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  1. Thank you all for your responses. To answer some questions, yes I am young, but not as in teenaged. I did become sexually active at a young age, and grew very quickly into being extremely comfortable with most sex issues. I love sex, I love trying a lot of new things, but I am not one o go beyond my comfort zone when it comes to sex. I have ben told that by almost every bf I havehad that I am the most open and sexual woman they have been with. And although there is an age gap between my boyfriend and I, I have had had twice the number of partners he has. That is what makes this issue so hurtful to me. We have amazing sex. I have thought about that, and I think ours is a sex life to be envied by most. After consideration, I think it's plausible that perhaps he is the one insecure with his own performance. Maybe he is reflecting that onto me. I think that for most men it would be hard to be with a younger woman that has more experience. I am a jealous person, as is he, and that is also what made his commenting so hurtful. He was allowed to share previous experiences with me although I had been clear that I didn't want to hear them, yet if I was to do the same to him he would have my head. Thank you all again for your responses and encouragement. All of you have shoved me into thinking mode, and have caused me to think more about my future with this man, and given me comfort that I am nt weird to be hurt over this. Now I guess I need to just make the decision to move on or let go. Neither is an easy task.....
  2. My boyfriend of almost one year has up until just recently constantly teased me about sex. We have a great sex life as far as I know, but he would still call me a prude, a republican, milk-toast, boring, old maid, etc, at least three times a week for the first 10 months of our relationship. He would call me one of these or something similar any time I would refuse to do something, such as allow him to lift my skirt in public, have sex in the car, etc. He also throughout the relationship has told me whatever he wanted to about his past sexual encounters, done to an orgy he has been to, girlfriends he's had, how he lost his virginity, how many partners he's had. Yet he gets angry at me if I so muich as mention an ex. He has finally stopped after I had a breakdown about it, but this has eaten at me ever since. I feel like my self esteem has gone south, and I think constantly about the things that he "shared" with me about his sexual past. He tells me that I shouldn't be angry or hurt anymore, that I should be over it, as it has been a few months since he's said anything. I feel like he emotionally scarred me, and I need time to get over this. Anyone have any advice for me?
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