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Posts posted by babe23

  1. you should leave him now.you may not see it but you are in a very dangerous situation.my sister was killed by her common law husband

    in a domestic fight.these type of people have no respect for others.our family only wishes we could have been there to help my sister.your family

    to will wish if you don't get out now.


    stay strong

  2. My girlfriend of six years has been on and off me and now that things were starting to get better than ever her ex wants her back again.We were engaged at one time but there was somethig that would pull her away at times and she would not be sure I was the one for her.We were broken up but she would always come back on her own.we have a business together that was starting to go good that all of the sudden her ex husband asked her back again for the second time.the 1st time she had said no and had thought about it for a while.Now she is having a hard time deciding what she is going to do because he said to her that he wants his family back together they have 2 kids.when her kids leave to be with him she hates it because she misses them like crazy.her ex cheated on her and lived with the girl for the last seven years now they are having big problems.He wants to leave her and move in with my girlfriend.She was so fare to me to tell me and all i could say to her it is your decission i do understand if she decides to pick him .Tha I will step back and not put pressure to pick me over him.she said he did this to her before when they were in high school.She is 36 years old.i told her that i loved her and would step back what do i really do here ?my heart is broken.

  3. Bethany


    I guess your right,she does not want it bad enough or she would not

    go back and forth.I wish I could just figure out why on sat she loves me so much and on sunday she is not sure we are meant for each other.

    She said she is not sure what she wants in her life right now.She needs to get her life and her finances in order.

  4. Hi SuperDave


    You have some real good posts.


    How long did it take for you and your ex to get back together and sorry

    to bring this up but when she left you did she go back to her ex.

    The reason I'm asking my ex and I were together for 5 1/2 years and living

    together for 4 years.She was divorce for 6 1/2 years from her high school

    sweetheart.She is 37and I'm 41.Her ex cheated on her with the woman he still

    lives with.He has asked here back now.They have two kids together. she had said

    no to him.She moved out of our home in April and we were seeing each other on

    and off with me doing no contact and she would contact me and tell me she wants

    to get back together.She even put her home up for sale to move back.

    Here is the problem one week we are together and than she say's to me the next

    week she is noy sure if I'm for her.This has been going on for a while now. She

    took down her for sale sign down.I do not say anything bad about her ex.She has

    said to me she does not think it would work with them if they got back together

    because it has been to long for them and she does not know if she can trust him

    again.I'm starting to thing that the reason she is on again and off again with

    me is maybe at times she wants back with him.But why does she keep coming back

    to me and gets scared and runs. Her ex treated her like dirt for those 6 1/2


    I'm going to do n/c contact with her again but this time a lot longer.I do miss


    want to be with her.I'm doing super and have no hard feelings for her.If it is

    meant to be it will.


    Please give me some feed back

  5. Hi everyone,I also have been through all the pain it is getting easier now.

    My ex and I were together for 5 1/2 years. we were on again off again.She would want me and then wasn't sure if i was for her.She told me she needs space because she does not no what she wants.I did the n/c thing and she would break it .We would get back together and she would be gone again.The n/c would happen for 2 weeks or so.

    I'm now on my 1st week again.But this time I'm going to do the n/c

    longer to let her miss me.


    You should do the same.Read what super dave has to say.

    I have and everytime I read his post it makes me stronger.

    Good Luck

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