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Posts posted by D-love

  1. I think you two need to work out the religious issue in depth.. maybe stay engaged for longer than you are planning to make sure this is what you both really want.


    When I first read your message and how you described everything, I immediately thought that it won't last. Too many differences; too much giving up individual preferences to make the other happy.


    Either way, good luck.

  2. Well it seems as though you've had more than your share of heartbreaks, but you're still very young and have a lot of time to truly find that one girl you absolutely love and who loves you as well. Through it all you probably know more of what it is you want in a girl, and that is an advantage.


    I think it is very possible that you can find a respectable, beautiful girl that shares your values. It seems as though you are looking for a mature long term relationship, and finding the right place to look might be a good start. I haven't been to clubs much but from what I've seen I wouldn't want to go there to look for my future wife. That might be a generalization for the most part but it seems rather logical. Keep looking in places you haven't considered before and you may find that you share interests and values with these new people.


    Also, it is great that your world revolves around your girlfriend and you truly want to make her happy. That is exactly how I am, and it feels great. But the thing that goes right along with this seemingly perfect trait is the fact that people in a relationship often times have their own interests that may not be completely shared. Becoming dependent on a person can make life hard when they don't want to spend every single second with you, even though you do. Keep doing the things you like and on top of that, add yourself a wonderful girl. You both will truly be content.


    Good luck finding that girl, from the looks of it she will be lucky.

  3. You might be falling out of love with her because of her comment that you actually loved her more than she loved you. Psychologically, you may be protecting yourself against the pain that would come with her breaking up with you. If someone doesn't seem to care very much, the obvious reciprocal feeling is exactly the same. It may not seem logical since a lot of people love others who do not feel the same, but in this case it seems as though general interest has been lost. If conversation is lacking and nothing more than sex seems to be on both your minds, the relationship may have developed into a solely physical one. You may feel sexually attracted to her still but the mental aspect of your love may have faded. In a sense, you may not be feeling the love you did before.

  4. When everything they do, say, and think truly matters to you. When you long to be with them and feel happy and loved when you are. When you would sacrifice many many things to keep them happy. When you care about everything that is important to them. When you click, and that mututal understanding of caring, giving, respect, and mental and physical attraction means the world to you.

  5. Well since you're her boyfriend try and offer her some loving advice. You don't have to tell her what she did is stupid or that she is making mistakes. Instead, tell her how important school is for her future and how it is important to you as well. If she respects your views, as I would assume from that fact that she is your girlfriend, she might take your advice and realize that what matters and seems logical to you actually does make sense.

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