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Posts posted by trlblazer

  1. Planned Parenthood is defintely the way to go on this one. It's gonna cost about $250 but like RayKay said they can work out some payment options. You'll also need to bring a friend with you if your not comfortable telling your mom and having her go with you. They won't let you leave if you dont have someone with you because although you dont have to stay overnight they dont want you drivng immediately afterwards.

  2. All that other stuff is BS! If you really want to know about the G-spot pick up some Too-Short CD's. He breaks down everything in an easy language and comfortable demeanor with a personal touch.

  3. If you want to relieve your sexual frustration without masturbating or having sex then just go get yourself a hooker. Sex with a hooker doesnt count! Everyone knows that they are just God's way of letting us deposit some excessive semen without feeling guilty about it. Amen.

  4. Avoid thaty meat grind action you got going on! When your tense you bite the mushroom tip! Only suck cawk when drunk! NEVER spit...its so unsexy! You gotta gulp that nutt like its eggnog, ya know? And DON'T forget about the tomatoes! Mind the stepchildren, all that good girl shiznog!

  5. I'm going to guess that he was just telling you exactly what you want to hear so that he can speed up the hold-out. How can you say you don't want to have serious conversations like the one you had but at the same time want to get to know him better? Those dont go together. Having serious conversations IS how you get to know someone better. Even if the convos are about relationshipy stuff and you dont want to consider yourself in a serious relationship with him yet its at least a pre-cursor to how he'll react if and when you do take things up a notch. Anyways, now you have to wait at least two weeks before having sex with him after he made that declaration to see if he's committed to his statement or was just using it in hopes of you letting down the drawbridge to the castle.

  6. I think BellaDonna makes a good point about the physical condition you are in being a direct correlation on your sex drive. Feeling good about yourself usually has a lot to do with how you look and feel physically. Even a 20 year old can have a low sex drive if they have low self-esteem and dont feel sexually attractive. Also, the ability to get an erection is dependant on a good blood-flow. Which deteriorates as people get older and if you can't perform physically it's going to affect your desires mentally. Stay in good shape and eat right and ride this thing out for all it's worth! Be happy in the knowledge that you have achieved the feelings and necessary physical requirements for sexual activity that most people your age (and younger) have to pay good money for to get a pill to make them feel that way!

  7. Here's the deal, most guys view porn as "no big deal" while most women view it as "inappropriate material that threatens the security and sanctity of the relationship". This will probably never change and women will never truly have a grip on the percentage of men in a relationship that have pornographic material (because at least 40% that own it have to do so secretly). If a woman is so threatened by porn that it affects the relationship, then so be it. Her morals and ethics should not be compromised. This situation is much more than that though. This guy is trying to turn fantasy into reality, which is why I think women dont like porn to begin with. They think their man doesnt find them attractive enough and they need something better. Which is generally NOT the case why men have porn. It's one thing to stare at a magazine and do your business. It's another to try and contact women from porno or dating websites! That's bad news any way you look at it.

  8. If he didn't have feelings for you then he wouldn't even bother hanging out with you or returning your calls. I think he just has a huge fear of rejection and that's what motivates him to let you make all the moves. He may like you so much that he fears one false move may blow it for him. If you have a problem making all the moves and decisions in the relationship then it may be a problem with this guy because he may not get more aggressive in the decison/move making department even after he "opens up".

  9. I would say it depends on your intentions. If your just dating casually then there should be no problem with that and you should tell your friend after the first date and tell her your inital reaction and feelings towards him. She'll undoubtedly pass it along to her friend. If you're trying to date this guy exclusively then it sounds like he may not be looking to jump into a committment and you should look elsewhere.

  10. People, have we learned nothing from "Swingers"? The 3 day rule is what a lot of guys go by. Call earlier than that and you'll seem to eager. Call later than that and you're just not that interested. Today is the absolute last day you should wait to hear from him. Anytime after that and he's probably just using you as backup and after HIS original weekend plans fell through. You can't call him because then you'll give him too much upper hand. The crap about it being O.K. to call someone 2 weeks later because you were busy is just that, crap! That says I have you at the bottom of my priority list because I've been busy doing other things I enjoy more. In the age of technology if you truly care about someone you can call, text message, IM, e-mail someone from just about anywhere in under five minutes. Even if its just a quick call saying "I've been really busy lately and I can't talk long but I just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you and am excited to see you/get to know you better"

  11. This sounds like a lifestyle you don't want to get involved in! Dressing up in a costume for Halloween is one thing, but doing it at the end of November is another. If you have a long distance relationship then I'll bet he's doing all sorts of weird stuff behind your back as well.

  12. You both have this situation because you're looking for someone who has more attributes in a bf/gf than what the other has to offer yet you need some action in the meantime until you find that person. It also sounds like you have stronger feelings for him than he does for you. Tell him you're seeing someone else and want to end whatever the relationship is with your cut-friend so the new one can blossom. Either that or deal with the fact that you enjoy/need whatever it is he's offering and try not to put a label on it.

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