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Posts posted by UTgirl18

  1. I understand how you feel, and i would be pissed if my boyfriend kept canceling our time together to hang out with his friends. I think you both need to sit down and give each other feedback on what you want out of the realationship, why you love each other, and something you wish the other would change. I promise it helps. My boyfriend and i do it occasionally and even though it can hurt sometimes, it helps. Just make sure you dont take all the time away from him and his friends, and if his friends are doing something on a night you and him have plans, let him go and see if you can go with them.

    hope this helps

  2. Hello,

    I am a 17 year old on adderall xr. I got pregnant when i was 16. The good thing about adderall is you dont have to take it. I dont know how severe your add/adhd is but adderall is a med. you can stop taking without any side effects. i suggest you stop taking it at the moment until you see a Dr. Be sure to go ahead and buy vitamins, stay away from caffine, eat lots of veggies, take walks, and get lots of rest. I am more than happy to talk anytime, just email or IM me.

  3. Here is an answer to all your questions -

    First, just tell ur mom that you have been having irregular cycles and that you would like to look into birth control to regulate them. THe only problem is the are other medications besides birth control to regulate your cycles. If your mom has a problem with you being on the pill, then she might ask about that.

    second, Dr.'s are not allowed to tell your parents anything with out your permission first.

    hope this helps!

  4. Here is advise from a girl ---

    I got pregnant when i had just turned 16. It was my first time. Protection was used and we still dont know how it happened. I advise you to wait till your older and can support a child. Dont think that if you use protection or if you pull out, nothing will happen. I am living proof that stuff does happen.

  5. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 1 1/2 years. He is almost 18 and I am freshly 17. About 10 months ago I got pregnant but miscarried soon after telling the parents. Ever since i got pregnant we have been talking about marriage, but put it off after the miscarriage. We have unofficially descided to get engaged after highschool, (we are seniors this year) live together our last year in college, and then get married after graduation. I know i love him, but are we too young? Does age matter if you are madly in love?

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