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Posts posted by YankeeFan101

  1. you don't have to hate life crap happens i have a dad that wants to come back in my life and he did for about 2 weeks and now he wont even talk to me and its bad cause if have gave up on life before to and its bad but still i don't have anything else to deal with cause i have a boyfriend that loves me and my family that loves me and i get jumped all the time by my mom cause sshe does not like him and she yells at me casue i talked to him so i have crap to i have to deal with but i haven't yet gave up on my life casue i don't want to die yet cause i have a bright future and so do you so i hope you feel better or something thanks alot for listing love always samantha miller

  2. me and my ex-boyfriend were good friends and now he wants me backa and i don't know if I want to go back with him and i think i want to but yesterday was halloween and we sent trick or treating and we are now 16 and 15 and i hope that you have some advise to give me cause i am really confused and i hope that you can help me with this problem cause i like him and i want to get back together but i am not sure cause he dated my best-friend and she cheated on him with his bestfriend so now his friend and mine are dating and i felt really bad for him cause that really hurt him.



    so please give so advise please and i hope that you reply okay thanks alot to all samantha miller 8)

  3. my friend and i have dated before and everything that i felt for him and he felt for me is all coming back cause we are together now and he's moving during May and i don't know how i am going to handle it cause i really like him and he said that we need to just deal with it when i comes and go along with everything now and how it is so ho do i deal with this please help me ? ? love always confusedined

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