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Posts posted by Metalicsword

  1. Yes Candy we do still do things that a regular couple does. We hang out not as much as id like since she has been going to school almost every day of the week. But when we do hang out, we have little arguments, but they never lead to anything big. We cuddle, make dinner, do fun stuff. Just not the things that i like to do I guess when it comes down to being alone.

  2. Well, the title pretty much explains the situation. I have been dating my current gf for almost 2 years. The problem is, there is no making out, or foreplay really whatsoever. We dont mess around anymore, its kinda like we decide to have sex, and it happens, then the rest of the day is kinda like hanging out with my best friend. It has been a problem for a while, but it has just been really starting to get to me. I dont know really what to do. I still think that she loves me a little at least. Its weird, but im starting to think that maybe I dont love her anymore.


    Foreplay is no longer existent at all, it has slowly been diminishing. At first we would experiment anything and everything. And of course, the best thing I enjoyed about it, no longer exists, which is giving her oral. I am no longer allowed to do that... makes no sense to me. She says that she just doesnt enjoy being "licked" down there.


    Making out has gone completely out, I havent had a taste of that for almost a year and a half basically.


    I dont really know what to do. I am just kinda looking for peoples opinion on what I should do. I have thinking about ending the relationship with her, but I feel that I would miss her.


    Anyway, thanks.

  3. Thanks for all your guys replies. You pretty much just verified what I have been really considering. I want to pass it by her tho before I break up with her. Its been going on for a while, I dont know why she wouldnt have just said that she didnt want to be together a long time ago. But then again, I think its cause she doesnt want to lose a best friend.

  4. Well, im not a big poster or anything. But I am a guy, and I can try to help you out. Maybe this guy really likes you, and he doesnt want to mess things up with you if you're in a bad mood and he makes you pissed off at him. haha. Most guys are already scared to death of attractive women. Its hard for guys to make that big plunge, and ruin things, cause they are in the "friend zone" or something. Just what I think.

  5. Well, me and my gf have been dating for just over a year. In the beginning we would make out constantly. We would actually go rent movies, just so we could go upstairs and make out. I dont even remember what "Without a Paddle" was about.


    But anyway, it kinda stopped happening, and im starting to miss it. We haven't really made out, had foreplay of any kind for about 6months. I asked her why she doesnt like making out anymore, and she tells me that she doesnt like it, and she really never did. But I remember the first time we made out, how she bragged about how much she liked it. She doesnt really like physical touching either. It kinda upsets me, and I think that could be the reason that I have such trust insecuritys with her. I highly doubt that she would cheat on me, but that cool little devil on my shoulder tells me otherwise.


    It seems this is only a go to dinner, hang out, watch movies, and have sex whenever I can talk her into it, that sounds pathetic, but I feel its true.


    I dont know if maybe she is seeing someone else and im her little f**k buddy on the side. If someone could help me out, that would be fantastic.

  6. Well, its not all about sex, but to never feel like she wants it, it sucks real hard. She is on depo prevara and I used a rubber everytime. Thats not an issue really. Maybe your right, I should just not act like I want to hang out constantly. Maybe she has a new guy, who knows. She has cheated on her bf in the past.

  7. Well, to be frank, there is no sex drive from her. I have to ask anytime I want it, and even then, its not likely to happen. She says that she doesnt like when I ask, but if i dont ask, then it wont happen. In the beginning we used to do it like rabbits. But recently it has kinda faded into a once a week if im lucky kinda thing, and we hang out pretty much everyday, so its seems like a long time. Lol.

  8. I have taken this girl out at least twice a week since we have been dating, about a year. Maybe she is waiting, but why would she even take me back instead of just letting me go? When we first started out, we saw each other every day, and hung out everyday. She just started getting more and more interested in me it seems.

  9. Just recently, I would say two weeks ago, we got off a little break from each other. I told her that we cannot be friends, and either she takes me back, or we dont talk at all. Well two weeks since then, and she hasnt really changed. She still doesnt pick up her phone when I call. She leaves at 8 in the afternoon stating that she has to go to bed early, and she wont call until 10:30 before she goes to bed to say goodnight. To me it seems that she doesnt even enjoy being with me anymore. She never makes plans to be with me. Its kinda like whenever she gets time, she will come see me. If she deep down didnt want to be with me, then why even come off the break? Why not just say that we should no longer talk to each other and move on?


    I have been debating to myself whether I should break it off with her. Some advice would be nice here. Thanks.

  10. My gf wanted a break. I told her that I would rather be friends and be able to be with her instead of being ignored by her. So, thats how we became "just friends." She will still kiss me, and hug me. But, thats all. I dont mind finding another gf to get over her faster. She hurt me by wanting this break and pretty much not even talking to me. She broke my heart very bad, and I would feel no remorse to make her feel bad.

  11. i know what you mean. Its just weird. She comes over every day pretty much, and I can tell deep down that she wants to be with me again, and that she is just putting a cover over everything to seem "hard" so to speak. But, I have been talking with this other girl I have liked since last year before my gf. Not to date, but to get over my old gf.

  12. Well, lately me and my gf have decided to pretty much just be friends. But the weird thing is, when you usually break it off with someone, and become friends, you really dont hang out anymore right? She still comes over a couple times a week, and im just getting mixed signs of what she really wants. It seems she wants to get back together, but deciding that she wants to be friends to see how pathetic I am or something. Littlel help from the ladies here pls?

  13. I have been talking with her recently and she is coming over to talk with me in person since most of this space has been over the phone. I hope that we can work it out, but I am not sure what to say to make her be ok with me again. I told her that I loved her tonight, and she wouldnt say it back. I really hope that she didnt get over me, since its been a growing steady issue, and im wondering if over this time if she has completely run out of love for me. Since im not the one that wanted this break, I am sure this will completely destroy me.

  14. Recently, me and my girlfriend had a pretty big argument. It has been building up ultimately to what happened. We have always had little "nothing" fights, but nothing like now. Well, to start, my girlfriend has always thought that I was only in the relationship to have sex. And another thing led to another, and basically she tells me im a bad bf. She said that we need to have a break. I am wondering what I should do in this situation. Should I ignore her and wait for her call? Should I call and check up on her once a day? I just dont know what to do. If you could help me, it would be appreiciated.

  15. I know what you are going through. I have dated my girlfriend for going on 10 months now. She has had guys before me, that have also "been on top of her." It was very hard to get over it, no matter what anyone tells you, it will be hard. Just over time, it will stop coming to you as much, then basically disappear completely. I think every guy in our situation thinks of this. Its not just you, trust me on that. Hope I could help.

  16. Well, your situation is the best for anything to come in the future. You are both in-experienced, leaving it much more fun to explore with each other. Next time you go in for a kiss, dont be afraid. Open your mouth with hers, but dont add tongue just yet. And, if she inserts hers first its even better for you. Just do that, and see her reaction, and move from there.

  17. If I were you, I wouldnt ask. Cause you never know if it will hurt you or not. That in turn puts you in my place. Where you cant trust them. If I were to change anything in my past, I would have never asked my gf, cause it just hurts. But then again, if your curiosity gets the better of you, then you have to live with whatever it turns out to be. But you might be happy about what you hear. Just be prepared for anything.

    Let me know if it helps.


  18. Hi, I have been dating my gf for almost 6 months now, and I have a big problem. Unfortunately I was not my gfs first person to have sex with. She has had sex with a couple others, one she cheated on with a 23 yr old guy. She was 17 when she did this. She broke up with both of them and it has been almost a year since she was with either of them. And one night I asked the stupidest question ever, I asked her who she thought was cuter, me or the 22 year old guy she was with before. She told me him, but im not sure if it was because she was mad at me for doing something to her in the past that made her upset. But it made me upset because I couldnt believe that she would say him, I think it was because I was so expecting her to say me. But anyway, she works with him, and swears that she hates him now, but for some reason I dont trust her. I dont think that she will cheat on me, but for some reason I keep telling myself that it could happen. It really bothers me cause I think that it might hurt our relationship because I start thinking bad things about us when I do think of this. Does anyone have any advice on how I can stop thinking of my gf being with him or doing anyhing else with him? Thanks alot. David

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