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Everything posted by Trish53

  1. Sweet heart it hasn't past. U feel good you good you got that off your chest? Person still touring so 😁. First of all what celebrity want to go to your house honey. He wanted to come to my house. I turned him away from coming today my house. I will have better luck sweetie .he didn't reply that particular day. We still kewl.
  2. Ok you clearly missed where u said I wasn't having him come to my home.
  3. No I did not that post did not indicate anything about a date my dear. That is your assumption.why would I make a post about a man not replying after not being able to have him at my house. Did I say we would go on a date are you slow? Is my place the only place e we could hook up? I clearly say joom up so where do you get I was expecting more? My house is not the only spot. You just can't comprehend and wanting to make it out of something I'm not even putting it as. No where u said we were going out. I said hook up. I could not bring him to my home. So because of that I was expecting a date is that only thing your brain tells you? I did not say we should we t to restaurant we just could NOT have SEX at my HOUSE. Who said I was hungry?
  4. Ok and again who said because we didn't go to my house that he had to shell out money? Is my house the only option? He's the one wanted to meet up in the first place. In my Elmo voice I have to put on for you. Again how is he spending money because we didn't mee at my Casa? You're saying if you n a guy didn't meet at your house he have to spend money and you will gain money? Hmm your a pro then if that's how that worked with you
  5. I did not say that I wanted him to. First of all it would make sense since he is the famous one but other alternative didn't have to be hotel. We have st ddnt agree on my home. How you know he even would be one paying for a hotel room how you know that's what he did before. You just want to keep being one sided not reading post correct as if I'm looking for money. I don't know how by hooking up w someone would put money in my pocket.
  6. Where you get I wanted money spent in me. I couldn't invite him to my house so you feel as because of that I wanted him to spend 💰 money on me. Wow. I thought post was stating about the hook up not happening because I wasn't home alone. You got out of that I wanted money spent on me. Wow is that the only answer you have. How would money be going to me in my pocket if we decided not to meet at my house. Money didn't even go to me before so I'm confused on your answer. If that's what you got out of that 😂
  7. Who said he had to spend money? So by not going to my house he had to spend money? Is that the only conclusion you have? I didn't know by me not having him at my house that would meant money would be spent on me. Is that the only answer you have lol
  8. I wanted him to spend money because I couldn't bring him to my home. That sound dumb. Where did it say I wanted to go out to dinner or anything? Is that what you got out of post that I wanted something. The post is about us hooking up n not having no where else to go if it wasn't my home and you got out of that I wanted him spend money ney on other things. Wow you got that out the above post.lol
  9. It is he wanted me to ask him to come over. He didn't want to hook up no where but to come to my home. I know how my conversation went with him. He was being cheap.
  10. Yep that sounds about right n good idea. I'll fall back til then. Thanks
  11. Picked him? Maybe I left out we live in same town now and I was already communicating with him.Not sure where you were going with this. I just indicated that for my post should I had left that out or said he just came out few yrs ago🤔. Just a statement and your point is?
  12. Is that what you got out of the post? I don't my post indicated I wanted to go to 5 star. I'm tired repeating my self but since you need help comprehending . I'm shocked that a celebrity couldn't meet with me because I told him I would not be alone at my house. Got that. Let me break it down I said I didn't get why he had come to my house because the last time I met him at a 5 star hotel. You got that. I'm clearly stating that's how we met before. It don't have to be there. I'm staring a celebrity couldn't hook up with me unless he came to my house. Understood was that hard
  13. I was with him already.
  14. Did I say it had to be 5 star? You don't get reason if the post.im staying an entertainer wanted to hook up again and wanted me invite him. Don't know how many ways to say this. I said he asked if I was alone. I said no. I didn't say it was kids I could had room mate but it's mya daughter I ddnt say she was a kid. I said to be a star why couldn't we just meet like before.i mention 5 star cause that's where he was at before.i didn't say I had go back to five star. You make up your own assumptions.
  15. I don't need a sitter for 24 yr old w baby. I said daughter I ddnt say child
  16. Should I had posted same story about same situation and left out he was a well known person. Confused, 😕
  17. No it's you making it ego and I told him it was my daughter. You see like that maybe for whatever reason. I already explained why I posted it
  18. I doubt he have house let a lone a mansion but really nice car. Maybe time to time able go to nice hotel that's it
  19. Oh I see. Was just saying when comes to people in the spotlight I thought that's all they do. I honestly didn't think the even wanna go over to the person house that they had any type of encounter with relationship or just hook up.
  20. If I were bragging I wouldn't of said it was someone from back in the day first if all and second I wouldn't came in here to let everyone know that once he found out I couldn't invite him over he didn't reply back. Don't know how that is bragging 🤷‍♀️ My whole point of the post was about the fact that he's famous he couldn't come out his pocket for a hotel as he did before. That was the reason in sharing that info.
  21. The person was in r& b group in the late 80s til 90s and still touring now. Just toured in March with another famous group.I would say that's yrs. Decades.
  22. But he have money don't they like to brag they have it like that?
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