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Posts posted by mryoung

  1. Suppose you are running a meeting, and you spot an attractive women in the audience. After that meeting, you are introduced to her by someone works with as the new coordinator of a program.


    You like her?


    What's your next step?

  2. would you date a guy, whose been divorced twice and his second marriage ended shortly after the honeymoon.


    A friend is currently involved with a man, divorced twice by 35. But, he waited until his divorce was final to ask her out.


    Is he an operator? Is this a guy unlucky in love?

  3. I recently became interest in a woman. We were co-workers with an gov agency for three years. Last year, I transferred to a different agency. After my transfer, the two of us began serving together on a advisory board.


    A began to develop feelings for her. It grew more intense over time. Back in the spring, she did something that I was impressed with. I called her up and told her that I was impressed. She told me I was very thoughtful. She also said that by me calling her told her what type of person I am.


    At our next meeting, I got a nice smile and very sweet hello from her.


    After the meeting, I asked her to lunch. She said yes. But when I called, she did not return the call. A week later, I asked to serve on a workgroup with me and she said yes. She attended all of the meeting and proved to be very helpful.


    About six weeks ago, she left the agency. She invited to me to her after-work party. At the party, she suggessted that we get together after she started her new job.


    A week ago I called her at her new employer. Conversation was friendly. I asked her if she wanted together after work. She said yes. She told me one night of the week is bad. She asked me what night was good. I responsed. She told me she would get back to me. She has not responsed.


    Why does she keeping saying yes then backing off?

    Why did she invite me to the party?


    Am I misreading her friendly matter

  4. I'm very interesed in a woman who I deal with through my job. But I do not work with her.


    About two weeks, I attended an event in which she spoke. I thought she did a terrific job. Later in the day, I called her and told her that. She replied that "I was very thoughtful" and by calling told her "what type of person I am.


    I saw at a meeting yesterday, I get a big smile and very sweet hello, which I usually do not get.


    Do you think she is interested or am I overeacting?

  5. I am very interested in a women whom I deal with through my job. I serve as an adminstrator for a grant program. She works for one of our providers who gets grant money.


    I really like her, but I'm trying to find out whether she is single. How should I approach her for a date?

  6. A female friend and I are supposed to hang out after the holiday. I'm interested in her. But I do not want this to be a date. I'm just wanted to talk and see whether this could be more than a friendhip. Any ideas for what plans I should make?

  7. Babybees

    Why do you think she suggested that we get together?


    We've been friends for close to six years. We worked together for four years for a west coast company before I transfered to another division of the company.


    We worked on a advisory committee for 18 months before she left the company in October. We always worked very well together.


    I'm keeping my distance . I'm moving on. Just looking for feedback on why she suggest things than changes her mind.

  8. I've been trying to get together with a former co-worker as a friend.


    She suggested that we get togther after she started her new job.


    I've called to set something up. We gave each other the days we would be available. I haven't heard back.


    This happened a few times when we suggested we have lunch.


    I know she has a boyfriend. All I want is friendship. Have been out with females in the past as strictly friends.


    She keeps suggesting things then I won't hear anything.


    Is she looking for more than friendship. Or does she think I want more.

  9. I served with a female for a year in a business workgroup. In that time I began to develop feelings for her. It grew more intense over time. Back in the spring, she did something that I was impressed with. I called her up and told her that I was impressed. She told me I was very thoughtful. She seemed more friendlier than usual the next few meetings. After the meeting, I asked her to lunch. She said yes. But when I called, she did not return the call. A week later, I asked her to serve on a workgroup with me and she said yes. She attended all of the meeting and proved to be very helpful. About four monthhsmonths ago, she left the agency. She invited to me to her after-work party. At the party, she suggessted that we get together after she started her new job. I let some time pass,aboutThree weeks ago I called her at her new employer. Conversation was friendly. I asked her if she wanted together after work. She said yes. She told me one night of the week is bad. She asked me what night was good. I responded. She told me she would get back to me. She has not responded. But I sense mixed signals coming from her. She does have a boyfriend. Was this just a friendship thing? And I am taking it the wrong way? I need feedback.

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