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Everything posted by sislee20

  1. Thank you so much you gave me alot to think about that had not crossed my mind yet
  2. Always and I mean always follow heart first and for most.. That being Said us as females tend to over think and build a story in our heads and overthink it until we believe What we have built in our head.. I am Speaking from Experience of overthinking. I got so bad with it I had to go see someone to get help with it, dont do that to yourself. secondly always be aware of your Surrounding and pay attention and if you see Something that isn't right you address it. Wish you the best of luck..
  3. Thank you for all insight
  4. we both do not want Marriage at any point.
  5. The kids have brought it up as his daughter enjoys me and my Son him. we do have a good strong relationship and I truly Appreciated an the insight and now see we have alot to Still talk about and waiting another year or so would probably be best.
  6. first and for most you should never Charge who you are for a person. And not talking Major things. Small Changes to build a healthy relationship are key act... Self care, trust building, being more open, fitness. Things like that are key but black carding friends is not healthy for yourself. And anything to do with your past if he truly loves you for you, your past shouldn't matter thats not the Person you are today. Everyone has a past that is what makes us who we are today as long as we are better then we were before. So he should be proud of the person you have become not who you were. And how Many people you have been with before him Shouldn't be a Concern, we call have had Past relationship. It that is a main Concern for him then he has In security issues. And to be honest from what you explained he seems some what Controlling, and that Could be a big red flag. Please remember to be yourself and love who you are today not yesterday...
  7. His daughter is 9 and my son is 8
  8. We have been together a year. We have ha e talked about financial agreements if we did make the move. My lease is up in August of this year. I have met his daughter's mom and they have a strong grounded arrangement and so I do with my sons dad. So we have no concerns there. We both are somewhat comfortable with the current situation but it does drain us sometimes with the running back and forth to his place and mine and vice versa.
  9. I have been dating this guy for about year. He has a daughter and I have son, our kids are the same age. They get along great. We do not live together but spend a lot of time together. Recently we have had small talk about moving in together, more or so I would be moving in with him and his daughter cause I rent a place and he owes his home. Him and I get along great. But we both hate change and over the last year we have met in the middle on a lot things and have made positive changes to our selfs to be good for one another. Now that being said. I am more able to deal with change then he is, his main concern is that he is unsure he would be able to deal with the changes that come with having another kid in the house. He is over worried he wouldnt go about things right and not know how to deal with things. I don't no how to answer these things for him because I also have the same worries when it come to him and us moving in. I know I would be fine with everything it's just him. Any insight on how I should go about it would really helpful.
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