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  1. Thanks everyone. she's getting her stuff back tommrrow. I was really nice to her, in a sincere kind of way. Even had to make an effort to let her know she could have her stuff back. she's turned her phone off, so i had to talk to her friend, first which i think make her jealous. I think she starting to see it as her loss, not mine. i've been out of a few dates,(i know, prob a bad idea right now) which she found out about, not from me. I think im goint to tell her" you dont leave a dollar bill on the ground, and expect it to be there the next day" Dreading tommrrow, still hurts Thanks again
  2. About 3 weeks ago, my girlfriend left me for another guy that, she had been seeing behind my back.. i gave everthing back, that i had at my house, execpt for her birth control pills and a couple naughty outfits. I feel that i shouldn't be rewarding her or her new boyfriend. for their behaivor. Should i give back her pills and outfits, at all? Or do I wait till the pain has faded? Is she being cruel asking for them? the thought of her being with him makes me sick to my stomache.
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