ive grown accustomed to it and i'm no longer as sensitive?


    p.p.s are there any positions you can reccommend to get deeper penetration?

  17. Please could anybody help me this is getting beyond a joke and sometimes controls my life.


    In august of this year a friend and I started seeing two brothers. My friend was a very close one and we got on really well before we started seeing these guys. It all started when my friend and her now bf were already having sex after the second date. I was extremely new to the dating thing and i had severe insecurity problems thus my relationship wasn't running as smoothly. I instantly became incredibly jealous of their relationship because I didnt have the confidence to do this sort of thing with my bf yet. It took about 4 or 5 dates with my bf to even get to the first kiss and a good few months before we had sex. This is all when it started really, because our boyfriends are brothers, they share things and i get to know things about my friends relationship that i wouldnt normally if they werent brothers. its come to the point now where i am so jealous that i felt really really angry that my friends boyfriend spent more on her than my boyfriend did on christmas presents. now that really is pathetic, it is the type of thing that a child is jealous about.


    it is getting me down immensely, i was even jealous because my boyfriend bought one of my presents from a more downmarket shop than my friends bf. i cant help but feel a huge well of anger in my stomach as soon as i hear something about their relationship. if i talk to my bf on the internet and he says that my friend is with her bf at his house, i am jealous because they are together at that moment in time and we're not. if her bf is picking her up from somewhere and myn isnt, i am jealous. i have even started being jealous of other things, my friend got an ipod nano for christmas and i am jealous. that is so ridiculous though because i have an ipod myself! i am jealous because she has a slightly better version. this really is beyond a joke now and is ruining my relationship. somebody please help me if you can? i am really really sick of this and not only is it affecting me and my bfs relationship, i can hardly stand to talk to my friend anymore. she used to be my best friend.

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