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Posts posted by rascal

  1. Hey Rascal

    This is the thing - see I AM HOT !!!!!!!!



    I dont want him to come running back - i just want to meet someone else in due time of course .


    So whats your story?


    First of all, i think somebody(moderator) deleted my first post b/c I dropped an f-bomb. Lighten up, people!


    Anyway, sib, my story is a long and complicted (read-ridiculously stupid on my part) one that I will share with you at some point. Not tonight however. Tonight I think we should all say a prayer for sibs' ex b/f. Who wants to bet me that this dude shows up here all full of remorse and regret by the end of the week? Username: comaboy? cancerman?


    i almost feel bad for the guy and what he's about to go through. sibs' taking no prisoners. this guy is in for some pain. bring the pain, sib!!! and document it here for all to see!!!


    seriously, how hot are you!?

  2. Ok. You have to realize something. You don't want to go back to the way things were, because you weren't happy. You had every right to want more. 5 years is a long time to get absolutely no long term commitment out of him. and trust me, i speak from experience. i dated a girl for 8 years and she was your age when we split up. i honestly didn't think she was the one for the longest time. was never into the family gatherings or any of that stuff. we lived together for about a year, and i moved out. this past march i was going home for a friend of mines 40th bday, and she wanted to come, but i said no. y'know what? she went to mexico and met a guy who treats her like i should have been treating her for the past 8 years. i tried to get her back again, but i was simply the boy who cried wolf. she chose him and now we don't even speak. this was a girl whom i spoke with every day for over 8 years, and now i can't even pick up the phone to call her. but i deserve it.


    my point in telling you this is that there is someone out there for you. i know you don't see it through all the pain you're in right now. but give it time. stick to your guns. you wanted more, he didn't. hang tough, be tough and firm in what you wanted. i know you can't describe the 9 kinds of pain you're in right now, but i've been there, a lot of us have. you are doing the right thing. don't settle just because you are sad. we can all be pretty tough when we want to be, be tough NOW.


    do yourself a favor and pick up the book, "it's called a breakup because it's broken." i know it sounds stupid, but it will help.


    i'm sure you are a luscious texas bombshell that most guys would love to hang out with and just melt over your sweet southern accent. don't forget how hot you are!!! throw on some dixie chicks, pour yourself a glass of wine, and, most importantly, DO NOT CONTACT HIM IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM. Please, trust me on this. Stand your ground. Be a tough Texas chick. Nobody messes with Texas!!!!!!!


    i gotta go to bed. good luck. let go, for now. it's your only hope.

  3. Dude, that's huge. Everything came full circle.


    I gotta tell ya though, in my opinion, you are anything but over this girl. I love your story and your posts and you have given me some solid advice over the past few months, but I honestly think you're kidding yourself if you think you're over this girl. Anyone who puts this much thought and effort into convincing himself how over this chick he is, is NOT OVER HER. Sorry, but that's just my opinion.

  4. It has been a solid 4 months of NC for me, and I am am still struggling to forget about her. I do all the things you're supposed to do to "move on," but it doesn't seem to work. Work, gym, hang out with friends, playing in a band, all roads lead back to her. is there something wrong with me? I know 8 years is a long time but i've been like this all summer and now into the fall. my friends think i should call her and say everything i need to say in order to move on, but i am trying to have the mindset that i will never see her or talk to her ever again. i know that sounds dramatic, but it is the only way i can actually see myself getting out of this mess, that i got myself into btw.


    echo, you sound like you are doing much better and i'm happy for you and it gives me hope.

  5. kpow:


    you were able to express what i have been feeling all summer. i know how much it hurts. i am trying to get over a woman who i dated for 8 years, and it's the hardest thing i'ver ever done. period. next to impossible. i've tried everything from shrinks to working out to going out with friends, and none of it works. i too was too blind to see this amazing person in front of me, who wanted to marry me, but for some reason i never realized how special she was until she was gone. now i have to believe there is a reason for that. and you should too. there must be some bigger picture that we haven't figured out yet. you have to believe that. because if you don't, well, than what's the point of getting out of bed every morning?


    btw, mornings are the worst!!! isn't that weird?

  6. Go to the movies! I know it sounds weird to go alone, but i love going to the multi plex on a friday night right after work and paying for 1 movie, but sneaking into 2 or 3! For me, there is nothing like the dark solitude of a movie theater. i know it sounds crazy, but it does actually make me forget about my problems, if only for a short time. if and you happen to catch a good one, which is rare these days, it can really help you get perspective on certain aspects of your life.

  7. people tell me i should hate my ex too. god i wish i could. it would be easier to move on. but i can't. i have tried, believe me. i know i brought all of this on myself and i can't seem to forgive myself. i have been able to maintain nc for almost a full 4 months. i ran into her once but ignored her (don't know if that was cowardly or not, but she was with this guy so i walked right by her, was that dumb? any thoughts?)


    anyway, echo, i wish i had some magical words of wisdom to make you forget the pain, but i don't. it's been 4 months for me and i still spend several parts of my day thinking about her and i don't know how to stop.

  8. im a 39 year old guy.


    i'm trying to get over the love of my life. been doing NC for 3 months, and I highly suggest the same for you. mine was 8years, off and on, but i think i have really blown it this time. i miss her so much, my office looks out at her apartment building, i know she is with another guy, and she never officially said goodbye, it's over, get lost. but i suppose she is doing that by not contacting me, and seeing someone else.


    it's so hard, cyn, i know. i was a zombie for most of the summer. so you better hold on tight, b/c it gets worse b4 it gets better. but DON'T CALL. i have made it, so can you. and although i am better than i was back in july or even august, i'm still fighting the urge to do exactly what you did. just make a random, tuesday afternoon call to her. but you have to fight those urges. please, trust me on this. i too had crying fits in the bathroom, and i'm a guy! it sux, i know. but you have to fight against it every day.


    i would also suggest you picking up the book, "it's called a breakup because it's broken." i read it, again, I'M A GUY, but i was desperate to do whatever it took to stop feeling this way. and you know what? it worked, just for a little while.


    good luck and keep me posted.


    your new friend in pain,



  9. Everyone keeps telling me.. It looks like it's gonna happen. Looks like things are coming around. But you know what? I don't. I dont want to think that way. Thats false hope, and that only leads to a quickly broken heart..

    I'm not going to read into anything though.. Thats what got us all here in the first place!


    i fell into that same trap a couple months ago when my ex started contacting me. we went out on a couple dates and she was borrowing my car, etc...and all my friends were saying, "there is no way should would be doing all that if she was still with this other guy." i believed them, for the most part. until i found out she was still seeing this other guy and she was confused. i was crushed.


    keep doing what you're doing. but don't lie to yourself either. these are just words on a page. actions are much harder, as you know. be careful and try to not make the same mistakes i did. take care and keep me posted. it sounds really great though, fct.

  10. well, well, well. quite the weekend there, mr. fct. i'm happy for you brother! it sounds like something out of a movie, if you ask me. well done. i think you handled yourself appropriately (except for maybe the sex part, probably shouldn't have clouded your judgement with that maneuver, but, whatever) and there is some sort of future there. just be careful, and don't force it. i know how hard it must be to fight the urge to tell her how you really feel, but you'll know it when the time comes. good for you, man. i really am happy for you. and i know i said i was leaving this place, but i keep checkin in on you and a couple others. take care, and put that phone down!

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