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Posts posted by kaliguy80

  1. man, first of all be glad that u she told u about her sleeping with someone before u got married......so consider urself lucky......second...if she tells u that she wants to commit sucide....call cops on her and let them know.....don't let her threaten you like that......i dont' know about other people.....but i think for someone to make a mistake like cheating is the worst thing u can ever do and i don't believe in forgiving people like them.


    second....try to distant urself from her......the less u know about her the better off you are.....don't waste you time thinking wat is she upto or how things will be if u were still with her or got married or whatever.....move on....go on enjoy ur life....u r just 22.....u still got tons of years before you get married.....so go ahead, have fun


    third......don't try to compete with her......if she found someone or in ur case cheated on u with sleeping wiht someone else......don't go out and start sleeping with everyone u meet to prove that u can get some too if u want to.....that would be great but lets not do that...lol.....take you time....meet new people....not at bars, please.....i m sure u will find someone as nice as a gal u ever wanted and someone who is loyal and trustworthy.


    well, thats all i got for you....hope things workout for u......keep us all updated......take it easy bro, late.

  2. well, a simple solution would be ask her out........hangout wiht her or tell her you need to talk to her and express how u feel....wat's the worst that can happen? she will say no and be like....lets just be friends.....so wat....if not her then someone else....and if she flirts with other guys then maybe she is trying to make u jealous, who knows......so go ahead, ask her out....altest by doing that u don't have to wonder if she likes u or not.....so drink some coffee or soda....get little hyper....make sure u have little romance to back you up if she says yes to u.....go ahead, give it a shot......good luck....will be waiting to hear wat happened...u can drop me a private message......GOOD LUCK.

  3. man, gals will alway say that they love u and u mean more to them...bla bla bla.......i broke up 1 1/2 year and i didnt' talk to my ex for like more than a year...and i recently talked to her......guess wat...talking to her helped me move on in just 4 days.....dont' ask me how, cuz i don't know either........anyway, she was still.....u mean a lot.....u still have an imp place in my heart.....bla bla bla.......but then again.....she has a b/f for like a year now.....and even though she wants to talk to me and shit....i recently found out that i m on 'yucky people' list on her buddy list.......not like i care anymore but its just like that.......forget ur ex and move on.....u will have ur chances.....i had 2 gal ask me out in a year.....that never happened to me before......so go out....forget ur ex and live ur life.....i know it took me a while but someday something will click and it will feel like u have moved on.....happned to me and hope it happens to u soon.......take care.

  4. i hear you man......yea, after the breakup its the good memories that you think of and wished it was still there but then again...u dont' have it, so thinking about it wont' do u any good but only harm.......so, dont' think about wat if i had her......think about wat should i do now to move on and just think of the mistakes you made that didnt' make the relationship work and make sure u don't do it when u have a new one......don't think of past and move on into future......good luck

  5. man, i can relate with u on lot of basis....actually i have been thinking the same thing u have been thinking.....me too trying to figure out if the reason she gave me when we broke up was a lie or not........she told me she borke up cuz of her parents....the next day after we borke up she talks to this one guy....then i stopped talking to her for more than a year....a month ago or so i found out that she is going out with the guy she was telling me about the day after we borke up.......y is she going out if her parents don't want her to have a b/f...and y that guy???? so many questions.....i m mad and really hate her for wat she did to me....but i guess, when it comes to her having a relationship i think i moved on.....don't do anything crazy.....if she has changed then maybe it was coming even if she was wiht u or without u......move on bro, its not worth wasting time looking at her and her relationship with that guy.....by doing that u will just hurt urself more.....even i say the same thing but i still wish that she would break up with him and hang out with me.......lol.....like u said, sometimes i give advice but u need the same advice form someone else in order to understand.....move on, don't bother wat she is doing and with whome she is doing whatever she is doing......that should help u move on....alright bro, peace.

  6. me and my ex broke up year and a half ago and i m still stuck on her....i hangout with friends who are gals and hungout with this one gal, but nothin romantic but i guess nothin seems to work for me....although i m trying to move on it seems like the little stuff pulls me back....some people move on soon and some don't, especially the ones who has put so much work and effort in a relationship....and like u my ex was my frist g/f and since then i dont' really feel like having one......hope things get better.....just don't talk to him or do anything that will remind u of him.....when u go out with other guys, try not to compare and think of the feelings u had with ur ex....maybe that should do the work.......well, i don't know wat else to say, except for, good luck. take care.

  7. my best bet would to first find out if she wants a b/f or not. being single doesn't mean she wants to be in a relationship and if she is single and looking then one day just tell her that u have something important to tell her and let her know how u feel about it. whats the worst that can happen? she will say no, but atlest u will find out if she wants u or not. and if no then oh well, u still have her as a friend and u can go somewhere else to find the gal u r looking for. its better to let someone know about the feelings u have for them instead of keeping it instead and letting it grow. because in the end it will come get u. good luck.

  8. "Why do we want them back. After all the heartbreak & all the grief why is it so difficult to let go of the hope you have of them returning. We certainly must know our relationship will not be the same and how hard will it be to live with the knowledge that if they left once what would stop them again. Then the heartbreak starts again. It seems to me that most of the people that get left behind are the ones who put the most into trying to find out why the relationship went south. So are not these the better people who look inside themselves & if they find shortcomings are willing to change for the better? Why do we want to go back to someone who has hurt us (probably more than once) by taking their love away?" was posted by solstice48. I exactly feel how solstice is feeling but i had one more question to that. even though we know its their fault and we hate them for it, y is it that we still kinda beg from inside to talk to them even when we know that we still haven't moved on and that talking to them will make things bad for us because it will remind us of all the stuff we did togather as a couple. what advice do u guys have or wat do u guys think?

  9. i totally agree with john one. marriage is a team and i think u forgot that. to make it simple, wat u r doing is probably worst than a women selling her body for money. get a life and put urself in ur husband's shoes. try to feel wat he will feel. sex will die in the end but the love and feelings for someone u care about doesn't. stop being a ho be a wife that u promised u will be on the wedding day.

  10. i kinda have same story like u.....went out for a year and we borke up cuz of her parents, or thats wat she told me that her parents found out that she has a b/f, me, but now she has a b/f again and i doubt that her parents will be happy if the find that out.....but anyway, cuz of that we broke up.....whatever the reason, i still like her and like u said, even she is back of my head all the time.....its been more than a year since we broke up and i sitll think of her everyday.....kinda werid....but as for now i m not looking for a g/f, like being single but would love to have her back......man, all i would say is move on....go out with other gals and try to not keep in touch that much...atlest now.....cuz if u talk to her it will remind u of old times.....as for her b'day, just send her an e-greeting.....hope u don't get stuck with the feeling like u have now for as long as i have.......i didn't talk to my ex for like a year or more and recently talked a little cuz her dad passed away but i still try not to talk to althought i m always tempted cuz i kow that if i talk i will get attached to her......so good luck and hope u move on soon. take it easy.

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