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  1. I agree with your statement I did make the decision to drink. I should've been with him but he was entertaining at a party at his house, but I could have been by his side. Thank you for pointing that out. I need to reach out to him more...
  2. Thank you everyone for the replies. I am not out of the dark waters yet. The rain is just pouring down like my tears. I was so stupid and now I might lose the best thing that ever happened to me for a stupid mistake or rather lack of judgement. He is staying with my for now but he doesnt know if he can trust me again . His decision when he makes it is weighing so heavily on my mind and its eating me alive. I know he needs his time to decide but on the other hand how can I just hang around and wait. Anyone have any advice for a scared and aching heart? What do I say and do for him in order to show him he can trust me and that I only want to be with him? Thank you for reading this...
  3. Well... Lets just say I was very stupid and lied about drinking to my boyfriend of almost 4 months. My mom has a drinking problem as well as my grandpa, so I quit drinking and have been alcohol free since mid June. On friday i had an old friend up for a party and lets just say I had a really horrible day and horrible past few weeks. I know I was going to drink for the wrong reasons that night and my bf knew it too. He asked me not too before I went into the bar. Well I had two drinks and that was it. Usually I wouldve gotten completely wasted, but my strength was there. When I got home I lied to my bf about drinking. It was eating me alive and 10min later about I came clean about it all. Well the most important thing to my bf is trust in a relationship and I just broke that. He was going to break up with me but then he decided not to at least for now. How can I show him it will never happen again that I am truly sorry... That is was a stupid mistake because I really want to to be with him. Thank you for any help... I am ripping myself apart more than anyone can know for doing this.
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