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Posts posted by localgirl

  1. Ok. So if this makes anyone uncomfortable I'm sorry stop reading.


    Latetly I have noticed that my " smell" has changed. I don't know why either. Is it weird that I noticed? What could have possibly made my smell change? I wash daily and keep myself clean. Anyone have ideas as to why?

  2. Would someone please clue me in on how the person who broke up is not supposed to feel like total * bad word that has 4 letters*? Why must we always come off as horrible pieces of * formally used bad word*? Ok yes I understand we have ruined the other persons life. Yet when talking to them about it and you tell them why you did it they seem fine ( though you know they are not) and then all of a sudden they just jump all over you.


    I can not stand it. GRRRRR. My reasons for breaking up are mostly based on me and what I would like for once. OH NO THOUGH!! that can't happen, it is not supposed to be on me. What do I do? I do not want to get back together. Looking at our relationship now it was not healthy what so ever.


    My sanity is on the verge of extinction......#-o

  3. How many out there have anger built up in them to where it feels as if your insides are burning up and your about to explode? Am I the only one who feels this way? I do not know why I am so angry but I am. My girlfriend seems to get most of it anyways... or atleast it comes up around her. What is wrong with me? Am I emotionally insufficient? Battered? Lacking? #-o

  4. I have been going out with my girl for seven months now but slowly I have been falling out of love. Slowly I am withdrawing from her and losing interest. What do I do? I know it's not right to keep going on in the relationship but things are going good for her now and I don't want to ruin it? Is there a good time to do this? I need help in this area... I have never let someone go before....

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