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  1. He has recently asked me to marry him as well Im so confused now his been very distant towards me after I said im not ready to get married. My family are really bothered by his children and the fact that he has never comitted to marriage before, why suddenly his interested in me. His youngest daugther said to me I should go home after spending the day with him and her. I was hurt by her comment since she is only 3. Im 30 and been instructed by a 3yr old. Although I not had many realtionships I seem to land up with the most difficult ones. Maybe I should just move on and distance myself as I feel his not as serious as he cliams
  2. Im currently in a realtionship with my boyfriend who has two daughters, different moms, they dont live with him but spend a great deal of time with them,eldest child's mom is married however the youngest mom not Im concerned he would go back to her. My other concern is that my parents - my mother and grandfather completely disapproves of our relationship. I have been seeing him for 6 months during all this time I have never confronted my family my mother treats me very terrible. Im not able to discuss anything with her. She says I have to choose but she has not really given me a choice, she wants me to end the relationship. I feel so lost, I have all this mixed emotions I have lost all my understanding and relationship with my mother which is very important to me. She has excluded and treats my as if I dont know myself I dont even know if I woul dlike to continue my relationship. I have broken up with him a few times but he refuses to end it.
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