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Everything posted by Goldy

  1. WOW!! Thanks guys for all of your quick replys. 100% of you said to call. I indeed called this afternoon but got his voice mail. I left a short message saying Hi and hope he is doing well. I didn't ask him to call me back, just that I hope I will talk to him soon. Hopefully, this will put the ball back in his court. I hope a week wasn't too long to wait. Men, what do you think?? Jenny_mcs, Thanks for your '2 cents'. Yes, the reason why I didn't answer his call last Sunday was because I feel he has been taking me for granted and assuming I will always be around to answer his calls. Yes, I wanted him to think I am not so available. I realize we are both too old to be playing games, but I'm not sure what else works. I find it hard to want to be with him more and don't know how to convey that to him without sounding needy and clingy. He does not call or see me as much as he use to. Let's see if he calls me back or not. Any more advice would be great!! Thanks all, Goldy
  2. I am new here and sorry if this topic has been posted already. I have been seeing a man for about 6 months. In the last 1-2 months, he hasn't called or come over as much as he use to, and it's making me frustrated and angry. He called me last Sunday and I did not return his call (I didn't want to say angry words at him and sound like a b***h). He did not call me back all week and now I am really missing him. I thought I would give it another week and if I do not hear from him, I was going to give him a friendly call to say Hi. I want him to know I am still thinking about him and interested, but on other message boards, I am reading "DO NOT CALL A MAN. If he is interested, he will pursue you. It is necessary to give him time to miss you". What do you men think? Would you want a woman to call you to let you know she is thinking about you? Or is it true a man needs to miss a woman and he wants to do the calling/pursuing. BTW, I'm almost 40 and he is 46 years old. We are not young kids anymore. Thanks, Goldy
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