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  1. I've been in pretty much the same situation as you for months, over a year really, right up until today. Tonight I did something about it, I told here how I feel and I wish I could encorage you by saying how well it went but I can't. She was left pretty much speechless, and I don't know how she'll ultimately deal with it, but I don't think it has ruined our friendship, even if it makes things awkward for a while. Then again everybody's situation is intricately different. Believe me friend, I know how much it hurts to be in a situation like yours, but I also know that the hurt of rejection is better. That at least goes away, but what your suffering from now won't go away until you confront it, until its dealt with. Don't worry about what your friends tell you to do. This is between you and her it doesn't matter what they think. Trust in your self in your own feelings and instincts. Above all I encourage you to let your actions be dictated by your dreams instead of your fears. It will be hard but in the end its just a much healthier way to live.
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