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Third Wheel

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Posts posted by Third Wheel

  1. Are you trying to gain weight again? Stress can't make you lose weight, but it'll affect your eating habits, so maybe thats it. If you're trying to gain weight again, healthily, make an food diary. Like, count calories, and right down what food you eat. Make sure you drink at least three cups of milk a day, and start taking vitamins (just your everyday adult vitamins), because if you're eating with a deficit, you're probably not getting all the nutrients you need to stay healthy.


    The vein thing...I can see the veins on my hand as well, I've got horribly skinny wrists. But, I think thats just a genetic thing for me. Do you tan? If you do, try getting some sun, its good for ya. Its supposed to help with the making of vitamin D by the skin (or something...I'm not sure...). And, it should help with your vein deal. You should try eating a little bit more food...I mean, like, try having a PB&J every now and than including your meals, and have a little bit more fat in your diet. Not like going out every night and having the most extravagant desserts or anything. But, try healthy fat, like in nuts and avacado's and such.


    THe main thing is keeping track of what ya eat, and what more you should be eating. Are you decently muscled? If not, try working out a bit, just to make sure all the protein you eat is getting used for your body mass, and not just energy. And make sure you are getting enough protein, probably around 50 grams a day, or close to that.


    Dunno if I helped or not, but meh, good luck.

  2. Watch what you eat!


    Try not to eat any fast food, or anything that looks fried. For example, having two tiny donuts at Krispy Kreme has the same number of calories as having a big bowl of oatmeal with a glass of orange juice (which one's more filling?).


    Um...work out wise, I might be wrong, but, if you've worked out one muscle group (anaerobically..like with weights), than avoid working that same muscle group for two days, even if you're not sore at all. Its supposed to give muscle cells time to rebuild.


    Try running a mile every day. Before you go to school, or work, or whatever, take a mile long run. Time yourself, try for under 10 minutes.


    Pick up a sport! I'm a tennis fan, so I play for about an hour every day. Playing tennis for an hour burns around 500-600 calories if you try hard. And its fun. Even if you're not that great at it, you'll get better, and you'll be in shape.


    Um...try to stretch out a lot. Like, make sure you can touch your fingers to your toes with out bending your knees. That kind of stuff helps limber ya out, and helps your posture, so you'll look nicer even if you have a little extra flub.

  3. Actually, ya, it does. Except, I think I have the wrong answers to your questions...


    "Who was the person?

    What was your mood?

    What were you talking about?"


    I was talking to friends, and all of this happened at a party (no alcohol thank you ), and I was feeling pretty alright, having fun and everything. I don't actually remember what we were talking about since my mind kind of flew the coop.


    But, later, when I kind of induced it on myself, in the social obligatory sense (except it was at work ), it makes more sense for it to happen.


    Its really hard to describe to feel being outside myself...Luckily, it happens to other people to, so atleast I can talk to people about it. Is it necessarily a bad thing? It seems to have its uses, so I can tune out and function at obligatory meeting and such, but I don't know...especially with what Juliana said about self-mutilation in order to get back to reality. I don't know...

  4. easy, I know what you mean about the mirror thing. I've looked myself at the mirror before and thought, "Wow, is that really me staring back?" It seemed strange, but I got over it pretty quickly. Mirrors just have that effect on me, and luckily, not just me.


    But, on Saturday, at work (I work with children who have issues, either mentally, at home, in life, or just in general) I was tutoring a young girl and I was trying to teach her and keep her entertained as well. But, trying to hold a real conversation with an eight year old can be a little difficult, and slightly tiresome, and I was a bit sleepy anyways. So, I closed my eyes for a second, and when I started talking to her again, it was like verbal vomit. I was just talking, and I had no idea what I was saying or doing, I was just kind of day dreaming in my own little world for a few minutes, but my body just kept going.


    I'm not on any real drugs, except an Advil every now and than. And, coffee of course.


    Is this actually serious Juliana? I mean, I've never considered self-harm except in joking situations (which I probably shouldn't joke about...).


    I remember years ago, a girl at the end of the school year burst out into tears crying, "I'm a fake!" I remembered that, and wondered, am I not the same person as I'm showing to other people? Am I just acting?


    It's so weird, I can't get over this feeling, like when I'm doing something slightly tedious, or anything thats routine, that I'm standing right behind myself and staring over my shoulder, all the while thinking of something else.


    You guys really know a lot about this stuff. Wow. Depersonalization? Can ya tell me a little bit more? And I've never thought about myself as an existentialist, but dil, when you said you had those moments of "pure being," I might be having a few of those. But, it feels so fake, like I'm a puppet or something that's being strung along by someone else.


    Argh, its kinda freaky.

  5. I'm kind of doing the same thing, except I'm a chocolaholic. I can't go very long with out having cravings...


    But, I'm in a bet to stay off of it until New Year's. My plan has been to simply cut out a little at a time. I went cold turkey on chocolate, but started eating Jelly Beans whenever I had a craving for chocolate.


    So advice wise, I'd say give up a certain type of sweet, such as a chocolate, and whenever you have a chocolate craving, eating something else. I dunno..

  6. This isn't one of those mystical, religious, or even at all important events, its just something that I noticed about myself.


    I was at a school event, and I found myself talking to someone. But, I was kind of seeing and hearing myself talk to her, but it didn't seem like me. I mean, arrgh, I can't put it down in writing...


    It felt like I was watching myself have a conversation with someone else, and I started to think, "I wonder who that is?" I mean, the me that was talking, seemed to keep going, while I sat back and was thinking about other things,. And than I noticed that physically my mouth and body were moving, but it didn't seem like I had any control over it. It was a bit strange, and I was just thinking about it. I mean, its like it wasn't the real me talking and being friendly, but it was someone else.


    Has this happened to anyone? Do you know of any ways to kind of have more control over yourself? I feel like I'm myself at home, but in public, I think I act like someone else, which adds to that out-of-body feel experience.

  7. Hi.


    I'm not doubting you or anything, but how can you eat so little and not lose weight?


    1 pound = 4000 calories (it might be 3500)


    1 gram of fat = 9 calories

    1 gram of protein = 4 calories

    1 gram of carbs = 4 calories


    Most people, on average, burn around 2000 calories per day. If you're an athlete or play a sport, you can usually be around 3000.


    link removed


    Go there and see how much you burn when resting. If you're only at 1000 a day, and you're working out and such, you "should" be losing around 10-15 pounds a month, which is kind of scary. I mean, that's like eating a single Chipotle burrito, and thats all you can eat in a day. Maybe you're drinking lots of fluid? That might be why you're weights the same.


    I think, if you can manage it, find a doctor or a clinic that can measure you're body fat percentage. That'll tell you your lean weight as well, so you can kind of see how much muscle you've got on you. I think girls need fat % of around 20%+. Eat more! Try drinking 3 cups of milk a day. Maybe a few cups of orange juice as well. That's fast and nutritional calories, I think. I dunno, you can find a lot of this kind of info online, by just googling words like calories. ](*,) Food = good for ya! Eat more chocolate!

  8. This Friday morning, I snapped. I don't really know why, I think I woke up late or something, woke up on the wrong side of the bed, but something, and I snapped. I acted horrible, I was punching the wall, kicking the desk, falling on the floor, throwing stuff, it was horrible. I took my alarm clock and threw it accross the room. I even yelled at my parents, and almost hit my own mother. I was yelling, slamming doors, incredibly angry.


    This is the first time anything like this has EVER happened. I don't understand what happened, or why. I mean, it was a blur, and I literally wasn't thinking about my actions. I mean, I've gotten angry before, but that's natural, and I'm usually a laid back person. I never act differently when I'm emotional (just a personal thing, I've always felt that acting on just your emotions shows you're weak, or tempermental) and I try to keep my cool. So, after that morning episode, which lasted a good 20-30 minutes, and than abruptly stopped as I started packing up to leave to go to school. I skipped my first few classes because I was kind of shocked that I'd acted like that..I was mentally fine for the rest of the day though.


    Am I going crazy? I've never thought I had any mental instability before...and its kind of scaring me.


    Background On The Week:


    I had been sick on Monday and Tuesday with a fever for the first time in about 10 years (I just don't get sick...meaning no sick days ). It was nice, I slept practically all day, and than continued school on Wednesday, even though I was still sick with a sore throat. But, it turns out I missed important tests and such, so I had to make up hours and hours worth of work, plus college applications and such, which kept me up late. I had slept 3 hours on Wednesday and Thursday night, and I'd been increasingly stressed for the last two weeks.




    What happens to you're body if you're not sleeping enough? I wasn't physically "sleepy" because I was coffee-powered but I was tired. On Friday, I just found I had no motor skills. I tripped trying to walk up the stairs four times, and I had trouble doing small stuff such as carrying books and getting out of my chair, so I was just wondering why that happened.

  9. heloladies21, I have mentioned a friend I did like in other posts, but that was a different friend.


    To me, A is just a friend, and besides she's dating one of my friends as well. I kind of introduced them and everything. But still thanks, and I don't think I like her as more then a friend, but now that you mentioned it, I'll have to think it over.


    Rose2summer and Coffeegirl824, I've kind of kept thinking about just cutting her out, but everytime I try giving her the cold shoulder back, she'll end up acting extra nice, and I can't help but forgive and forget.


    Honey Pumpkin, I've been doing what you just said for a while now. Like, continually being friendly, because well, thats how I'd want other people to treat me.


    So do I just continue trying to be her friend, and wait it out?


    And is there any chance it was just because of the once-a-month deal?

  10. Okay, I've known this one girl, A, for 1 year now. We've been friends the entire time, and she's one of those extremely happy people. I am too, for the most part, so I guess thats why we get along. But, lately, starting in August, she's been acting weird and moody.


    One week ago, around Thursday, she wouldn't talk to me at all. She'd ignore me completely when I asked her something or tried to start a conversation. Then, Friday (we had a afterschool game), and she had forgotten her shoes, so she couldn't play. She practically cried the entire time, and was depressed, so I thought, hmm, she needs a friend right now, so I tried to be as nice as I could, and tried to make her laugh.


    Well, that night, she sent me an email. She told me she was having one of those days, 1/30. She also said stuff along the lines of "You're one of my best friends, thanks for always cheering me up and being you." This is one of the nicest things she's said to me, and I told her how great she was and such back.


    So, for the past few days, we've been extra close, but today, she ignored me again. I walked up to her and said hi, and she turned around and started talking to someone else. I mean, I'm really talkative, so I'm used to being ignored, but there's atleast a sign of recognition, like a simple "hello." This is the second time so far she's just started ignoring me, and I"m not really too sure what I'm should do. I don't think she should be having one of those mood swings from the once a month days, because well, from what I know, it only happens once a month.


    So, I don't know why she's ignoring me, and I don't really know how I should treat her in return. I really value her friendship, and don't want to lose it, and I'm not sure what I should do. If I give her hte cold shoulder back, I'd feel horrible about myself, because I can't do that the people (I should learn though ). But, I also don't want to keep trying to be friendly if she doesn't even want to talk to me.


    Any ideas why she's got so many mood swings? And should I just kind of wait things out, and continue trying to be friendly?

  11. Well, I've know S for a few years now, and I consider him one of my closer friends. If you got to know him, you'd understand that he had an excellent character, and he was overall a good person. But, well, people don't generally seem to like him in public. I mean, I like hanging out with him after school and such, but he's not the most socially adept person.


    I'm just kind of wondering, am I a horrible friend for thinking this about him? I mean, he's very happy just "being himself," but well, its kind of embarrassing just being seen with him. He annoys most people and well, I've lately been trying to avoid him, and now I'm kind of feeling guilty.



    S is a great person and all, its just that he bugs the hell out of me. S also has a superiority complex deal going on. He also has a horrible habit of butting into private conversations...He doesn't really have an idea for personal space, and manages to get on people's bad sides. And then, I'm stuck on whether to stick up for him, or just let him get whats coming to him. Urgh...he's horrible in public. He also has this superiority complex going on. He thinks he's, as childish as this sounds, tougher/more athletic than I am, and in public, to show off I guess, he'll put me down for it. I mean, I tower over him at 6.2 while he's 5.5 (feet), but I don't really want to embarrass him, since well, he's always been so friendly to me when we're alone.



    Bleh, I feel pretty horrible, because he's been so nice to me (I don't have many friends, and he's continually inviting me places and such). But well, most conversations with him have me thinking, "Why can't he just stop talking?" I'm probably a horrible person, but its been bugging me lately, and I don't know if its worth trying to be friends when I really don't want to. And sometimes, I think he's someone I'm glad thats my friend, so I'm kind of confused.


    Gah...not sure what to do. He's a good, kind person, and I know I could turn to him if I'm in trouble, but, well, I'd rather not be seen with him in public. Am I that bad of a person?

  12. Its okay, you can still make it.


    I think you're first priority might be to get a job and finish college, that way you're not pressured financially. And, it'll help you pass time. Right now, it sounds like you don't want ( or can't) actually go to a college physically, but why not try an online college program. Learning from home and such. I'd say still go to college if you could, because that way you can atleast still be around other people. And it sounds like you're addicted to solo-activities, maybe try limiting how much time ya spend playing games and such. There's nothing wrong with reading a good book though.


    After ya get a job, you'll be in a social situation where you can practice on making just small talk. Like a simple hello, goodbye, etc.


    If you've been depressed that long, maybe medicine might help, like talk with a psychologist about it.


    **Oh, I think I misread your post.**

    K, are you not able to actually learn in college? Like, is there a problem with just studying from a book, or is it because its around other people?


    And if it helps, atleast asking for help is a sign you're trying to improve your life. I think (THINK) that you should visit an actual medical professional about this. If you've been depressed, there might be a chemical imbalance that might be ameliorated by medicine. Maybe after, when you're feeling like you can atleast make small talk, you could join a class at a rec center, like learning tennis. That way you can be around people with out having to say too much. And then, you might be able to slowly start talking more and more.


    Good luck, and don't feel so bad. If ya think of the big (really big) picture, of our place in the universe and such, no one else is any better off then yourself.


    **Ooh, another idea. Try volunteering helping children somehow! That makes everyone feel better. Like at a place that helps mentally handicapped children, or at a day care, or something like that. That way you can always know that atleast you're using your life to help children out, and I know for a fact that getting a hug from a little kid makes everyone feel better.

  13. Well, I think I've kind of temporarily solved me and my Dad's problem. Both of us aren't very good cooped up together, and I decided to go walking with him in the mornings, just to "spend time" with him. I don't even have to talk to him, so it seems to work. And, we haven't fought for over a week now, but I've had to lie a little to him so he wouldn't get on my case.


    I know in any relationship, whether it be family, friends, or romantic, lying isn't very...helpful, but right now for me, it seems to work. And there just white lies...


    z9z, I agree with you completely. God is either on the top of your list, or not on it at all. (either ways fine really) I do believe in God, but, its a cultural difference. And, well, ya gotta understand that things are done differently in other places in the world, and just because ya don't agree, doesn't mean their wrong. So, kind of think of it from my point of view. I do believe in God, but, I praise my parents first, or I'm supposed to atleast. Thats just the way it is, sorry man.


    Thanks guys for the advice.

  14. Even besides atheist, in my culture, and in religious writings and teachings in my family, parents DO come before God. Or a better way to put it, the idea of parents is a manifestation of God, someone who loves you unconditionally, takes care of you, etc.


    z9z, I understand your point and all, but, some people just have different views, which are just as right as you are.


    And, I'm still scared about my dad, its a been about 4 days, and we're still on strained politeness mode. I'm wondering whether or not I should start just lying (white) to stop him from criticizing me. Just so there's no tension. I've never outright lied about whom I'm spending time with before, or what I'm doing, but, thats always caused us to fight...


    So, is that a reasonable idea? I'm not planning on doing anything inappropriate (drugs, drinking, etc), but I just don't like the idea of having to lie to stop fighting with him...

  15. ***Sorry, this post turned out a bit longer then I thought it would***


    I decided to head to a friend's house for the night, just to let us cool down some. I came home a few hours ago, made dinner for both of us (my dad had all the food out --> which I take as a sign that atleast we'll be able to function for the time being, with keeping the house running and such). But, we've gone into strained politeness mode. I haven't talked to him yet, except for small necessary things such as "I'm taking out the trash." I really don't know what to do, he's got a short fuse (thanks robowarrior for the bomb analogy ) but he also cools down pretty quickly. So, I still don't know what to do to try to mend things between us.


    And ya, he's a bit rascist, but I don't think he's planning on changing any time soon. He's nice enough in person to them, but thinks that anyone besides our own ethnicity is a bad influence due to their different respective cultures.


    We do share one common interest, we both are pretty avid tennis players. Not good, but we like it. Except, even when I do play with him, I just seem to get angry. Its just that all the small things about him frustrate me (I know he loves me and my family very much...I think), and same of me to him. Small example, when we play tennis together, he'll continually play out balls, which kind of gets annoying clearly when the point's over.


    I mean, everytime I spend time with him, we end up getting mad at each other, its tough. I'd really rather be on his good side, because he has taken care of me (generally speaking, besides a few bruises and such) and helped me financially with school, and putting me on their car insurance (I think that was my mom's doing though). ITS JUST I CAN'T STAND SPENDING TIME WITH HIM! ](*,)


    I know right now I can go apologize to him, and things will go back to normal, but he won't have changed at all, which I don't think I can handle anymore, so I'm keeping it no contact as much as possible.


    Just to set the record straight, I do believe in God, I just haven't found a religion yet. And, really, in my culture, parents do come first. Moving out really isn't an option, because in the future, I'll be living with them anyways. As in, in my culture, after I'm married, settled down, probably in my thirties (a LONG way to go), my parents will end up coming to live with me, or very close by. Me and my brother will support them when they're older, like they did for us. Its just the way things work in my family. The only way I can actually see moving out is practically disowning my entire family, with whom I'd rather attached to, or atleast parts of it.


    So...I REALLY want to work things out with my dad, but I have no idea how...I feel soon they'll be another fight coming on. We've never made it more then a week without having a yelling match, unless I'm out of town.

  16. I just found my father crying upstairs in his office area. This is his first time actually crying where I could see it, which makes this different from any one of our other fights...


    The thing is, he's never changed before, after we've fought and made up, so we tend to fight about the same stuff. So, I'm not looking forward to apologizing, since I know it won't accomplish anything...


    But about the parents and God comment, my grandmother said it. She's very...VERY religious, so she didn't mean it in any blashephemous way, and I do agree with her to a certain point on that. Your parents are extremely important, they take care of you, work for you, and such, just so you can have a better life. I do agree with that, but, with my dad, i don't really have to opportunity to express that. We fight way too much, and I think this one might have been the biggest one yet, since he's actually crying...


    z9z, that's what I've normally done. Let a day go by or so, giving us both time to calm down, but, this time, he's actually crying, and this time I don't want things to go back being like they used to be.

  17. I'll explain the situation first. Me and my father are living alone right now, with my little brother and mother on a trip (they'll be back in about a week). And, in my house / culture, respect for your elders is up there on the list. As in, my grandmother actually tells me things such as "Your parents are before god."


    Me and my father have our moments of being nice to one another, but more often then not, we're arguing.


    Today, I came home after spending the afternoon with a friend. When I arrive, my father berates me, telling me how I shouldn't be in the car with her. Its not that she's a girl, but she's from a different culture, which is the problem. He's fine if its with other people of the same ethnicity though. When he mentions this, I start arguing. This elevates up until he tells me, "Don't talk to me," and after that I explode. We have a fifteen minute shouting match, both of us yelling and cursing, and when he reaches out to grab my hand, I threw a plate on the floor (it shattered into quite a few pieces, and I cut myself a little, but I didn't want to get into a fist fight with him). After that, I haven't talked to him, and don't really want to.


    I have no idea what to do, I don't really want to apologize to him, because I know he won't change.



  18. Hey, I have a friend kind of like that. Or, I used to.


    You know how she one day will avoid you, and the next, love you. My friend was just like that. Some days she'd be upset with me for no reason, and the next, right as rain. And, I did have a minor crush on her a while back (still do kinda). Not enough to make me "ignore my other friends for her." But, I was kind of a coward about it, and decided to keep quiet about it.


    (P.S. She's also one of those anime freaks. I keep catching her reading a Japanese comic backwards and such, and when I finally asked about it, well, ya, I think it was what you were talking about. Where all the cartoons looked like girls.)


    Well, that was a year ago I made that decision. Now, she's so much better around me. Gone are the mood swing days and such. I'm perfectly happy being just friends with her, and in my opinion, I think that being good friends with her would probably be better then dating her. In fact, tomorrow, we're just planning on hanging out, shooting pool, etc.


    I actually told her this spring that I liked her earlier. We were talking about crushes and such, and it turned out to be no big deal.


    So, my advice, I'd say, wait a while. I guess you guys have been friends for a few years now? Say starting with highschool? Then, well, chances are you still have time with her. I'd say wait, see how just being friends with her goes. If ya still like her, then let her now, after you two have a more confident friendship. And, asking her to a school dance seems like a good idea to me. I mean, just go as friends, but thats a good way to spend time with her.


    Good luck, and sorry, I tend to ramble.

  19. I think...I know what you mean. I'm usually a very happy-go-lucky person, quite talkative and such. But...I kind of started high-school out on uneven footing. I came from a new district, didn't know anyone there, and wasn't in any groups to begin with (such as Orchestra, Band, etc.). So, I kind of ended up with a group of "friends" who I wasn't really friends with. We ate lunch together, and thats about it. I didn't know them, they didn't want to know me, and I wasn't the coolest of kids. And, the people who I did like, as in, they did the stuff I liked, acted like I did, and such, already had their own group, so I was kind of left out. So, I've kind of spent my years and high school trying to make or find friends, but ya, I tend to get forgotten as well.


    I remember last summer, no one contacted me at all from my school friends. And then this year, I finally thought I might have made some genuine friends (just a few, but thats all ya need in life). But, I go for vacation for a month, and when I come back, I've been forgotten. I'm getting kind of used to it now, but I do have some hope for you (as well as me, hopefully).


    I know in college, I'll have the best chances of finding good friends. So, maybe, you will too. You're leaving soon, and, you can forget all about highschool "friends."


    About being ignored though, I've had that problem since forever, since I tend to talk a bit more then I should. I found out that...if you just kind of, stay quiet a little bit more often, people will listen to you when you finally do talk.


    I dunno, I tend to ramble, but good luck.

  20. Well, I don't know how good of a friendship ya have with him, but, I kind of know the that feeling you're talking about. Well, with me, I tend to over-worry about small things, and in your case, being called a "wuss." Like, I start thinking, what if it was my fault, I wonder if they're mad at me, I guess they don't actually like me, and such. But, I kind of realized I do tend to over-worry, and everytime so far, in a few days atleast, I find that it was actually no big deal, and they don't remember it either.


    I did kind of come to a conclusion though, I only worry so much when I'm not too confident in our friendship. With only a spare few other friends do I not worry so much about if we have a little argument.


    About friends like that though, maybe their not being as cruel as ya make them out to be. I know if I insulted someone, I wouldn't think twice about it (like, not that I'm a rude person, but if I meant it as a joke). But, if someone insulted me, it'd take me a while to forget it, but I'll notice the other person will have almost instantly forgot it.


    So maybe, you're just worrying about it a bit too much, and I doubt he actually thinks any less of you then he did before. If he does, then he's most likely not a friend worth having.


    Dunno if that helps, good luck though.

  21. Do you have any mutual good friends? Then, ask if you want to hang out as a group? Go get something to drink, watch a movie, something or other. Well, to keep it a friendly level, and it be just you two, ask her to come over and do something really casual. Like, shoot pool, or play table tennis. I mean, almost treat her like another guy friend, that way she doesn't get any nonexistant signals. And, if you too are really that comfortable together, then you can probably see a movie together with out it being a date. Good luck, and if you can't actually meet up with her, then atleast give her a call, that way you keep in touch.



  22. I know of a couple kind of like you and your boyfriend, but I personally can't relate.


    Jack and Jill have been dating for I think around....two years now? Yea, well, since they started dating, I know they've lost a lot of friends. Like, they only spend time with each other, and since they're always together, they're kind of hard to approach. I was starting to become friends with Jack before he and Jill got together, but after that, they seemed a bit too lovestruck to talk to. So, well, maybe the situation's similar with you and your boyfriend. People might now that you and him are together, so they don't think they can approach you as easily. And, I know plenty of guys that have girls that are just friends, so they might also want to approach you as a friend, but, are afraid to because you're dating.


    So, maybe, try actually getting out there more. Like, try starting a conversation on your own, maybe it'll help, show that you're still friendly, even though you're dating.


    Good luck.

  23. Going into summer break, I was kind of thinking about the same thing. I personally have a trip planned in June, so I was going to get back in touch after I came back in July, and meet up with them to give souvenirs and such. Something along those lines...


    But, like, after school's ended, I like a little bit of stress free, and people free, days, or maybe weeks. Just to relax, and be on my own for a bit. But, try to keep in touch with your really good friends a few days after, and everyone else, try in a few weeks. Like, plan a trip to somewhere (the zoo!) with your close friends a week or so after school. Then, start inviting those other not so close friends with you after a few weeks. I mean, it might just be me, but I like a little bit of time to myself after the school year's over.

  24. I think...in your next message, however the sooner the better, put "the ball in his court." Like, say that you lost his cell number, or if he could send you a picture of ________, maybe to call you the next weekend, or ask him what he wants for his birthday. Something so that he either has to reply or, you'll know he can't keep in touch with you for some reason or another.


    About the Facebook thing, personally, I don't think I could decline someone who asked me to their friends' list, especially since if I knew them as closely as you knew your friend. So, the accepting the friend invite not might have much meaning behind it, so your best bet might be to give a final attempt, and make sure you let him know indirectly he needs to contact you.


    Ooh, another thing. It might be because he's a guy and you're a girl. (right?) I'm pretty sure guys and girls treat friendships differently. I know that if I haven't talked to a guy friend in a while, it won't change much between us. So kind of generally for guys, I think constant contact isn't that big of a deal as it is generally for girls. So, he might not find anything weird about not talking to you for a few weeks, and you might be over thinking about the lack of a response.

  25. Oh lol, iamteddy, they're guys. When I said "with less affection" I was trying to avoid typing "I HATE THOSE SONS OF (astericks)."


    And, wow, thats very strange, unfortunate luck with the Grandpa Cat Fiasco...I tried kind of hard not to let on that I was sad or anything, but everyone seemed to know except the people that I spent the most time with. Carnelian, I think you might be right about the "growing" part. They...are still stuck in about Eight Grade.


    iamteddy, the problem is that they run in the same circle as me...Which makes it so much harder to avoid them. I mean, well, me and another actually decent friend had planned an adventure at Six Flags instead of school one day, but S and R invited themselves in. (we actually cancelled it because of this) Its like, whenever I try to avoid them, they somehow get in the way.


    Its kind of bad that I'm trying to avoid them this much, but I really don't know how to avoid them, since they manage to include themselves in plans.. ](*,)

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