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Posts posted by jacs82

  1. thank you so much for your support there when i read what stev-o wrote i cried for the whole afternoon it make me feel really awful, low and i was just asking everyone then why wasnt i good enough for him .wether its true or not it was a harsh thing to saw when im still so raw. i agree he lacks communication skills he should have talked about things. i guess stevo is trying to make me see but i dont know if thats my ex's real reason and neither does stevo. my ex is too immature as u say to tell me otherwise. so im really grateful that someone has stuck up for me here because i almost didnt ever want to read this thread again

  2. i would just like to know how does no contact work if they want to be friends yet they were the one doing the breaking up? i know i need my space becasue i have been hurting the 2 times he has text me since, he was so much into me b4 we split then suddenly he was just like "i dont want a relationship anymore" ""i dont feel the same" and other various things thats wirtten on my other threads. but if i do no contact does it work in the same way if he wants to be friends, making them miss u etc?

  3. please help i feel so low at the min, i have just split up with a guy-

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    and he keeps saying "i lost interest in you" i keep crying everytime it goes round in my head, why would he do that was i ugly or did i do so many things,was i that bad. i hate myself so much i cant eat or nething. i didnt nothing but love and care for him but maybe it was when i was in a bad mood he hated me. why do guys always lose interest in me i feel so low i dont want to be me anymore

  4. argh help me! i ended bk texting him saying i couldnt be friends cos i wouldnt be able to move on and he was saying arr well and again that he just wanted to be friends. then this morn i txt him to ask him was it because he had met someone else because everyone keeps asking me if he has, he said no but i got abit angry and he was like well i lost interest and got bored of clubbing and watching soaps! why didnt he tell me?!?!?!?!?!? i never once forced him to come out i thought he liked it because he was always up for it, and as for the tv i could have taped them, i said bk to him why didnt u tell me then we could have sorted things out. he went on about how i am the best gf he had been with but he just doesnt feel the same. why did i push him away without even realising it! why couldnt he have told me! i told him i had been planning a nice surprise trip to the lake district and it was gonna be his surprise present and all he said bk was yer i know your wonderful. i keep thinking about all the good times how good he was to me and i cant get over it, i cant get over how i ruined things, how i was moody when i was having a bad day and would snap, how i was doing things that he didnt like. he never said about doing other things that we both like doin, oh i wish i had got a second chance. i am at work and i keep crying cos i am so upset, if only i had done this and that if only i had realised please i need people to talk to i duno how much more i can take. i need to stop contact but he still wants to be friends and im so weak. i feel so low that he "lost interest" in me it makes me feel so small and worthless what am i going to do

  5. argh i caved what an idiot! i said "im ok" he said "im glad i was worried i had upset u alot" i said "u upset me more than i could ever know" he said "im sorry it was better to tell you now than later" i said "have u met someone else" he said "no of course, not i dont want to be in a relationship for a very long time" i said "whatever your reason i dont care as far as im concerned you walked away from something special" he said "ok,im sorry do you still want to be friends do things together" UGH! i didnt reply to that! i didnt want him to hate me and im so weak i want him to know he hurt me so much but he dont give a damn. i wish i was always strong but im not. i aint eaten again today

  6. everyone and i mean everyone keeps saying "has he found someone else" or they keep telling me storys of it happening to them when they got given a non-excuse that it was cos the other person had/were cheating, it keeps playing on my mind i dont know how to stop it. i dont wanna know if it was but i wanna know that that isnt it kinda thing. i dotn know how to stop it because its gettin me me everyday, is he happy with someone else? why wasnt i good enough? what could i have done to make him happier to not want to look, should i have been a better gf? this is such a rollercoaster. feeling bad again with these thoughts

  7. hey guys, anyone that has been following this with me, just a small update- he text me last nite, all it said was "hope your ok jackie" and you know what i didnt have any urge to reply because i didnt wanna tell him well actually im bad i havnt eaten for 4 days because then i dont want the sympathy thing and i didnt wanna say yer im doing fine because then hes gonna think-thats ok then i dont have to worry and feel guilty hehe! Did i do the right thing not replying? do you rekon i will hear from him again?

  8. thank you. i still keep thinkin about it today, and get that weird sick feeling in my stomach, what does everyone do to get rid of that, i cant seem to just start thinkin about other things. i keep thinkin in my head maybe he met someone else or wants an ex girlfriend bk, it would kill me if that was the case cos it happened before and i wouldnt be able to take it

  9. wow there was loads of new messages when i logged on just now, thank you all so much for writing them to me. your all right i have to focus thinking this way. i might print off the conversation and put it on my wall and if i feel myself slipping again i can just reread it. i feel better today iv done so much thinkin and am beginning to think yes he was a jerk , theres so many things i put up with with him cos i didnt want to lose him. things like how he wouldnt interact and talk to my friends, he would just sit there, things like the times he hasnt been there for me, taken it personally when i needed him in a bad day. i shouldnt hav gone there cos iv been hurt i need to work on myself and do some things for myself instead of ignoring my own upsets for him. thank u guys so much.i still look at the phone to see if he will text me but i doubt he never will. i feel sad its a loss from my life but theres nothing i can do apart from lookin after myself

  10. Im just wondering if people could tell me links to some storys that relate to mine, that i was with a guy and he then just tells me he doesnt want a relationship anymore after acting like it was all soo good all the time and im left feeling like it was all my own fault feeling really low about it and how i dunno how im ever gonna find anyone that doesnt hurt me. please help i just need to feel reassured

  11. thank you for all your replys, this seems to be the only place i can come to to get some advice to settle me down, i tell some of my friends and some of them unintentionally say completely the wrong thing to really make me feel like it was my fault. i still aint eaten since friday and i hardly slept. the replys on here are great, the guilt is eating me alive i just wish i could turn bk time

  12. i dont know any answers, how am i gonna find a guy that really likes me for who i am, sees past my bad traits, that i like too and that most importantly wont lie or cheat. iv been hurt so much in the past with guys that have cheated is life always going to be full of goin out with guys whos just gonna wake up to how much of a bad person i am and walk away like i meant nothing to them

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