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Everything posted by DUMPEDinPA

  1. There is nothing you can do, unfortunately. Once she is done puking, she is just going to want to go to sleep -- maybe even right in the bathroom. She definitely isn't going to want you to see her like this. I am probably your mom's age, and this happened to me one time before -- and it is the last time I ever drank about. It was about 10 years ago and I never want to feel like that ever again. Your mom just went past her limit and she's paying for it now. She may wake up feeling okay tomorrow and go away like she is supposed to. If you need a little time away from her if she doesn't go away, spend some time with your friends. I know it's really really hard to watch your parents act stupid -- they are supposed to be the ones who are there for you when you are stupid.
  2. I am so sorry you are feeling badly tonight. I know it's scary, but they will be okay. Everyone makes mistakes, and I am sure they will realize tomorrow that tonight was a mistake.
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