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Everything posted by Sosolici

  1. Hey all, I have been thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend of 4 years for quite some time now. The thing is I just can't do it for some reason maybe I'm just afraid of change. I'm sometimes even wondering if I'm just going through a phase and I'll go back to wanting to be in this relationship again but there are two major things that bug me and I want to know if anyone has felt similar: 1. I feel like he's just very immature sometimes. I'm 20, he's 21 and we're both finishing our degrees right now so very similar but let's say the people that I'm interested in are more around 26ish, have established a name for themselves, a good career path already, a very different humour (this is a big one), obv. different social circles, can plan things and just act more ´adult-like´. I don't know if this is a thing or I'm just being sensitive or irrational for seeing this as a valid reason to break up. 2. I don't enjoy steamy things with him anymore. Whenever he starts something I find it to be more of a task to satisfy him rather than something I felt like doing at that moment. I like some kisses here and there and cuddling but those real make out sessions I used to love so much, I don't enjoy that at all anymore. But I also feel like he has been a lot more loving the last few months which breaks my heart because I used to be the one who was "the loving one" and it hit a cold wall but now he's very lovely and affectionate and I'm just here like no thanks? I've just been going back and forth with the whole break up thing, making pros and cons lists in my head etc etc and I don't really know what I'm doing/what I'm supposed to do. Maybe someone here has some advice, some comment or experiences they can share with me I'm lost Take care y'all
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