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Posts posted by GreystripesR

  1. Just a bit of an update. I appreciate everyone’s advice even as harsh as some of them are. They were honest and true.  I totally understand everyone’s point. I just wanted to clarify that. I don’t actually have a need or desire to meet his parents any time soon. To be honest if he used the term flight to get them accept me, they sound like a nightmare and if I were to stay with him, and if we were to progress, I wouldn’t want to be in their lives a lot anyways. It sad because I do have the idea of being accepted by my partner’s family, I never really had much of a strong family unit but trust me it’s something I am use to. I am hurting by some of the comments saying I could be a temporary substitute until he finds. It made me feel gross and angry at myself.  I think I know what I have to do. I just have no idea how I am going to go about it. Thanks again everyone!


    I also wanted to add I am not in a rush to get married, I am not in a rush to even move in with this bf. Of course I love him, we do a lot of things together and he does a lot of things for me. I am still young. I am a traditional girl and yes while I still date for the long term - I don’t want to rush. We both live in the same country and my bf is from a neighbouring country but obvs the family are from elsewhere.


    He has not mentioned what would happen if I am introduced. Just that his family are not interested in gF. His sibling has a partner (not married) and they know of this partner but don’t have an interest of meeting her yet, it’s just not what they do. So I don’t think he would be disowned or anything, he is a man at the end of the day. But they probably wouldn’t be interested or to they would be slightly disappointed. Despite what everyone thinks I do believe he is trying to protect me in a weird twisted way. He knows it would upset me probably and also he doesn’t want his parents to be overshadowing him. But I just need to work out if it is something I am into and I hate to admit I might not be.

  2. Ghost for sure or tell him something that he wont like. Like you are lazy, you have no ambition, you're not my type of person, and I met someone else and I cannot keep doing this with you. So I am leaving. Do not mention the cheating.. It will hurt more than confronting him about cheating. This is obviously not the most "good person" thing to do. But if you're feeling for a bit of revenge then go for it. However, ghosting him is probably the safest option.

  3. If you do not feel comfortable going to friends or family... Do you go to college? College mental health facilities are great support. At least from the country I am from. There are campus, therapists, advisors and psychiatrists. If not do you work? What does your company's metal well being support look like. I am so sorry if none of this helps. But there are people to go to. I am sure there are people in your life that would be so grateful you came to them. If not charities, hospitals, I think people have mentioned these.

  4. I am sorry you are going through this. It hurts to detach from some you love/loved. I think If you are becoming detached it is a sign to end things. Sometimes love isn't enough. You deserve peace and stability in a relationship. I think that maybe you two should call it a day. If you are going to call with him. Just be honest and share how you feel. But very clearly. I think maybe suggesting there is no going back. 

  5. Me and my boyfriend have been together for 2 years. We both come. from very different cultures. For us this has not been an issue. We have been able to work it out and embrace each others identities equally.  He has met my family. We are planning a future together and we are in love. However because of his culture, his family have no idea who I am and that I exist.. He says that he wants to be with me but we have to wait until we are ready to get married. I have always been fine about this because I love him, but now it is starting to sting a little. I don't  know if I can be part of a family like his, a family that might not accept and love me because of my upbringing and culture. He tells me that I am worth it and he will always stand by my side when the time comes and fight but ... I don't know. The painful thing is that I love him. Leaving would not be easy.. He treats me well, invests in me, and we have so many plans.  He doesn't hide me from friends or even siblings. He has said that because of his traditional background I wouldn't be able to be introduced until we marry. I do not want to marry any time soon.  I do not know... The thing is I do not want to meet his family if I would be rejected or judged.. As I said I wouldn't feel comfortable. I have expressed my fears and they upset him. He always reassures me that his family are not enough to stop him from being with me, he just cant introduce me as a girlfriend... I am not sure. He says that my family will not accept him if we ever take our relationship to the next because distant relatives I do not care about or are present in my life have made comments. I said my family (the active members in my life) are really mindful of his upbringing and invite him to stuff. I do not come from a culture where family members would refuse to accept someone I CHOSE to love.  I know I am not the only person going through this. I could really use some advice.. 

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