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Everything posted by philipp

  1. I am writing this because I am seeking help. I am at a point where I was four years ago when my first relationship broke down and I live today because of a coincidence. After three years I thought I found my luck and happiness and committed to a person I met a year ago. I became so happy in this relationship that I gave it all. We lived together. A few days ago, my boyfriend told me that he didnt fall in love with me, broke up and left the country for holidays. I feel lonely, I feel broken, I failed my exams, I am falling and falling. I feel pain everywhere and have no energy anymore. There is nobody here. I feel like I felt before many years ago but this is so much stronger and I cannot survive this. Everything here reminds me of him, i cannot sleep, i cannot eat i cant do anything more, my mind is clouded and my heart is empty. He took away my life, my hopes and my happiness. if there is anybody available, please try to get in touch with me as i dont know how much longer i can hold myself. p
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